Bailv Iftebrasftan rtfivtmmw- l IHT VoL X, No. 150 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1911. Price 5 Cents. Tbc VJ FIRST CONTINGENT OFF FOR THEVALLEY MEET SPRINTERS AND HURDLERS LEAVE YESTERDAY. STIEHM AND FIELD CO ALONG Barring Accidents, Nebraska Has a . Good Chance of Scoring the Highest Number of Points. Eight men. loft yesterday- for Des Moines, where thoy will compote to day in all the preliminary events to the annual Missouri Valley Confer ence athletic meet. Nino men will leave today, thereby totaling seven teen mon to preservo the 1911 Nebras ka supremacy in track and field con tests. The men who left yesterday are Iteed, May, Christmas, Russell, Pow ers, Ankeny, Qlbson, and Amborson. These comprise the champions of speed and hurdle ovents, Blnce pre liminaries in the dashes and hurdles only will bo held. It is because of tho large number of entries to theso events that elimination is necessary. The preliminaries will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Tho Nebraska men entered in the distance track events and all tho field events who leave for Des Moines today are: Mellck, Bates, Bqcker, Anderson, Nag ley, Black, Munson, Harmon, and Lln Btrum. , Coach Field and all-yoar Coach Stiehm left with the first division yes terday. Dr. Clapp went to Des Moines in advance of both sections In order to be present at some early meetings of tho conference. Nebraska May Win. Nebraska's chances- in tho Missouri Valley meet are all to tho good. -Coach Field, when., questioned con corning tho probable result, replied that the chances were tho "best in tho world" for victory and that tho team was prepared to take advantage of them. Nebraska has taken tho pre caution in this case that Minnesota did previous to the Nebraska-Mlnne-pota dual track meet, namely, two weeks' preparation. Every man, addl" tlonnlly, is in the best of form. Cap tain Reed, who was sick during tho Gopher conflict, Is in tho best condi tion of tho year and anticipated to make one of tho proverbial cleanings in tho 440 and relays. Provided ho and the rest of tho crow run tho sarao race in tho relays that they did two weeks' ago, few conservative followers will squander any money on the pros pects of tho rest of tho valloy aggre gation. Tho track at Des Moines is fellghtly bettor than that on tho Ne braska, field, so that every indication points to one of tho fastest meets in tho history of tho conference. Tho fact that Collins will not compete in ihe weights will probably cut down tho team average. - k AU1IUN IS rntmniunu! i -' A r ,v Seniors Who Would Have Two Skip , Days Now Borrow.,' ' Senjors at the Temple High School .decided yesterday that they would haVe another skip day, Instead of the annual "slouch day," but tho authori ties did not see it that way. A peti tion was sent to tho principal, .put be fore he had time to act upon it twelve of the fifteen students in the graduat ing class) had disappeared. The chan cellor, suspended: those Whd skipped, and, their graduation is doubtful, so it Is said. COMPETITIVE DRILL I00AY AND COMPANY "Q" PARADE TONIGHT The gala day has arrived and UiIb afternoon at 1:30 o'clock tho univer sity regiment will form for tho annual company competitive drill. Many stu dents laBt night were surprised to dis cover that the exercises were going to begin so early in tho afternoon, but such Is the case., The bugle will blow promptly at half past one. Tho company sponsors will bo out on the field as the special guests, In fact, tho queens of tho tourney. It Ib also expected that thoy will be pre sented to the members of the various companies beforo the drill commences, although no official announcement has been made to that effect. Perhaps Company D. For tho Inst two years Company D has won tho compot and many are predicting that with the traditions of the company ns an inspiration the crack company will como out ahead again this year. All of tho other companies are working their hardest, to try to break up this aeries of D company victories. Today's spell down should thoreforo be one of the most closely contested affairs in the history of tho military department. Tho annual company "Q" (shirt tall) parade will come . off tonight, closing tho oxerclses or tho day of celebration. Tho ghostly soldiers will fall In at about 7:30 o'clock at tho east of tho armory and led by tho cap tains of tho winning company no one knows whore all tho lino of march will be. It Is safe to say that some of tho candy stores and soda foun tains will bo visited and that hand outs will bo in order to all of the white robed night howlors. Hideous Hilarity. Strict military discipline will be maintained, while on tho lino of march, but all will give way to tho most hide ous hilarity when the nightshirts are torn In shreds and cast Into the groat camp fire on tho athletic field. Every mon In tho regiment will bo out for tho celebration of tho close of ho strenuous day. Officers and men alike will don tho night caps for tho frolic. Freshmen will bo In their flrBt oscapado of tho kind. It will bo one great grand gorgeous night of fun. YAH DUSEN ELECTED EDITOR HAWLEY, ER6KINE AND SMITH ARE PLACED ON THE PUB LICATION BOARD. At tho Junior class meeting yester day officers for the 1912 Cornhusker were elected. Dana Van