The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1911, Image 4
THE DAILY .NEBRASKAN l. H fl I 11 I, ivi i I fi i .'i l'l 1 COLLEGIATE SPORTS R5 NG G 00 SHAPE Tlio oponltiK of tlio hciihoii but u wook away, MikIh NolmiHlui with un UBtuil HtrutiKtli In Homo places and un certainty in the back Hold. The lino Ih one of tlio boat ma ohlnoH that tho CornhuakorB havo over boaBted. Tho jioHBlblllty of Klllott leaving Hchool may rob Nebraska of a tower of strength In tho center position, but with Hornbergcr and Froltag to do duty there, no trouble should ariso. Plenty of Material. Thero is plenty of other good lino material and Chauuer and Lofgren fill In the ends. Potter, Ernest Frank and Mulligan aro working for tho quarterback honor, all three being good men. Potter 1b tho heaviest of tho three and has a little ndvantago over tho other two because of weight. Ptirdy will take full this y(ear If ho keeps up tho paco ho has set and at tho halves Owen Frank, RusboII and Hacely aro working lmrd. Team Not Yet Picked. Coach Stlehm Is not conceding that any man has won a position as yet. Captain Shonka and Harmon, tho two tackles, are the strongest seated, but in tho backflold changes are liable any time. Tho plan of tho Thursday practice gameB should produco more school spirit, moro Interest In tho team, and bring out bigger crowds than any Idea tried for years. Many Free Games. Tho student body will be admitted freo to tho games and cheer leaders will bo chosen to lead some rooting on each day. The event will bo one ,of the big wookly gatherings of the school. - . . SHINGUARDS Say, Dog Eager, does tho band play at tho games this year? Now really, wo don't wish to appear rude and curious, "But havo you bought that season ticket?" , Feels kind of good to think there 1b a game today to go to. Remember the Joys of football of last year? TIow about getting out sixty or more football gladiators to clear a pathway for tho Prosldont Monday? "Jelly Elliott has not left yet, so there is still hopo In spite of tho obituary notice set in typo about him. Stick with ub, Jolly, we llko you. Tho presB agent for these cross country runners Bays that they aro starting with short distances at first. Does ho call a three and one-half mile run short? Just because tho waiter gives you a sharp knife It's no sign tho meat is tough. Wo're going to havo a good team tills year 'causo wo havo a work er for a coach and lots of good men. Cheer up and como today. From tho efficient manner In which these frat fiends tackle and down un suspecting Freshmen and furnish their Interference while on tho way to pledging goal, why not look anions tho Greeks for some football material. Dainty Junches, moderate prices Miller & Palno Tea Room. - - - i Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. Uth, "JELLY" ELLIOTT MAY LEAVE FOR FAR WEST Nebraska appears to- bo having a run of hard luck in football this year, for now it lookB as if "Jolly" Elliott, ono of tho lot! or men of tho Cornhusk ers, and rolled upon to hold down tho center position with Hornbergcr this fall, may leave school. Elliott has not definitely decided to go as yet, In fnct will not leavo unless absolutely necessary. Ho has an es tablished law practice in Klamath Falls, Oregon, In connection with his uncle, who writes that tho big center is needed thore. Don't Want To Go. "I don't want to leavo unless it Is necesBary, and will probably know within a week," said Elliott Friday. Elliott won his letter In 1909 In tho Denver game, when ho savod the day for tho Cornhuskers by downing the Denver half on tho three-yard lino after ho had passed all tho others of tho NobraskanB. Since then, tho big center has had a warm spot In tho hearts of all Nebraska rooters. Elliott and Hornbergcr It was thought had effectually settled tho "JELLY" ELLIOTT. perplexing question of tho center of the lino this year, but If Elliott leaves it will make fresh worry for hard working Coach Stiehm. Elliott a Wrestler. Besides being tho great football player ho is, Elliott holds tho Missouri Valley conference heavyweight wrest ling championship, which ho won last spring In Minneapolis. Elliott has been three years at Ne braska, two of which ho has been in football. His Iobb would be felt not only by tho football squad, but by his many friends. Stay if you can, Elliott, tho best wishes of all aro with you. OUT FOR CROSS-COUNTRY. Tho call for cross-country men waB anawered' by a largo and enthusiastic turnout. Coach Stlehm, Captain An derson and Swanson of last year's team, Bpoko to tho fellows, t has been arranged bo that squads work at eleven, four and'flvo o'clock. Tho present workout consists of short runs which will be lengthened lir a week or ten days. . vM H V,-ill BK til,'- T f" "fj Rare Drugs Safety Razors Fountain Pens, Etc. Student's lr af'f'J.'J 'fm'Jra1rMfJf. - THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 per cent Interest. pAId-on p"5"8 $1.00 Opens an Account With tho First National Bank, Cor. 10th and O. Gefrtih YOU CAN SUBSCR I be: AX THE "RAG " Ocker Engraving Co. Engraved invitation in 48 hours if necessary Room 316 Brownell Blk. CHORUS R MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 5 P. M. Second Floor of Temple REGISTRATION STILL OPEN. CADETS MAY STILL TRY OUT See MRS. RAYMOND, 4-5 P. M. SHOES If you care what sort of SHOES you wear, Sir, or what you pay for them, we ask for. your consideration Men's C . ROBERTS Subscribe for Visit Our Soda Fountain Huyler Choc, and Bon Bons Hurd's Fine Stationery Lunch 15c 7r rfcfrTisU SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING BNCRAVINC EMBOSSING Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. Walt THE MUSIC MAN Stand for the Best in SHEET MUSIC of MERIT BoQtery 1-4-4 N. 12 Street The Nebraskan ctrT$lyGf r W -x i . !