IFlcbraskan K Vol. X. No. 148 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1911. Price 5 Cents. XTbe Haii u COLLINS IS READY TO , UPPEHRJEFORE BOARD STATE8 TO NEBRASKAN REPORT t ER HIS WILLINGNESS. Rft EVIDENCE YET FILED .Eligibility Committee Offers Elliott a l Chance to Prosecute Student Sentiment With Collins. Cotnor 4 to 2 and Cotner has sworn to comb back today. Cotnor Is champion of tho Inter collegiate loaguo of Nebraska and has an excellent toam. They havo been saving their best pitcher to redeem them In this gamo. The Outlaws have been defeated only onco this season, that being by tho Lincoln Western league team. They havo the best material in the university, and Manager Hascall says ho has tho host pitcher tho university has over seen. It will bo a game well worth your money. The admission will bo 25 cents. , The eligibility committee of tho ath letic board will meet tonight In Dr. .Wolf's office. They will receive tho evidence, it there Is any to bo offered agalnBt tho eligibility of Sidney Col lins, who is charged with professional ism by a number of university profes sors and alumni. Tho committee mooting tonight will not bo an open session. Tho commit toe itself has no power to act, but will report Its 'findings to tho athletlo board at a later meeting should a re port seem necessary. Collins Is Ready. Sidney Collins stands ready and willing to assist in preserving tho "good name of Nebraska. Ho stated last night, when called over tho tele phone by a Nebraskan roportor, that ho would be glad to go before tho, proper committee at any time, espe cially since ho felt that athletics In tho university aro deserving of tho best confidence of both faculty and students. Collins will not bo asked to appear before the committee tonight, no evi-, dence having as yet been filed against - him. Ho has been certified as to his qualification to take part In tho Mis souri Valley meet next Saturday. Tho meeting tonight will not bo an Inves tigation of charges, but simply an en deavor on the part of tho committee to see whether or not tho evidence . XocthCQiTllnB' Is sufficient to warrant cancelling Collins entries in The "Sat urday meet. Not an Investigation. It Is in no manner an investigation of tho affair, but Clyde "Elliott, sport ing editor of tho Omaha Dally Bee, has been Invited" by the committee to present the chargo he has been stat ing he would . mako against Collins Although no written charges had been made up to last night, some of tho newspapers havo contained wild stories stating that a charge had been preferred. This Is entirely a mistake. A Nebraskan reporter Interviewed Dr. H. K. Wolfe, chairman of the eligibil ity committee, last night and ho stated that none had as yet been filed, .tout, that Mr. JBlliott had been invited to bring in his evidence at the meet ing tonight. Although, no statements havo offi cially been made, it is the general opinion of students that two univer sity professors and as many alumni of the university are giving thoir at tention to the prosecution of the Col lins ease, but they do not think that all will appear before tho committee. WIN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP NEBRASKA TEAM WIN8 THE MI8- 80URI VALLEY MEET AT KANSAS CITY. grounds as last year. Furthermore, only ono factor may arlso to chango these plans, namely, that tho United States regular army will roach Ash land before tho end of tho weok. In this event, they can proparo to rango for target practice by Saturday morn ing, enabling tho university cadets marksmen to visit Ashland Saturday and complete all Bhootlng. If such a circumstanco should nriso, thero Is Bomo probability that tho camp will bo held In Beatrice tho groundB noted for the "Battlo of Strnwborry Ridge." All camp dues must be paid this week. Thoso can bo paid at tho quar termaster's ofllco between 11 a. m. and '2 p. m., and between 4 p. m. and G p. m. ' PROFESSOR BARBOUR MAKES PLE FOR GIVIGJMPROVEMENT TELL8 OF PARK8 IN MANY CITIE8 OF WORLD, E1NE VIEWS FROM PIIITOS ON TRIPS WEDDING INVITATION8 OUT. Nebraska on last Saturday won tho Missouri Valley tennis championship. The meet was the first one and it Is planned to have ono annually after this. Nebraska, Ames and Kansas had teams entered, Missouri failing to show up. The courts of the Kansas City Athlotlc Club, of Kansas City, Mo., wero used. Tho Nebraska team consisted of Captain Weaverllng, Smith, Goodbody and Tate. These men simply ran away from their opponents. Out of twelve matches, they won eleven. Weaverllng and Smith won their doubles,, as did Goodbody and Tate, leaving tho championship in doubles of the valley to bo decided between the two Nebraska teams. This match will bo pulled off on tho campus courts ono day this week. Goodbody was defeated once in the singles. The other three men won every match. It is said that all played In brilliant form and deserved their victory by better playing. Richard Hargreaves to Marry Qrace Bryan at Falrvlew. Tho marriage of Richard L. Har greaves and Grace Bryan will bo sol emnized Juno 7 at Falrvlow. Mr. Hargreaves is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity and a banquet will bo given by tho fraternity in his honor on Juno 3. Following is tho form of the wedding Invitation: "Mr. and. Mrs. William Jennings Bryan will gfvo In marriage their daughter, Grace Dexter, to Mr. Rich ard Lewis Hargreaves, on Wednes day evening, tho seventh of Juno, at 8 o'clock at Falrvlow. Tjho honor of your presence Is