Duson was made editor-in-chief of tho book by tho unanimous vote of his class. Ern est Graves was given tho place o'f sehTor managing editor as preferred to Robert Ferguson by, a vote of 53 to 18. R. D Hawley was re-elected to the student publication board as tho unanimous choice of tho juniors. Mr. Hawley has been the representa tive of tho class In this capacity for tho past year. Tho final report from tho junior play was read and showed that there had been profits amounting to $1.04. When tho treasurer had made his cal culations it was discovered that tho general treasury was over $30 In debt and nothing with which to moot the obligations. An assessment of 25 cents per capita was levied on all members of the class. At tho Bophomore class meotlng, L. It. Ersklne was unanimously elect ed as the sophomore member of tho student publication board for the next college year. The dance committee report, read by Chairman Burton Hill, showed that the committee had gone in tho holo 30 cents. The champion ship baseball team manager, L. It. Owen, reported a deficit of $2.00 and the hat was passed to get funds to clear up theso two small debts. The class awarded the right to wear the numerals, "1913," to the members of the baseball team and voted medals for the members of their champion debating teim. The freshman class mot In the Tem ple theater and elected Raymond Smith of Beatrice as their publication board member. There was little ex citement at the first yoar meeting. Tho hop committee reported a deficit Ql $23, which is thought to be small, considering the unfavorabTo circum stances under which tho hop wns hold. Tho class voted to refund the deficit out of tho class treasury, imposing a small levy If necessary. K08MET OFFICERS CH08EN. Opera Orlglnallil By a Nebraskan Is Wanted. At a recent meeting of tho Kosmots the following officers were olected for the first semester of next year: Presi dent, Henry F. Wupder; vice-president, Olenh T. Whltcomb; treasurer, J. F. Mead, and socretary, Burton Hill. Much interest has already been shown regarding the idea of present ing an original opera, and several stu dents and alumni have announced their 'intention to submit original work to tho committee. The Kosmots offer a prize of $75.00 for an original comic opera suitable for their use, It will bo produced either tho latter part of the first semester next year or the first part of the second semester. - Auditorium HELLENIC I WaltV Orchestra THE PAN Tickets $2.00 Last And Largest Informal GHERRINGiON SPEAKS AT ALL-UNIVERSITY RALLY ENQLI8H ' AND POWERS MAKE INTERESTING TALK8. ASSEMBLY CHEERS fOR (OWNS Professor Qrummann Announces That No Classes Will Interfere Next YeaV. In spite of tho exceedingly hot weather, Mjemorlal hall was filled yos torday for tho all-university rally. Tho unlvorslty chorus sang a beautiful numbor. Professor Orummann then opened tho mooting to tho students who asked for speakers thoy wanted to hoar. Owen Frank was called for, but couldn't think of anything in par ticular to say, so was excused. Bon Cherrlngton thon rosponded to demands for his appearance. Ho Bpoko of the Missouri Valley track meet Saturday and aald the students should let tho team know that thoy were behind them and pulling for. vic tory over tho other conference teamri. Mr. Cherrlngton said that tho purpose of the rally being to discuss student problems, ho felt like saying some thing about tho recent agitation in athletics. Ho said that when wrong was being done In athletics or in any other branch of school life, It should be brought to light In a manly and straightforward way. But when tho wrong was kept Bocrot for a year or two and thon brought to light for merely personal reasons that was a different thing. Ho said that Mr. Col lins having thought over tho matter during 1907 and having concluded that it might bo wrong to oven have help In working his way through school, had refused offers of ovory kind since,--Tho students gave three rousing cheers for Collins after Mr. Cherrlng ton had finished his remarks. No Classes Next Year. Horace B, English was called for and made a short talk. WR. Powers spoke for tho track team. Ho said tho team would do Us best and with no hard luck ought to win. Professor Orummann announced that next year the senate had concluded to allow no classes from 11 to 12 a. m. This would allow tho convocation hour free' and tho next half hour free for stu dent meetings. Ho thanked tho stu dents for their appreciation of the en tertainment furnished during thd con vocations this year and said it was the best talent of the city and often of the country. Tho exercises were closed by the singing of "Our Nebraska," led by the chorus. . : COTNER TAKE8 EA8Y GAME. Preachers Prove Too Much for tbe. Outlaws by 11 to 6. . Seemingly unable- to get together, the Outlaws, lost to the Cotnor Uni versity baseball aggregation on Ne braska field yesterday- afternoon. The Cotnerites had lost , the first game Sf the series and came down from4 the hill determined 'to win. Thelr style of play was, altogether too-much" for the locals, who seemed rather listless, j Score by tattings: .,.,.. -" ; RiH.B. Outfaws ?,i 0 6' 0 4"0-T6l5 Cottier i.O'M 3 0-4 1 11-744 jDKiiwdBtt rruuuy, joiwb 'and oUOi; Slddons and Shagool. i . WhC -ii t.v', K1