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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
-r7 Wr vw. WyMflHJH(V ? -nwT"- .'TtfT? ".-",' -?, Zhe afl IFlebraefcan k - - UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1911. Price 5 Cents. "f- ? 4 r t r - . s f i m ml VOL. XI. NO. 4. DAVID MEEKER WANTS SOPHOMORE LEADERSHIP 9 MISS MARIE DOUGLAS MAY BE VICE-PRESIDENT. SOPHOMORES HAVE AWAKENED Both Announced Candidates are Prom inent in Class Others Not Yet Heard From. David Meeker, '14, has begun his campaign for the presidency of the Sophomore class. Meeker Is the first second year aspirant to annqunco him self, but the Sophomoro honor is or llnarlly much desired, and other can didates are said to have fond eyes Hxed upon It, Mario Douglas, '14, has boon per suaded to try for the vice-presidency. Prominent In Class. Meeker was a moving factor In the class last year, especially In the Olymplw. He was chairman of the Freshmen hop and made a good rec ord for class activity. Ho is a gradu ate of Wayne high school, and was prominent there in athletics and ora tory. His home Is now at Imperial, lie is a member of Sigma Alpha "Epsllon. Miss Douglas, Too. MIsb Douglas also Is popular In the class, having been a star in several dramatic productions. She Is a mem ber of Alpha Phi. Miss Douglas' home Is In Platts mouth; - - -- - - NTo date has been flxod for tho elec tion, but according to the political dopesters, nothing will bo done until tho. semester is some days further along. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS BEAUTIFIED BY AN EXPERT LANDSCAPE GARDNER-MUCH WORK DONE THIS YEAR KEEN COMPETITION EXPECTED. Professor Fogg Looks for Spirited De bating Tryouts. There Is one department of tho Uni versity which -rerhapB receives the least publicity in the press notices, yet which exerts considerable Influ ence over the destinies of the Uni versity and that Is the Department of Landscape Gardening. This phase of campus life has been developing for three years until at tho present time returning students svero greeted by one of the moBt artis tic and unique college campuses in the United States. Some tlmo ago Regent Copeland, who was traveling In Colorado SprlngB and was impressed by the beauty of tho grounds surrounding the Soldiers' Home received the inspira tion that many possibilities were in 8 to re for the beautlfication' of our own campus. 'Accordingly ho Induced Mr. William Hill Duncan to' come to Ne braska, and secured a. generous ap propriation from the Board of Re gonts to carry on the work. Came From England. Mr. Duncan Is a native of England where ho received his experience ns a gardener at the Sandringham Palace, one of the king'B palaces. Hence he brought with him a conception or royal taste and elegance both of which have been displayed In tho picturesque campus which he has perfected. It will bo conceded that Mr. Dun can has had a dilllcult task to han dle. His lack of familiarity with Ne braska soil and the Irregular sotting and design of tho buildings mado the problem of working out a harmonious Bchemo well nigh impossible. Yet the Impression now received is not only pleasing, but beautiful. In an interview with Dean BoBsey, he is quoted as considering tho No braska campus ono of tho most beau tiful for its size that In his experience he has seen. Farm Campus Also Beautiful. The work of keeping tho campus up I Is carried on by n corps of six men who divide their time between tho city and farm campuses. An appro priation of $5,820 is nllowcd annually to carry on thlB work. At tho time of the original appro priation It will be recalled that con siderable opposition was raised from some sources that the money should be used for equipment. BIG NEW GRANDSTAND NEARINGMMPLETION SPECIAL CENTER 8ECTION HELD FOR CO-ED8. GRIDIRON IS THOROUGHLY UP-TO-DATE Sections of Old Bleacher Grandstand to Be Set Up at Ends to 8eat Crowds. SECOND TEAM TO PLAY PERU WILL JOURNEY TO THE NORMAL SCHOOL STRONGHOLD OCTOBER 7. "Competition for tho honor of rop resenting the University in Intercol legiate debate Is going to bo unusually spirited this year," said Professor M. M. Fogg, who Is In charge of do hate, yesterday. "Thero Is a largo chance for now men to show what they can do for thalr Unlvorslty and the state, ob many of tho experienced debaters will not bo hero again to enter the con test' When tho contestants for forenBlc honors meet next