V ENGINEERING NUMBER (' tf ftbe 2)ailv Bebrashan ! ,' "r Vol. X. No. 149 UNIVERSiTV OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1911. Price 5 Cents. N RESUME OF WORK IN ENGINEERING COLLEGE YEAR HA8 BEEN MARKED MANY ACTIVITIES. BY HEW BUILDING GREATLY HELPS Engineers Achieve Honor in Many Lines Blue Print to Be Out This Week. With the presidents of two classes, membership on most of the important boards in tho college, a colonel, a major, and four captains In the mili tary department, and numerous other honors, the' college of engineering feels that its year's, work 1ms been very successful la general activities as well as in tho class room. A Few Events. No Booner had tho university start ed than the Engineering society, un der the able direction of Arthur Dob son, began a systematic campaign and the result was evident Over ninety new men signed up as associate mem bers. Speakers of note were unusu ally willing to offer their services to the college and many were benefited by" the new ideas and methods out lined in the various fields of tho pro fessions. But the engineers did not stop their activities, their pursuit of knowledge not interfering with the giving of one of the finest dances of the year, held at the Lincoln. This dance was as truly limited as any that has ever been given and advertised as such. Social Activities Marked. No longer is tho engineer easily cHstingulBhedfrjo,m.jJe.Xgg,t of his col lege brethren. - He is now seen In the library, where he talks to the comely maiden with the ease born of long practice. This ho does, of course, only when the librarians are not looking in his direction. He is seen at practically every dance that is given and wears tho dress suit with an aristocratic uncon cern. He is seen In class affairs of a so cial nature, generally being there in greater numbers than any of tho other college men. ' This leaves no room for a doubt that the engineer may not be ablo to absorb a little of the polish and so cial . finesse which more or less is tho mark of the college men and women in general. Building Dedicated. The most Important event of the year to the college was the dedica tion of the new Mechanical Engineer ing Laboratories on January 18. For over eighteen years Dean Richards has striven to build up a department with a suitable housing and course of Instruction. This ho has admirably succeeded in doing by designing tho new laboratories and guiding them through to completion. Degrees of Doctor' of Engineering were conferred upon three prominent engineers in the three great profes sions, civil, electrical, and mechan ical engineering, Dr. J.A. L. Wad dell represented the. first named' vo cation. Dr. Waddell is probably one of the greatest bridge engineers in the world. .His works and experience are of great repute in every country. DsX B. J, Arnold, electrical 'engineer of wide acquaintance, represented his particular line of work. Dr. Arnold's old home is at Ashland in this state. Dr. Mortimer E, Cooley, dean of the college of engineering at Michigan, noted mechanical engineer nnd cor poration arbiter, received the third of the dogrees conferred. Dean W. F, M. Gosb of Illinois de livered tho dedication address in tho evening and Chancellor Avery pre sented the "diplomas." Second Semester Activities. The principal activities of the en gineers In . the last semester have been those of politics military science and publication. Presidents Amber son and Pearse represent tho college in class; CnptaiiiB Bennett, Cain, Forman and Galloway do the samo in drill, folonel Krairier. however. Is the high mogul In that department, (next to the Commandant, tho, two giving Dean Richards a parade and review about two weeks ago. This honor Is seldom accorded a member of the faculty. Tho dean said he didn't realize how many engineers Ihere wore In the regiment until the colonel took him along ihe line. Ho also remarked that Bennett should train his com pany more. He suggested that they would be good ballet dancers, had they tho skill which they showed In executing Butts' Manual to music without commands. Blue Print Comes Out. To conclude this year's work, the annual publication of tho Engineer ing Boclety will make its appearance this week. Replete with matters of Interest to Engineers, and general Items for the perusal of all students who take more or less work in the departments. It is expected to bo a good edition and should command a ready sale among tho students. Conclusion. ' "Summing-up- tho -record made .by the college of engineering during the pasj two Bcmeqters, we note an in crease in fellowship, scholarship and attendance. Wo noto tho presence of many leading engineers among those who have visited the .college. We note tho engineer in athletics, poll tics and practically every school ac tivity worthy of consideration. SEAT SALE LARGE ANNOUNCEMENT THAT PLAY 18 INFORMAL INCREA8E8 DE MAND FOR TICKETS. The announcement of the senior play committee of its decision to make both performances informal next Saturday probably greatly stimu lated the demand for tickets. As a result ofithe first day's sale the great er portion of tho house for" tho even