The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1911, Image 1
,T$dt&fiT'!C - vr- -r-y -.. ZCbe 2atl IFlebtaefean It- ') VOL. XI. NO. 5. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, SEPT, 30, 1911. Price 5 Cents. FIRST 1911 FOOTBALL GAME THIS AFTERNOON VARSITY MEN TO MATCH WITH FRESHMEN TEAM. GOOD fAST PRACTICE HELD FRIDAY Freshmen are Strong and Expect to Give First Team Men a Hard Tussle. CHARLES WILLIAM TAYLOR, '98 Clashing In tho first game of the 1911 football season, Nebraska will meet tho Freshmen team at Nebraska Field this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Today's gamo will bo tho first of a series of practice games to bo played thiB year between tho Freshmen 'and tho Varsity Bquads, tho next ono be ing scheduled for next Thursday. Practice at Nobraska Field Friday night consisted in tho laborious work of drilling hard in signal practice, and thon trying out tho plays against tho second team. Plays wore stopped and gono .over in detail timo and tlmo again- by Coach Stiehm, and at tho end of tho day's work, in a few mo ments' hot scrimmago, tho Cornhusk ors ran off a number of forward passes and quick plays for good gains. Potter a Star. " Pottor played quarter- JErlday -Vdth. Hornborgor at tho center position. Potter's work with tho ball is spoody and sure and when ho gets hiB team working in with tho plays bettor, it looks as. if ho will bo a great suc cess as tho brains of tho olovon. In the game today it is expected that Stiehm will uso almost every player who is now on the first squad, trying thom out thoroughly before bo ginning tho work for final practice next week for tho opening game." Following is tho lineup of the Var sity men who will take part in tho game': Center, Hornborgor, Elliott, Freitag; right guard, Ross, Pearson, Hanzllch; left guard, Stelk, Hornbor gor, Underwood; leTt tackle, Shonki Swapson, Andrews; right tackle, Har ,mon, Anderson, Miller; right , end, Lofgron, "Westover, Elwoll; loft end, Chaunor, Hydo, McKeo; quarter, Pot ter, E: Frank, Mulligan; right half, Frank, Russell, McKinnoy; left half, Owen Frank, Racely, Black; full, Pur dy, Gibson, Cruse. Freshmen are Strong. Assistant Coach Rathbone has worked hard all week with his Fresh men warriors and they make a good stand against tho heavy onslaught of the first eleven. The Freshmen team is going put after that gamo today and will show tho Cornhuskers some real pre-season football. Coach Rattibone's lineup is as fol lows: Center, Allan and Maston; guards, Eworak and Fautts brothers; tackleB, Maston, Stutts, Pitts; ends, Isreal, Delamotor, Beck; quarter, Hawkins, Appol, Howard; halves, Beck, Howard, Hawkins, Mills; full, Beolor, Halllgan. UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS CROWDED TO THE LIMIT CLAS8ES BEING HELD IN BASE MENTS AND ATTIC8. LAW SCHOOL HIT WORST If ALL Chemistry Laboratories Crowded to Overflowing, Botany Moved Out and Chowins Puzzled. Principal Teachers' College High School FRANK KRUSE ANNOUNCED LINCOLN MAN HAS ASPIRATIONS FOR SECOND YEAR CLASS PRESIDENCY. Another Sophomoro presidential candidate has shown up in the per son of Frank KruBO, of Lincoln. His candidaoy was announced last night by some friends, but Kruso could not be located for an interview. Kruso Is a husky football player, who was a star ono year on tho Beat rice high school team and for two years played on tho Lincoln high school winners. Ho was at ono timo a member of a L. H. S. debating squad, and was one of tho most prom inent men in his high school class. Injured In Olympics. Last ,year Kruso was talked of as a candidate, but could not bo persuaded to make tho race. Ho served his class as a member of tho Olympics committee and was, himself, Injured in tho contest, On account of which ho was laid up for several weeks. Kruso mado a good record in the Ivy day meet last year, and is con sidered as good material for future football teams of the University. Ho has been popular in class affairs. Kruse is not a fraternity man. Tho only othor announced candidate is David Meeker, whoso Intention to run waB mado known a few days ago. COACH 8HERWIN TO U8F. ALL EASTERN METHODS. NEW PRINCIPAL AT WORK PROF. CHARLE8 W. TAYLOR HEAD OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS' HIGH 8CHOOL. "If the K. U. squad has no kicker I will develop ono," is the declaration of Ralph W. Sherwln, the new foot- Charles W, Taylor, of tho class of 1898, has succeeded Professor Crocker as principal of the Tomplo High School. In connection with hiB new work ho will also have a class in "School Administration" in tho Teachers' College. Mr. Taylor is regarded as ono of tho ablest school men in tho state. Since leaving tho University ho has had twelve years' experience as super intendent of tho city schools at OhI owa, Geneva and McCook. Ho was president of tho Central No braska Teachers' association and of tho Southwest association. His ap pointment is received with unquali fied approval by school men every where, all recognizing him as being a man of splendid administrative abil ity. Upon graduating from the Red Oak, Iowa, High School, Mr. Taylor en tered tho University of Nebraska, where ho took an active part In stu dent affairs. Ho was a member of tho Interstate Debating team and cor responding secretary of tho Univer sity Y. M. C. A. ball coach at Kansas. Sherwln is a Dartmouth man, who played under tho new rules last year. The now gamo is to punt tho ball and Sherwln will introduce these eastern methods at Kansas. Ho claims that "risks'' at gaining aro what win games. "Every avallablo attic and baBO ment on tho campus us already boon converted into a classroom to rolioro overcrowded condltlonB, so wo ard unable to further remedy tho conges tion, declared Suporintondont ' of Buildings, Grounds and Construction C. E. Chowins. Classes of beginners in tho law col lege are suffering tho most from tho situation. Room 304 in University hall, wherp those olaBBes aro sched uled, boiUb only sixty-Bovon, whoroas there aro over eighty Freshmen Laws enrolled, and tho number 1b apt to increase rather than diminish. A number of ordinary straight chairs have been pressed Into servico, thoro by packing tho room to its full ca pacity, yet it Is evident that when full attondanco becomes tho rulo after this weok's unsettled conditions, standing room will have to bo resorted to. Dean Hastings' Puzzled. Judgo Hastings, dean of tho law col lege, and tho professors of tho department,- have boon trying .tajJolve, tho problem evor sinco tho first classes wore held, but have finally glvon It up to Suporintondont Chowins. Othor classes aBlde from thoso In Freshmen law aro also too largo for their regular quarters. Dr. Bessoy's classes in Botnny I had to bo sched uled in tho Mechanical Engineering building instend of old Nebraska hall on account of insufficient room in tho latter. Official Plumber Ousted. Students who aro curious to know Just why a supply of plumbing pipe and fixtures now occupy the ground north of University hall, will bo In terested in learning that tho Univer sity plumber, with his paraphernalia, was ouBtod from his sanctum in tho basement in order to make room for the Legislative Referenco Bureau. Where to stow tho plumbing material is now a question with the authorities. What to do with tho crowds of chemistry students, that have poured In upon him, Is tho question which is now perplexing Professor Benton Dales, head of tho chemistry depart ment. Chemistry Labs Overflow. Over eight hundred students havo registered in this department. Tho original capacity of tho chemistry buildings allows for only five hun dred and seventy. Last year nearly seven hundred students wero accom modated in ProfosBor Dale's depart ment, but it was crowded to tho limit. With an attendance moro than ono hundred greater than last year, new accommodations will have toxbo pro vided. Notices of the desk arrange ments will be posted Saturday If pos- (Contlnued on Pago 3)