The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 27, 1911, Image 1

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, . , ,..
'. Vol. X. NoT 151
Price 5 Cents.
Large Crowd 8ees Prize Cups""Pre
.sented to Winners. Woodrow !
' , Wilson Makes- Speech.
JAt yesterday's competitive drill
Company C won the honor of being
the best drilled company. Company
C had a score of 498.25 out df a pos
sible 520, Company I being close on
their heels with 495.9 points. AU
though Company D made the hlghdst
score for its drilling prowess it toolc
longer, in its maneuvers. The points
for speed were so arranged that the
swiftest company got 30 points and
5 were deducted for each place down
-the ladder, This left J) company
without any score for speed to its
credit, 'since it took more time than
any of the others.
Both leading companies were very
speedy in .execution. The following
table shows the exact score of ench
company. .
Company Drill Tlmo Average
C i. 478.26 20 498.25
1 470.9 25 495.9
A 462.2 90 492.2
D 479.85 0 479.85
M 465.4 10 475.4
K ., 451.9 15 466.9
B 448.25 5 453.25
Possible score. For time, 30, for
drill 490, a possible total of 520.
The Individual.
J F6uTmeir" from each Tompany--en
tered the competitive drill for indi
vidual honors. Sergeant Richard Guth
rie of Company C won flrBt place and
Sorgeant Kenneth Warner of Com
pany A second for the individual cup.
Six m'en, Bliss, Epperson, Edison, Al
line, Warner and Guthrie, drilled per
fectly for about five minutes without
anyone falling out. Gradually, how
over, -they began to make breaks and
only Alllno, Warner and Guthrie were
left. Both Captain Yates and Colonel
Kremer endeavored, by giving a rapid
fire of commands to spell one man
down, but all three drilled In perfect
tlmo and executed every move called
for until finally Alllno fell out on a
matter of form. Sergeants Guthrie
and Warner did not take loner to fin
ish the questions, Guthrie standing
the tost better than Warner. The
Judges were officers of the regular
Following the Individual drill, at a
regimental review, Colonel Kremer
and Captain Yates presented to Cap
tain Charles Bennett of Company C
the "Omaha cup" which becomes the
property) of that company for ono
year. The entire company marched
put' of lino to receive it and thence
across the field to tho loft of the 'staff
to roview tho othor companies as thoy
marohed -past. It was the first time
for several years that Company. C haB
received military respects from the
other companlea and marked a tri
umph for Captain Bennett. This is- its
third victory in the history of com
petitive drill.
Bennett proved himself to be a wise
compandor. While some of tho othor
companies were wearing themselves
out In the hot sun that bent down up
on tho drill field Bennett's men woro
lounging In tho shado of some trees,
on the south side of the campus quiet
ly awaiting their turn. Incidentally
they received final orders from tho of
ficers and men were given an oppor
tunity to ask final qestlons. Bennett
put the spirit Into his men. Ho told
them that they could win if they Just
kept cool, and 'they did as he ordered.
All Lincoln Men.
After the com pet and Just before the
review Captain Bennett told his men
that he felt sure they had done tholr
best, thanked them for their loyalty to
him and told them that If they had not
won they Bhould by no means feel
badly. "If wo have won we will glory
In It, but If another company has suc
ceeded let us honor them,'.' he said
just before he marched them into the
battalion line.
Cups were presented to Sergeants
Uuthrle and Warner by Captain Yates
is trophies of their winning' the in
dividual honors. A brother of, Rich
ard, Lieutenant Robert Guthrie of the
regular army, won the individual drill
for iwo consecutive years When he
was in the university. Lieutenant
Ernest Wohle'nberg was presented
with the "Major Bookman cup" for
winding the rifle shoot. All three of
the individual honor men and Captain
Bennett are Lincoln men and are grad
uates of Lincoln high school.
Governor Wilson.
During tho afternoon Governor Wil
son of New Jersey drove onto tho field
In an automobile accompanied by com
mercial club members, to pay his re
spects to tho cadets. Maneuvers wore
ceased for a few minutes to hear a
few words of greeting from Governor
Wilson, in which he complimented
the university upon the soldierly np
pearance of its men.
Dedication ceremonies of tho sou?
venlr program of the senior play to
the most be'autiful coed will tako.
ploce at tho matinee performance this
afternoon nt tho Oliver theater. All
the decorations will be up by this
timo and thoro will be nothig now
added to tho show In tho evening, ox
cept that tho participants may he
more tired. Many have been timid
about buying seats for the afternoon.
evidently thinking tho performance In
the evening will be better. This Is
not, the case. The reverse will likely
be true, if there is any difference.
Students who have not purchased
tickets have been urged to attend 'hi
the afternoon, since It is almoBt im
possible to securo good scats for the
evening performance. Tho seat sale
for the matinee was a little more
brisk fast evening than It had been
at any time previous.
