, - a .. tf.it, t Mt.Tiy . THE DAILY NEBRABKAN ' . 0, THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TIIK PHOPIOnTY OF THE UNIVIOttBITY OP N13DRA8KA, Lincoln, Nebraska. PubllHlicd by TUB STUDIONT PUHLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF: Editor 8am R. Duck Managing Editor....... ...A. H. Dlnimore Associate Editor..' F. C. McConnell Assoclato Editor E. O. Graves DU8INE88 STAFF: Manager ' V. C. Hasoall Assistant Manager .'. ..C. C. Buchanan (Circulation Manager J. V. Morrison Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. 8UB8CRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR , Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conta tho Insortlon for ovory fifteen words or fraction thoro of, Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo published frco. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nobrnflka, as second-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congrcus of March 3, 1879. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1911 TO MAKE A FOOTBALL TEAM. Something. Iobb than ono hundred husky Bpoclmona of manhood, a hlgh pricod coach and sovoral thousand studonta and alumni aro now ongaged DRILL 3.50 Why Pay BUDD 1415 , in making a football, toam to ropre sont NobraBka. Our fast littlo managor has slipped a schedule ovor on us that is some thing torriflc, wo boliovo unequalled , in our history, if not in that of any cbllogo. MlnnoBota, Michigan, AmcB, Kansas and Missouri must bo beaten. Five big gamos flvo big toamB, all to bo boaton by littlo old Sylvia Shonka and hor strlpod athlotcs. It is Bomo job, and it will roquiro some team, to pull it, off. Did wo hoar someono Bay wo couldn't? GET THAT GUY! Wo can and wo will. ThlB is no freshwater collego to bo Beared blue in tho faco by th6 sound of some Sport-pago.Lton'a voice. Wo do not Hood tho All-Amorican as do Yalo and narvard, but thoro "havo boon yoars, and not so long ngo oithor, whon tho All-Missouri Valloy would havo looked llko a bUBhol of doughnuts without our Cornfed huBklos. Our Cottons and our Matters, who woro good men for us, but not good enough for Brer Camp, go into tho offoto East and tear tho shoos oft tho All-Amorican boautlps, rip groat holes in tho Ihio, and reap a lino of hull dog typo clear across a doublo sport pago in Boston. Why, thon, should wo doubt that monjust liko them can hold tholr own nnd bottor with any toam tho West can Bond againBt us? Why? Wo havo tho speed; wo havo tho beef and brawn; wo havo tho cool head and tho quick hand. Wo need only NERVE. Pure cold unadulterated NERVE. Wo want to boliovo that no lino littlo own, and that no ono olso can savvy it. That Is a proso statomont of tho foo'lings that should lnsplro ovory Cornhuskor during tho coming Rea son, bo ho team-man, bloachorlto, or bo ho a girl. Mako yourself realize that this 1b NEBRASKA that wo havo a foot ball toam just a littlo bit bottor than anyono olso can show us, and whon wo look back on Iho season of 1911 from boyond tho goal of Thanksgiv ing, our path will resomblo Main stroot, India, just aftor tho passing of tho car of Juggornaut. ' BAKEFV8 CAFE, "tho bost in tho west." Reasons why. Best meats, boat coffoo, modorato pricos. Bost orchestra ovory evening. RU8H WEEK VI8ITOR8. Many old gradB and ox-momberB of tho variouB fraternities havo beon on tho campus during rush wook. Tho moBt prominont aro as fol lows: John Brain, Harold Matters, W. A. Unslckor, Q. Jounad, Harold Bolster, Howard Thomas, Warren Kompton, Carol Boldon, Walter Ken nor, Dale McDonald, E. M. Burnett, A. O. Wheolock, and L. R. Hoggolund, all of Omaha; C. D. Porrln, Hast ings; H. H. Whoolor, Minneapolis; Mark C. Lasch, West Point; Don Hunt, Morgan, Mo.; Ralph Kissing or, Falrflold; E. T. Robinson, Water loo; Stowart Boll, York; P. J. Bock origo, Fairbiiry; George Dolo, Blair; R. E. Woavorling, North Bond; E.'D. MunBon, Aurora; Bob Reddish, Alli ance; B. A. Bowers, Steamboat SprlngB, Colo.; and M. A. Curry, Jofforson City, Mo. SHOES More? 3.50 O STREET CATHOLICS COME TO LINCOLN. National Convention to Be Held In Lincoln This Year. Tho national convention of tho Catholic Studonts' club will bo held in Lincoln this year. This was de cided at tho convention hold at Min neapolis last year. Tho NobraBka society Is ono of tho chapters of a national organiza tion which haB chapters in tho Btato universities and Cathollo academlcB. Thoro woro 150 Catholic students laBt soaBon, and about fifty now stu donts nro oxpocted this year. Tho club Is planning a reception for thoso new studontB to bo hold In tho music room of tho Tomplo, Fri day ovonlng at 8:150. BiBhop Tihon, Congressman Magulro and Fathor Bradloy aro oxpocted to bo guests. Moderate prices, prompt sorvico Mlllor & Paino Tea Room. ALUMNI MEDICS MEET. Second Annual Week to Be Held at Omaha. Tho Alumni Association of tho Col logo of Medicine will hold Its "Second Annual Alumni Wook" In Omaha, Nov. G to 11. Last year sixty alumni woro present. Tho attendance is ox pocted to exceed 150 this year. Tho foronoons will bo given dvor to clinics at tho difforont hospitals. Round-tablo discussions, lectures, and amusomonts will occupy tho after noons and ovenlngs. ;DaInty lunches,' modorato prices Minor & Paino Tea Room. Agents for- UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN The Spalding c- ;j!ker V,. JEWELER Gym Shoes s. s. shean Eloctrlc Shoo Repairing whllo you wait OPTICIAN 1123 OCTREE! YELLOW FRONT . ULuKIVlAll D K U O Your Patronagt Solicited 1I07 O Street i SIMMONS the PRINTER A7 Q.J t r,s?No the us,c EOS81NO Stand tor the Best In SHEET MUSIC Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. ,HitVE I THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK j r r TV! CZ! per cent ,nterest m on dtposlt tL V jt i $L00 Open an Account Qn Ymii 1 minrlii With tho First National Bank, "u Iuur i-aunary 10th nnd 0 Dr. Lehnhoff '97 Has Moved to ing, Rooms 505, 505 and SOT J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 CLEANERS and DYERS C-Mi?r FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South llth St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares any thing at all about his personal appearance knows that only a first-class merchant tailor can furnish the sort of clothes that will give him that look of distinction that a well-grom-ed and well dressed man shows. At 129 So. llth Street the firm of Flqdeen & Brethouwer maintains a large show window that is al ways filled with a line of goods that are equal to the display of any tailoring establishment to be found in the west. The prices quoted on these goods attract attention, and the workmanship and fit is all that could be desired. Here you can buy tailor-made good at hand-me-down prices. WATCH ROR THE NEW FOLSOM Bakery and Cafe 0 We cater to Students trade. 1325 to 1331 N Street FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Wc Want Your Coal Orders. Give Is a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 the. Little Build wmm wmmmmammamammammm Y J&. ' i? can stop us, noback run us down; that football was invented for our C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St, tf Q