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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1911)
'!'laWVi!Sy MNMHMWMnM XEbeSDailv IFlebraefeari :i i !. .l : w tvi VOL. XI. NO. 6. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, OCT. 3, 1911. Price 5 Cents. NATION'S EXECUTIVE GUARDED BY CADETS LINE OF MARCH PATROLED BY UNDER CLASSMEN. CFHCERS HAVE CHARGE Of STREETS Fcur Hundred Uniformed University Students Form the President's . Bodyguard. The University cadets, officers and men, wore In tholr glory yesterday when they acted as military guard and escort to Prosldont William H. Taft. At the Burlington station the na tion's chief executlvo was mot by a lotachmont of cadetB who' formed an Aisle between tho train and tho auto mobile which was waiting to tako him to tho hotel. Tho president saluted this company of cadetB. Patroted Streets. Tho cadets' with arras at "shoulder," patroled tho streets during tho entire two hours of tho prosldont's stay In tho city. After tho banquot at tho Lincoln hotel, the presidential parade passed down Ninth str.oot and east on O street, nd aftor taking a round about course, arrived at the Audi torium. All along tho way ho paBBed through streots kept clear by cadot ofllcorB and privates. ' An Amusing Incident. An amusing Incldont occurred at tho Lincoln -hotoL-Corner whqn a ca det officer ordered a dray wagon" To net off of tho Btrcot. Tho wagon was Tbacked up against tho curbing ready to unload a shipment of plumbing supplies, but no effort was bolng made to got rid of tho load, tho wagon liolng filled with anxious men waiting 'to seo tho president from a high posi tion. Tho offlcor, however, sympa thized with thoBO who wore on tho . Tvalk and could not seo through tho -wagon. Orders were spoodlly Issued for all" wagons to bo cleared from tho streets. Tho officer was mot with a refusal. Tho driver did not care to inovo on. But tho officer proved hlm solf master of tho situation and he ordered lilm to move or submit to arrest. It' was tho duty of tho cadets to lceop all onlookers on tho walks. No street cars, wagons' or pedestrians were allowed on tli9 streets during tho passing of tho procession. The men proved themselves to bo excel lent guards. Order Was Perfect. All along. O street order was per fect and no troublo occurred. Tho 9 only time when tho cadets had to ubo force was at Thirteenth and M, just after the president had left the Audi torium. CrowdB of eager men and women swarmed out on to tho streot as if they would follow tho presiden tial auto. They were repelled by the ' -cadets, who were forced to ubo guns and sabres in holding tho mob. Tho disorder was quieted in a fow seconds -with little unnecessary oxcltemont. No other trouble of any sort was reported. WILLIAM H. TAFT BBBBBBBBBBBBb'' ' " rfcfct-KBaSflRBBK JBBBBBBBBSk. JHRr . VfPBBBfeWfBBBBMBV jBBBBBBBBVr ' v - yJBEiBsi BBBBBBW iBBBBBBBVP ' "HAl'BBBBB BBBBBBBBK'ML '"jBBBH qBBBBBBk K 3BBBbV !BBBBBBk BBBBRfPlf' - - HLBbILLBl BBBBBBBBK'4?2V -&- WBBBHBBBBBBHL BBBBBBBBBBrV ' r? iiflBBBHBBBBBBBBft bbbbbbbbbbbbbHvimbbW "JbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk bbbbbbbbbbbbW ' -K ' WWS -?L. tiBBBBl . - r flm K ''Tjk IViBBBBBBH BBBBBBBLHbI&W' JBBBBLbH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHHHVP'Hkt 'BBBBBBBBBBBBB' lBBBBBBBBMM S ''BBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKKwiSi2"jK& '' ''JbBBBBBBBBbV BbWISb bbbbLbV bbbbbWWWhIbbV LARGE NUMBER PLEDGE TO UNMMERNITIES OVER ONE HUNDRED MEN WEAR . GREEK RIBB0N8. SORORITIES ALSO PLEDGE MANY Short Season of Rushing Ends With Unusually Large Number of Pledges. -j PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES JERRY WARNER RETURNS ALL MISSOURI VALLEY QUARTER- BACK-REGISTERS AT LAST. SENIORS MEET THURSDAY HOLMES ONLY CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT MEEKER Shortly after ono o'clock Monday aftornoon a man giving his address as David City, Nebr., and his name as Loon C. Warner, was registered at tho University of Nebraska. This may mean more to uomo of the stu dents when It is disclosed that his nickname la "Jerry." Jerry Warner Las come back to colloge. and that means that Jerry Warner will wear a Cornhuskerfoot oall suit during the coming season Just what further It means will be hard to forecast. Is Second Year. Warnor has been at Nebraska two voars. but played his first 'varsity football last season when ho starred at quarter to such an extent that he was picked for the All-Missouri Val ley. Ho became interested In a farming venture tho past summer, and for a time decided that ho was through with college, but when ho came to Lincoln on a visit recently he found tho call too strong and decided to put on a uniform. ' Out In Suit Warnor was out at practlco last night in his old position, and put tho back-field through its paces in whirl wind fashion. This gives Coach Stiehm tho man to complete what promises to bo a phonomonal back, field, and adds tho last drop to the Cornhuskor cup of joy. Tho Ponlors hold their olectlon next Thursday morning In Memorial Hall. Llttlo IntoreBt 1b bolng aroused over this election since thcro are no op posing candidates. Searlo Holmes, who announced his Intention of try ing for tho big plum ovor a week ago, has as yet been unsuccessful in forc ing out a rival. HolmoB is a graduate of tho Omaha High School and is a member of tho Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Ho Is an Innocent and for several yoars has been a prominent figure In tho stu dent body. Ho is interested in dra matics, having played an important rolo In tho Junior Play of laBt year. Meeker In Hospital. Davo Meeker, who is out for tho Sophomore presidency, has been takon to Saint Ellzaboth's hospital, where ho is recovering from a seri ous illness. His friends expect him to be out in a few days. Cherrlngton Heard From. Ben Chorrlngton, 1911, Phi Kappa PsI, writes from tho University of California, at Berkeley, that ho la woll sotled In his work as secretary of tho University Y. M. C. A. Ho states that although California University is a groat institution, ho longs to bo back at Nebraska. Cherrlngton completed hla academic courso nt Nebraska last June. Aftor ono of tho host spirited yot moBt actlvo rush weeks In tho hlBtory of Nebraska Grookdom, tho fraterni ties announced pledged at noon yos terday. Ovor 100 men wore plodgod, and othor namcB of moro than sovonty flvo co-eds woro published Sunday as having pledged to tho sororities. Alpha Tau Omega. Bruco Mallory, Alllanco; Lloyd Adams, Omaha; Harloy Brown, Lin coln; Chestor Dobbs, Boatrlco; Goorgo Golb, Omaha; Rex Coffoo, Chadron; Clarence Doll, Lona, III. Alpha Theta Chi. Don Enfield, Watorloo; Donald MapeB, Norfolk; Leonard Marshall, Omaha; Donald Howo, Omaha; Earl Taylor, Yates Contor, Kansas. Beta Theta PI. Paxton Stoddard, Lincoln; Horbort Rlggs, Watorloo; RubboII Swift, Har lan, Iowa; Ed Fiolds, Lincoln; Nel son Bowors, Lincoln; Gcorgo Zwln glo, Lincoln; Ralph Doud, Omaha; Warron Howard, Omaha; Jamoa Cal hounrRod Cloud? Clydo-WhltorYork? Windsor Lloyd, Bradshaw; Ralph Bodwoll, Omaha; Walter Klopp, Om aha; Wilson Todd, Omaha. Delta Tau Delta. Blalno Sloan, Gonova; Porter Sloan, Gonova; Goorgo Aldrlch, Lin coln; Ralph Ross, David City; Johu McGurk, David City; Tryon Shoppard, University Place Ulmont Edson, Council Bluffs; H. C. Gollathy, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Delta Upsilon. Bernard Wostovor, Rushville; Ray mond Westovcr, Rushville; Sain Waugh, Lincoln; Victor Vackon, Har lan, Iowa; Claudo Stewart, Laramie, Wyo.; Albert Hoppo, Lincoln; Lovts Thomas, Hobron; William Went worth, Omaha. Kappa Sigma. Gordon Bock, Peru; Harold Tem ple, Lexington; John Ray, Geneva; Edward Pettis, Lincoln; Frank Beg ley, Springflold; Phillip Shorwood, Rod Cloud; Floyd Tunuro, Rod Cloud; Buril Boolo'r, Chicago; Don Bennett, Pawneo City; Kenneth Stionburg, Aurora; George Hoffmels ter, James Burson, Seattle, Wash. Phi Kappa PsI. Phil Southwlck, Lincoln; .Merle Collins,' Lincoln. Phi Delta Theta. '" Victor Halllgan, North Platte; Harry Thomas, University Place; James Hutchlnn, Falls City; Donald (Continued" on Page 3) FRESHMAN RALLY TODAY! 1 .J ? i oil ; VI i i i 1 t