THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I h THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TUB I'UOPJQIITY OP TUB UNIVBIIHITY. OF NEDKABKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by TUB BTUDBNT PUHL1CAT1QN DOAnD EDITORIAL STAFF: Editor i in 8am R. Duck Mannalno Editor nA, H. Dlntmore Associate Editor F. C. McConnell Associate Editor E. O. Oravea DU8INE8B 8TAFF1: Manager . V. C. Haicall Assistant Manager C. C. Buchanan Circulation Manager. J. V. Morrison Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00' PERYEAR Payable In A'dvance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1B88. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2098. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 contH the lnaortlon for every fifteen words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul lotlnfl will- gladly bo published free. Entered at tho poHtolllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, an second-class mall matter, under tho Act of CoiiBrcBB of March 3, 1879. TUESDAY, OCT. II,. 1911. Nebraska Is brim full of organlza tioiiH of nil kliula. Thoro aro fraterni ties and BororltloB, debating soelotlea and literary societies; class Bocietios and inter-class Bocietios; in fact, al- L Lt . - & i Si& JsWl s(- . )Al tl L U Tv "T tfi ?p n Tt p- p p p p T TO ALL REPORTERS. I wish to meet nil men who (leBiro to do reporting for Tho NebrnBlmn. Dot ween eleven and twelve - o'clock on Tuesday nnd Wednes- day morning, please come into tho ofllco and get acquainted. A It will bo n gVeat help In the oditorial department if you do UiIb at once. THIS INTERVIEW IS ABSO- LUTBLY NECESSARY IP YOU WANT TO BE CONSIDERED REGULARLY ON THE STAFF. RALPH S. DOUD, City Editor 44444(4444A!l( ?P r Jfi 7 ff f p r p rj rf rj T T HEALTH QUESTION UP AGAIN. State Teachers to Consider Condition of College Students. At tho annual meeting of tho State Tenchors' nssoclntlon In November tho question of inspecting the stu dents of all the Nebraska colleges as to general health, heart, lung and eye troubles, will he resurrected nfter two yenrs of sleop. A resolution recoin monding such Inspection wns unani mously passed at tho inon convention, but was nfterwardB shelved. The res olutions committee consisted of Dean Boss'oy, chairman, and Professors Grumtnann and Orr. Tho question of a general reorgani zation will also come Up before the convention, which meets at Omahn this yoar. The college section 1b in chargo of W. R. Jackson, Btnte food 5.00 4.oo Velvet, Tan, ftLAAA Suede, Pat XhQfiS e. it, Gun UIIUUU Metal, and Satin Button. $2.95 B H 1(1 1413 "o" Our Fall Suit Display is certainly a feast for-the young man who wishes style and durability at a moderate cost. If you want good, reliable clothes at as low a price as good clothes can be sold, come to this store. We'll give you true values and an iron clad guarantee with every gar ment we sell. $12.85 to $25 SPEIER & SIMON WE SAVE YOU MONEY Qor. 10th and O Sts. Lincoln, Neb. moBt evory brand of organization known to colloglato llfo oxcopt aNe brnska Society. All thoBO bodlos nro supposedly nl work for something or other looking townrd tho betterment of somo one or something. As n matter of fact, howovor, all Beom to bo working for thomsolvos. bo far ns nny nppnrent Improvement In general university conditions Is concornud. Why Bhould wo not have nt Ne braska n sort of club, or meeting place, situatod noar the campus, and convenient to all. A refuge for tho hard-pressed gato-Binokors; a rendez vous for those bent on making or keoplng dates; a meeting place for 'Nebraska's most valuablo nssot, her gonornl Btudent body, wherein fra' won and non-.'nit men smokers and abstainers, students and professors might como closer together. It has often been said that Ne braska is lacking in collogo spirit. "Wo contest this, but aro forced to admit that those Instincts and tradi tions that load to tho development of such Intonsoly loyal collogo spirit as Is found at sqmo of tho other great Institutions of 'learning could bo much more highly dovoloped at Nebraska if Bomo such Btudent Utopia as wo have attempted to descrlbo woro available as a contor of student activities. Wo aro too much split up. We lack unity. Our general' organization tends rather to tho fostering of rivalry than of concentric ondeavor for tho collogo as a whole. Such conditions certainly are not to bo desired. We 'should all work first and foremost for Nebraska. Think it over, and tell tho editor .your thoughts, no matter whether you aro "for or fornlnst it." commissioner, and Professors Grum mann and Alexander. Professor Grum mann is chairman of the general divi sion and Prof. Lucilo Eaves is chair man of tho administrative division. "Tho Esontlals of an Arts Education ' will bo discussed by Professors Fling and Gnss. Tho College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South llth St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares anything at all about his personal appearance knows that only a first-class merchant tailor can furnish the sort of clothes that will give him that look of distinction that a well-grom-ed and well dressed man shows. At 129 So. llth Street the firm of Flodeen & JBrethouAvexjnain tains a large show window that is al ways filled with a line of goods that are equal to the display of "anjr tailoring establishment to be found in the west. The prices quoted on these goods attract attention, and the workmanship and fit is all that could be desired. Here you can buy tailor-made good at hand-me-down prices. MANY WOULD DEBATE. Large Squad Registers With Professor Fogg for Tryout. More than twenty-five candidates for positions on Nebraska debating teams have sonified their Intention of trying out l.y registering under Prof. M. M Foyp. ho.d coach. A few cf those ore foniur team men, but tho great majority mc. now to collegi ate debating. Tho list to date Is as follows: A. R. Raymond, C. L. Rein. C. L. Clarke, R. W. Garrett, R. E. Halldorson, Har old J.tBurtIs, '13. Earl M. Cline. Law '111, Clarence L. Couner, Law '13, Earl M. Cllno, Law '13. John L. Outright, M, Clark Dickinson, 'II, F. D. Enfield. Law '14 (Bollovue '10), J". R. Forbes '13, Joseph Goldstein, Law "13, Benja min Harrison, Law 13, T. Jean Har gravo, '12, Bruco B. Johnson. Law 'J.' Homer L. Kyle, 'i3, H. A. Prince, '11, C. S. Radcllffo, '13,- John M. Schwab, '15, J. T. Swan, '14, Wallace Troup. L. A. Welch, and M. F. Wasson. WATCH FOR THE NEW FOLSOM Bakery and Cafe We cater to Students trade. 13:25 to 1331 N Street BAKERS.' CAFE. "The best In west." REASONS WHY: Best meats, best coffee, moderate prices. Best orches tra every evening. fRATERNirifS AND SORORITIES . We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 "JOB PRINTING: THAT"3 ALL" THE HYDE PRINTERY Auto Phone 1841. 1831 P Street. E. B.HYDE LINCOLN, NEBR. i