Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1911)
ma WW? W a r "" , )"&. " j" "a xyrvj " THE DAILY NEBRASKAN at- ; UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS CROWDED TO THE LIMIT (Continued from Pago 1) slblo to And room for all Btudonts. Thoro is a fund of $85,000 at tho disposal of tho Board of Regents for tho erection of now buildings or addi tions on tho University campus. Ge'orgo Bros., printing, engraving, monogram stationery and filing devices. PLAN8 FOR FRESHMEN GIRLS. Special Convocation Tuesday to be for Absolutely All 1915 Co-Eds. Tho Black Masque girls, who havo charge of the Freshmen girls convo cation, aro planning on having an elaborate program. Tho convocation is to bo hold at tho Templo theater and tho theator is to bo decorated. Another feature will bo souvenir book of Nebraska songs, many of which will bo Bung. Miss Ruth Haller is in charge of tho preparations. jCLASEDj:01 FOR SALE Promo film pocket cam ora, 3 by 44; $5. Logan, secre tary's office 1-8 FOUND On campuB, a bunch of keys. Owner call at "Rag" offlco. 1-3 FOUND A kid glovo. Owner identi fy at "Rag" offlco. 1-3 LOST Botweon 12th and R and cam pus, a ring. Iioavo at "Rag offlco. 1-3 FOR SALE Cadet uniforms, cheap. Seo John Uhl. 1-3 Beckman Bros., 1107 O St., do Elec tric Shoo Ropairlng while you wait. Hagonslck's OrcheBtra. Auto 2990. 4-lot 'LOST Waterman Fountain pon on tho campus. Finder return to Rag offlco. 2-3 i . i - - . FOR SALE Dress Suit, good as now. Call 1322 S. Auto 1689. 4-1 LOST A Kappa Alpha Theta pin. Please return to 423 No. 13th. Own er's namo on back. 4-3 FOR SALE Outfit for Zoology I and Parker & HaBwell's Text Book. Burtis, 1528 P. 4-1 FOUND A gold fob near 11th and P streets. Owner may come to Rag offlco and identify. 5-lt MORE SORORITY PLEDQE8 TODAY Girls Who Were Left Out Will Re celve Invitations Today. Many girls did not receive sorority MANY AGRICULTURALISTS. Heavy Registration In College of Agriculture. An analysis of tho recent registra tion in tho College of Agriculture re veals the following statistical regis- BATH ROBES With the New Button Collars $4.00 to $10. FULK FURNISHER and HATTER 1325 O STREET Hats from all over the world for fall wear we have them. English "Scratch-ups" and derbies, Belgian Velours, Aus trian Beavers, American felts. Hats that will fit your head, but also your taste and per sonality $2 to $5. When you pass the store remind yourself to stop and see them that's the way to learn MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre TODAY 2.30 and 8MB Last Opportunity of Seeing The Masterpiece of Moving Pictures DANTE'S INFERNO Mat. 35c to 15c Nights 50c to 16o 8cats Now 8elllng For "MADAME 8HERRY" bids- last Saturday night because of unsatisfactory work or delinquency In their studies. Their disappoint ment haB been dispelled, however, for a new batch of bids woro sent out from Miss Gonklin's offlco last night No now bids will bo allowed to be sent or withdrawn, jxt tor today.. . . MIbs Conklin, when interviewed by a Nobraskan reporter, refused to dis close tho number of bids which woro sent out last night. Tho pledging will commonco at four o'clock this after-noon. Students' special pictures at 75c and $1.75 per dozen, aro tho classy dope. Blazck's Studio, 130G O. Ted Marrlner, cleaner and pressor, is still at 235 No. 11th, Auto 1799. tf tratlon information: Men Freshman '. . 79 Sophomores 37 Juniors . . 23 Seniors 14 Specials 10 Unclassified --17 Women Total 49 27 16 16 13 128 64 39 30 23 17 Total 181 121 302 These figures, of course, do not in clude tho largo number of women in the College of Arts and Sciences who aro majoring in Homo Economics, nor tho still larger numbor who aro tak ing elective work in that department Neither does it include tho men in other colleges who are taking more or less agricultural work. Next to . homo cooking Miller & Palno Tea Room. Try Miller & Paino's Tea Room for lunoh. Afternoon lunches and 5 o'clock tea, at Miller & Paine's, Popular with tho students Miller & Palno Tea Room. A good lunch', priced right, Berved quick Miller & Paine Tea Room. The Home of Sweets Box Candy Our SPECIALTY LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN 1345 O Street vftimiife uwcom-nmt. WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY In our line of PnropblotH, Programs. Monui, Wedding Stationary nnd all kinds or Commercial and HUtlonory Printing Van The Printing Company 128 H. Ulh St. Reliable Prompt Auto 3477 I IllOni U MATINBGS(Rxcept Monday) 3130 UnuULn BVENINOS AT 8jo ORPHEUM KS..a&.. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE THELORCH FAMILY GORDON ELDRID & CO. ABBOTT 61 WHITE MAYBELLE FONDA TROUPE PAT8Y DOYLE WOOD BROTHER8 WIL80N & WILSON BAAQAIN MATINEES 16c & 25c NIQHT8 16c, 25c, 35c and 50c Mmc Lillian NORDICA UYRON WHITRET, E. ttOMAYNE SIMMONS Basso. Pianist. a i i OLIVER THEATRE October 2d SEATS NOW ON SALE Dr. Lehnhoff 97 Has Moved to t)ne Little Build ing, Rooms 505i 50S and SOT Attention to the Opening of Bert Strum's New 8-Chair Barber Shop Most Modern, Sanitary Shop and tho Finost Fixtures West of Chicago Manicuring Cigars. Unl Students Welcome. 110 South 18th St. See the New Fountain Pens at The Co-Op RENT YOUR TYPEWRITER NOW Any Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 The Largest Stock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O STREET 3 i 318 North 11th Street ' A