TODAY BASE BALL Nebraska Field "Outlaws" vs. Cotner : 33Q P. M. " ADMISSION 25 CENTS ing performance was sold out and the demand for matinee tickets was also strong. If the prosent demand con tinues until Saturday both perform ances will play to packed houses. There being no Bhows scheduled at the Oliver this week, the decorating committee will havo plenty of time to get all the decorations in place. Work along this line will continue tomorrow evening. COLLINS DISBARRED ELIGIBILITY COMMITTEE I8SUE8 STATEMENT THE ATHLETIC BOARD MEETING. At a meeting of tho oligiblllty com mittee held last evening, tho case of Sidney Collins was discussed and tho following statement authorized by tho committeo states its action: "Evidence was presented to show that Mr. ColilnB had received money during tho season of 1907-1908. Mr. Collins admitted this fact. Tho com mittee has taken action disbarring Mr. Collins from the Missouri Valley track meet at Des Moines next Satur day." It was made plain to tho committoo that the money received was not a recompense for services performed, but only a means of enabling Mr. Col lins to remain in school and give his time to athletics instead of earning his expenses In somo other work. Tho eligibility committee consists of Dr. H. K. Wolfe, ProfesBor Skinner and Ben Cherrington. Professor Cald well of tho athletic board was also present. Clyde E. Elliott appeared as chief witness. John Westovor alBO appeared. C. Sherman of tho Lincoln News was present at the request of the chancellor. Mr. Collins was also present. ' The. new athletic board mot for the first tlmo last-nlght. ProfeBSor...GroYO E. Barber was elected president and Owen Frank, vl6o-presldent. The contract for sodding tho ath letic field was lot No other business of importance was done. ATTEND CONVOCATION. Each Class to Be Represented In the Exercises. Every student should try to attend convocation this morning. This Is the All University rally and each class is to bo represented on the program. After the convocation, the three under classes will have class meetings of importance. North Dakota agricultural college has a peculiar custom in connection with its college declamatory contest, which consists In giving away 1,000 loaves of broad to those attending. ? , .itr .. DIFFERENT MEANINGS OF TERM "ENGINEER" PROFE880R 8CIPIO WRITE8 ARTI CLE OF EXPLANATION. MAY BE PUT INTO TWO (LASSES Difference In Education and the Abll- Ity IfGlyes What the True Engineer la. Popularly speaking, the term "en gineer" Ib a very broad one. It la applied promiscuously to tho man who starts and stops the llttlo gasoline engine, to tho man who runs tho holBting engine on a construction Job, to the man who runs tho traction on glno or locomotive, to tho man who doplgna railway bridges and plans -largo public works, manufacturing -plants, etc. The torms lawyer, physician, chem ist and clergyman suggest to .us men who havo a more or Icbs liberal edu cation, togethor with special prepara tion along their choson line of work and the same thing is true of tho en gineer. Ah a profession, engineering ranks high and our entire industrial system is tho primary rosult of Its activities. The class of men popularly known as engineers should bo divided Into two groups, although it would bo rather difficult to draw tho exact lino of demarcation. One group consists of engineers by trade, hence tho proper torm to apply to this group would bo "artisan"; tho other group consists of men who make engineer ing a profession. We may differenti ate moro clearly by saying that an artisan Ts ono .who, hh? acquired a requisite amount of skill along a defi nite and specialized lino of handi craft whereby he can make a living. The engineer is ono who has acquired a liberal education which fits him for (the highest standard of citizenship and gives him the ability to originate and design public works, also to in vent nnd Improve along mechanical lines. Tho activity of tho former is largely manual, while that . of tho later 1b mental. The engineer, through processes of reasoning and calcula tion, determines upon certain lines of procedure; the artisan takes them up where the engineer leaves off arid carries them out. Tho artisan knows "how" to do a thing, hut the en gineer knows "yvhy" ho docs it We will all agree that tho engineer should know both tho "how" and the "why," but it would be unreasonable, to expect him to master all the man-' ual work auxiliary to engineering. Wo would not expect the engineer to do the work of the machinist or the boiler-maker In the shops, nor to take tho place of the engine driver on the road. There would be two good reasons for this: First, he should' be too valuable a man for that" class of work, and, second, men who have specialized in their lines could do it much better and cheaper. It is not unusual, in fact,, it Is quite common, to find the so-called practical man antagonistic to the real engineer who makes use of theory, but let us tako an example which will illustrate the superiority of the. ono over tho other. Suppose v a machine Is to bo devised in the plant to perform cer tain operations; the manually- Continued on Page 4 ,'