The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 26, 1911, Image 3

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C. H. Frpy, florist, 1133 0 street.
MIbb .Constance Syford, A. B., '09,
of Lincoln, fellow In English litera
ture, has won a scholarship In Eng
lish at Bryn Mawr for the coming
Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Wanted 15 men to help decorate
Oliver theater for senior play. Apply
to" It. E. Weuverllng, 106 University
hall, 11 o'clock Friday. Three tickets
paid for each worker.
R. O. Warde, barber, Woods, 1206 O.
Miss Grace Coppock, '05, president
of the Y. W. C. A. during her senior
year and now general secretary of the
Y. W. C. A. at Shanghai, China. Is ex
pected to nrrlve In a few dayB on a
ViBlt to her sister, Miss Alpha Whar
ton, '11.
Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P.
The eighth grade of the Bryant
school gave a credltablo concert last
night In the Temple theater. Besides
the chorus numbers, there were solos
by Harry Duboff, .Herbert Schmidt,
George Lessenhop and Pearl Ramplln.
Prof. C. H. Miller sang a bass solo by
request. Tho violin numbers by
Harry Duboff were easily the feature
of tho entertainment.
Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120
No. 11th.
Have your clothes presaed at Web
er'B Sultorium, Eleventh and O. tZ
Lost Sigma Tau fraternity pin,
with owner's name on back. Return
to Rag office.
Lost A screw-cap mottled foun
tain pen. Finder please leave at Ne
braskan office.
Wanted to Buy 'Old gold and silver
Jewelry." C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs,
138 No. 12th St. tf
Before the Pan-Hellenic dance have
your fingernails manicured at tho Lin
coln Hotel Barber Shop. 150-2t
George BroB., 218 South Thirteenth
street, Printers. Calling CardB, In
vites and Programs.
WANTED To rent 10 or 12 cadet
uniforms for tho week after school Is
out. Sizes wanted, 36 to 40. See Ne
braskan manager. 147-5t.
The Athletic Board
and in fact anyone interested in
Panama Hats
Should investigate our unusual
offer of our entire stock of
$6.50, $7.50, $10 hats, choice
Flannel Shirts
$1.50 French Flannel Shirts, sep
arate collars to match cool and
will not shrink (see O st. window)
Rudge & Guenzel Co.
Tho following articles havo boon'
found at one time or another during
the last year and are at present re
posing in tho business manager's
desk. Owners may havo same by
Three watch fobs, ono marked "H"
and ono marked "C. P."
Ono watch chain.
Two key rlngB.
Two cuff buttons.
Two padlocks.
Ono beauty pin, marked "M."
Ono signet ring, marked "B."
Ono white dross glove.
Ono "Harmony" notebook.
One Nebraska hand book.
Ono hat-pin, marked "E."
Ono fountain pen. , 147-5t.
Cornell defeated Pennsylvania In
baseball last Saturday at Philadelphia
by a score of 3 to 2.
THE SECRET Of our success na Boilers of silvor and plated ware is that we
purchase only from manufacturers of established roputation, and wo satisfy our
solves with a profit that any ono would consider fair.
Storling Silvor Tea Sots, $45 to $200, Vases, $5 to 20, Water Sots, $10 to
20, Sot of Toa Spoons, I8.C0 to $10.00
Estb. 1871
1143 O
tOST Thursday, a Kappa Alpha
Theta pin with name of owner on the
back. Return to Nebraskan office.
Ted Marrlnor cleaner, dyer, and
halter, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 4876.
Bell 1609.
Cornhuskers Get your orders In to
Townsend for duplicate photographs
Immediately while the rate 1b on.
Learn touch typewriting without
going to commercial school. We fur
nish university students with a com
plete course In touch typewriting and
rent you any make of typewriter, threo
months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter
Exchange, 1406 O street. it
Tho Waseda baseball team defeated
Monmouth college by tho score of 3
to 2 in fourteen innings.
For tho first time in conference an
nals, Purdue track athletes defeated
the University of Chicago Saturday
in a meet at Chicago by a scoro of
64 to "53.
All members of the Union Literary
society who are going to Miss En
sign's for a good time Friday evening
meet at Thirteenth and O streets to
take tho 5:30 car. Return will bo
made in time to participate in tho
Company Q parade.
Have you seen
It's the shape that all the boy's want. In Oxfords
black and tan
I22Q O Street
is the Money
You Spend
for Clothes in
Our Shop
because we stretch your
dollar over just. twice the
buvincr nower -it -has-' else
where, '
We are making clothes for
a lot oi college men who
want something different
than the ready-made clothier
can secure.
Coats as long as you like
trousers as peggy as you
wish every detail as you
want it in a Scotch Suit.
Ready-mades are for every
body in general our clothes
are made for you in particular-
Original $15 Tailors
Imitator Flatter Us
Auto im Bell 2522
133 South 13th St.
A Famous King
onco disguisod himself as a
laborer so as to loarnwhat his
subjects thought of him.
Our $15 suits aro in a simi
lar disguise.
Tho price wouldn't indicato
the $18 or $20 quality which
they actually possess.
But look beyond tho price
mark and you will soe stylo,
fit and thoroughly dependable
1109 O Street
Oliver Theatre
MON., TUE8. NIGHT8, MAY 29-30
Largest Musical Comedy in the
Follies of 1910
OrlQlnal Jardln de Paris, N. Y.
Cpmpany 75 Anna Held Girls.
Seats Now Selling $2.00 to 50c.
Beginning Monday Evening, May 22
Will be 8een In
" Under the Red Robe "
Adapted from Stanley Weyman'e
Novel, b.y Edward Rose
Evenings at 8J30 16c, 25c, 35c, 50c
Matinees Wed. & 8 at 16c and 25o
Next week -"CHAR LEY'8 AUNT."
See Us Before 6rdoring Elsewhere
Programs, Menus, Announce
ments, Stationery, Booklet! """
128-18U No Nth St.
for Box Lunches open
until mid -night 4
Htrpolshtimar's Gaf
DinaerUt30toJt30 OC rL
Suppef 5t30 to 7iSo stQG '
BotWatlu with Mipl Syrup W