requested," Show Value of Parks and the Kinds That Furnish Best Places for Children's Enjoyment. PLACE NOT YET 8ETTLED. (OTHER HERE TONORRIW I MEETS OUTLAW8JN ONLY GAME OF THE SEASON ON NE BRA8KA FIELD. Sit -for Encampment WUI.P.robably. Be Ashland. Arrangements for departure to tho annual camp aro rapidly being made by tho Military Department of the University, of Nebraska. And be cause of tho extended period of seven days, tho details are much moro com plicated than they havo previously been. Tho place of camp this year has not been definitely settled. This fea ture of tho annual program has prob ably created moro discussion than everything else together. In tho opinion of tho entire student body, the camp location has shifted to near ly every hallowed ground In Nebraska. In all probability, however, tho camp will bo held at Ashland on the same COMPET FRIDAY A Half Holiday for the Annual Mili tary Spelldown, The annual competitive drill of the seven cadet companies will bo hold Friday afternoon on Nobraska field. In addition to tho company contest, an individual spelldown will decide who are tho best drilled men In tho regiment. The company sponsor -will bo specially honored guests of tho day. TnordeT"to Tillow" Till-studonts-to-at- tend the exercises a half holiday has been granted by tho university authorities. GET BOOKS BY 8ATURDAY. Cornhuskers Will Then Be Sold Re gardless. Cornhuskors will probably not be hold- for persons 'who havo ordered them later than Saturday morning. No official announcement has been made by the business manager, but he stated last night that all un claimed copies, If thero wore any such, would be placed on general salo within a few days and probably on Saturday. SENIOR PLAY 10 BE INFORMAL . -GENERAL TICKET SALE TODAY The; only inter-collegiate, baseball 5 gamo -.to be played at Nobraska will come off Thursday at. 3:30 when Cot- nr meets tbe.TJnlverslty Outlaws. . In a ) gaiS(ie Jasi4week the;Outlayrs trimmed . Tl)e senior play committee, at its meeting last night decided to make the play:- Saturday evening informal Tho committee suggested a, formal af fair in tho first place to test tho sen timent in the university. It has been found that tho student body aa a whole is opposed to formality on such occa sions and therefore the change -In the plans, . ,' ,' " Tickets .for the play gobn saletoday at the Oliver. ' Tho time for senior reservations ended yesterday and now the entire student body will have a chance, to got-their seats. The house Is about half sold put About 200 seats have been asked for by subur ban schools like WeBleyan and Cotner. The pi&y is now a finished produc tion. Tho cast has been working very hard, how hard hut. few appreciate, and their" work is said, to be all that a professional company could put on. Professor Barbour mado an ardent plea for civic Improvement In his ad (iresB on Pork Systoms at convocation yesterday moiling. Ho said that every citizen had a duty to porform in making his home and city bettor places to llvo In. Improvements should not bo made for self alone, but for tho benefit of tho community. A very Interesting sot of steroop ticon slides pictured somo of tho places that needed improvements and somo of thoso which would servo as examples of what can bo dono. Somo places In Lincoln wore shown that are a dlsgraco to, the city. Tho out skirts of tho city Is an unsightly dumping ground. Walks and alloys aro, In places, In very bad condition. Professor Barbour said that one of tho main reasons Americans spent so much money In foreign countries was to escape tho dirt and ugliness of somo of tho American cities. Tho peoplo of Lincoln are always running to St. Paul and Minneapolis or pthor cltlos where thero are cool and beau tiful places. .A , , A Six Million Dollar Park. .""" A fine example of parking is given by tho city of Boston. No child In tho city lives moro than half a mllo from somo park. Thero aro many, many playgrounds and athlotlc fields for peoplo to enjoy. On Manhattan Island $6,000,000 has just been spent for nlno acres which will bo parked. .OjyiPJ'-lArgo sums havo been, Bpent in tho past. Tho people " of "New YorkT" havo to have places of recreation and rest no matter what tho cost is. Ono good foaturo of Boston and .other custom cities is its streets, says! Pro fessor Barbour. They aro curved and ono can reach places without long distances around. They break tho monotony. Chicago Is spending $30,000,000 in parks. Ono is to bo twehty-flvo miles long. Washington, D. C, has elegant parks all over the city. The streets here are tho best arranged of any American city. Ono way they run parallel and tho others run diagonal to these. This gives a continual now vista as one reaches a now intersec tion. Attractive Park Plans. In London they have tho polygonal system of parking. No street comes In" contact with the parks and they aro entirely protected. In Moscow tho belt arrangement is used. Tho parks run in concentric rings throughout tho city. .Each is very effective." In one park In London when. Professor Bar'bour was there, 5,000 children wero playing. .There was nothing for mal about the park, which was .what mado It so successful, tuo speaker thought, parks like those of, Louis XIV were notyfluccessfulr as places for re laxation. They were very beautiful, but children couldnlt play on flower beds. The simpler the parks the bet ter. m - , ..,.'-,' L BASEBALL , . OUTLAWS V8. COTNER THURSDAY, 3:30, P. M. X 1 v., '.T '-.; " - ... i'