Shirt Waists to be Considered Full
Dress Large Number of
Tickets 8old.
Elects Editorial Staff of Dally Nebras
kan This Afternoon.
The students' publication board will
meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock at
which time an editor of the Nobras
kan will be elected to tako tho placo
of S. O. Cotner, Who has resigned.
A managing editor and two associates
will also be chosen. Those elected
will compose tho staff of the Dally No
brasknn for the first semester of noxi
. err'"
Serpentining back and forth across
the street between Ecven and eight
hundred men formed the annual Com
pany "9" parade last nigjht. The
long lino of ghostly clad marchers- ex
tended several blocks and thousands
or spectators thronged the streets as
It passed. The walks were almost Im
passable for those who followed the
procession. It was only nt limes
the street cars were able to go right
through. ' At no time Was tho delay
great. Order and discipline marked
the whole affair- and there were no
accidents to mar the happiness of the
Bennett Commanding.
At 8 o'clock comnanv "Q" was mar
shaled into lino by the officers of tho
seven companies, Captain Bennett of
Company, C commanding. Tho spec
tral night shirts formed in a long
line nt the armory and thence wound
Its way to the business section of tho
city. The Lyric theater was one
placo visited, and tho half-surprised
audience received tho ghostly proces
sion for sometime, the stage talent
having retired. At Rlggs' bovorages
had been provided to quench tho thirst
Plans for the Pan-Hollonlc Informal
to bo given In tho auditorium Mon
day evening, May 29, arc now com-
plote and the commltteo of tho inter
fraternity council in charge of tho
affair nromlso that tho dance this
year will be 'one of tho best dances.
Tho Pan-Hellenic Is tho animal donco
given by tho fraternity, mon in honor
of their -Greok letter' sisters, and IB by
Immemorial custom, " tho function
which seems most favorable to tho'.
transplanting of fraternity 'pins.
Chnlrmnn Ynlo C. Holland, who n tho
prospects for this year woro under
discussion, blushed delicately, and .
hinted that this mntter had been well
taken enro of by the committee, also,
and that Bultablo retreats would bo
provided for those desirous of culti
vating tho common or garden variety
of frat pin.
According to authorities on such
subjects, however, it may safely bo
predicted that tho third element of
tho equation -will also be present, and
in the vnrious chapter houses, schol
arly sportsmen are quietly laying odds
on one thing and another.
Tho auditorium will bo decorated
lavishly with university colors, and '
plans are being considered for pro
viding Jjoatha-ioctho, accommodation.
of the marchers who were beginning
to get weary.
At the Lincoln hotel the commercial
club had assembled around the ban
quet board In honor of Woodrow Wil
son. All paused and the speaker was
even forced to stop as soon as' the"
yells of Company "Q" filled the cor
ridors. At tho Llndell nnothor hand
out wns provided. The march through
the buildings was somewhat slow this
year owing to the fact that tho Or
phoum had closed for the summor and
there was no engagement on at the
The Last Rites.
When tho marchers had become
tired of tho parade thoy repaired to
tho athletic Jleld where an immense
bon-fire was built. The long file clrt
cled around tho field and gradually
closed up on tho flaming boxes. Yells
and songs were tho order until the
fire had begun to dlo down." Then
what jvas left of tho night shirts wore
given to tho flames and all departed
for home. ' A largo crowd filled the
grandstand and somo had gathered, In
othor quarters of tho1 field to witness
tho last rites of Company "Q."
of tho vnrious sororities and guests,
to assist in tho locating of partners
with moro 'convpnlonce. Tliis lias
seemed necessary on account of tho .
largo number of tickets sold, which
Indicate the presence of an unusually
"big crowfl. ' "
According to tho committee shirt
waists will be considered' full dress '.
for the occasion. Tho dance Is strict
ly Informal In every respect, and there
are no requlromont as to apparel savo
thoso of modesty. Dancing will be
gin at 8 o'clock, and will continue un
til the program of twenty-two dances
Is complete, tho Tuesday after being a
Chancellor and Mrs. Avery and tho
Greek-letter members of tho-faculty
with their wives aro to bo patrons and
patronesses of the ball. The commit
tee in charge Js Yale Holland Victor -Krause,
and Sam R. Buck. Tickets
may be had of any member of tho inter-fraternity
,By nn almost unanimous vote of the
colleges represented in tho I. C.A. L.,
"Bob" Elliott, captain of tho Wabash
collogo. track team, was reinstated in
the league. Elliott had. been declared'
Inellglblo because of having received
bis tuition for Instructing gymnasium
classes last wintbr. It was, only by a
vote of tho colleges in tho lenguo that
ho whb reinstated. DoPauw univer
sity, which was tho first to question
Elllott'a eligibility, waB tho first to
vote for his reinstatement.
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