week Jin prelimi nary debate, many new and younger men are expected to appear. The con gest Is open to all students of the University, and those interested may learn particulars from the Intercol legiate, debating bulletin board on tho jflrst floor of University hall. A New Rhetoric Record. Six hundred students aro registered this semester In Rhetoric I. This Is now record for tho department and -will undoubtedly, when all late regis trations .are In, surpass tho greatest possible, hopes of tho Instructors, Field Geology. Class will meet In U .7 next .Satur daySeptember 30th, at, 8 a. m. A 'short field rlp'-wlll be taken Bring notebooks. N,A. BENGTSON. ' Starting. Us football season coinci dental with, the opening of tho sched ule' of tho Varsity eleven, tho second squad Journeys to Peru, Nebraska, October 7, to meet the eleven of tho Peru Normal. And merely from a look at tho weight and speed of that sedond It lookos as if tho "snrubs" might return with a victory to their credit. Assistant Coach Rathbone has put tho scrubs through many a long hour of hard drill, and Coach Stiehm watches the squad closely for a possi bility of one of the new men being developed Into a future star. The result is a speedy squad that will give tho Varsity a good tussle In scrim mage and will worry tho Peru lads much. The only other game scheduled by the second team up to dato Is one with Kearney Normal, November 11. the same team Nebraska has- on for its initial game. AGRICULTURE GONE TO PRESS. State Farm Official Magazine to Be Out Soon. INVITATION TO BE GENERAL. Y. W. C. A. Reception at Governor's Mansion Tomorrow Night. Owing to tho Impossibility of ob taining all the names from the regis trar's office, some of the girls may not receive personal Invitations to the annual reception of the Y. W. C. A., held at the governor's mansion, Sat urday evening, September 30, 1911. All women of the University, how over, whether they receive written in vitations or not, are cordially Invited to bo present The reception commit tee aro working hard to provide the best sort pf a time and Mrs. Aldrlch Is doBlrouslhafa large number attend. The Octobor number of Agriculture, the official organ of tho College of Agriculture, has gone to press and will soon mako Its appearance. "Agriculture" "Was founded and pub lished for eight years by Professor A. E. Davlsson, late -principal of the School of Agrlculturo, In tho namo of tho alumni association of the school. Owing to 111 health, Profqssor Davls son decided to discontinue the publi cation on March first, last. Thereupon tho Agricultural club of tho Univer sity took tho publication upon Its shoulders and made It representative of tho School and College of Agricul ture. The subscription list numbers more than one thousand, and Includes every alumnus of the School and College of Agriculture, and most of tho students and instructors of both schools. The present editor is Otto H. Lie bers, a graduate of the School of Ag riculture and a Junior in tho Univer sity. Tho editorial and business office is located at the University Farm. Nobraska Field improvements aro rapidly ncurlng completion. Accord ing to Manager of Athletics 13. O. Eager, tho now grandstand will soon bo ready to furnish seats to six thou sand spectators, who may watch tho best football toamstho west can pro duce, struggling iljron as pretty a field of fresh green sod ns ever was laid. Manager Eager and a fofco of moa Organ Recital at Convocation. Mrs. Raymond presided over tho organ at convocation Thursday, tho following numbers being offered: Sonate Rogers Allegro con brio. Scherzo. ' Prayer and 'Cradle Song. . .Clulmant Gavotte Martini Meditation ". ," Toccata , Mallly Announcement was made that on next Tuesday a double -"convocation will be. held In the Interest of tho first year students. 1 '!' -' II II p ' Wheeler He,re on Visit. Mason Wheeler, '06, Delta Tau Delta, is visiting his parents In Lin coln. He Is engaged In tho practice of law In New York City, being con nected with anold and established firm. "DOG" EAGER -Nebraska's Graduate Manager. have been at work on tho field all summer, and It begins to take on more of tho appearance of such, a gridiron as a Unlvorslty of Nebraska's rank should possess. ' The Big New" Grandstand. The old open stands along tho north side of the field have 'been torn down, and replaced -by a new grandstand, (Continued on Pago 3) . . , --, 3R .