THE DAILY NEBRABKAN. fl THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TUB PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Publlnhod by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor S. O. COTNER Managing Editor A. H. DINSMORK Associate Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE Assoclato Editor RICHARD MEYER BUSINESS STAFF. Manager V. C. HA8CALL Assistant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. Athletics and Military.. T. J. HARORAVE Bocloty and Personal.. F. C. McCONNELL Nebraska Hall II. C. HOUGH Sciences and Gorman.. E. J. HUBERMAN Engineering II. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural E. H. GRAVES Law A. C. SCHMIDT Library and Unlvorslty Hall.. II. S. HUSE Assistant Roportors V. A. STURM K. S. WHERRY Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. 'SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. NlQht Phones Auto 18?8; Auto 3145$ Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will be charged for at tho rato of 10 'cents th6' IKffertlon for every fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo published freo. Entored at tho postofrico at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1011. Welcome again, Skltloo dny. lng a service to tho university? ' Wc havo wondered all winter why a few men should monopolize the sidewalk at the main entrance to the campus, but this warm weather has seemed to stimulate tho loafers to a greator and more noticeable lack of etiquette. Yes, if it Is anything at all, it 1s a lack of etiquette. Ladies and men of the bet tor sort would rather bo crowded off the sidewalk by a quartette of Temple high school girls, arm in arm, than to bo blown off by tho perfumed breath of these disreputable Impos tors. If the so-called gentlemen, who seom to own the sidewalk, fence, gates, lawn, and in fact tho entire south half of the university campus, could get a picture of themselves as others see them they would be ashamed to look a young lady in the face as she attempts to plow through tho fog. KAPPA8' ANNUAL BANQUET. Did you got a swat in tho joke sec tion of tho CornhuBker? If you did, wo may with proprioty ask what you think of It and whothor or not you havo located tho Joko editor. When you meet him make It an opportunity to c6ngratulatc him on tho originality of tho hit. Thlrtoon picked men of tho Junior claBB havo been solected for member ship in tho Bonlor society, tho Inno- Held at Lincoln Hotel Saturday Night Alumnae Present. Saturday evening Kappa Kappa Gamma held their twenty-Boventh an nual banquet at the Lincoln hotel. Tho table was in tho form of a tri angle with a floral "Sigma" formed of fleur-de-lis and fern in the center. Tho fleur-de-lis was also prominent in the table decoration and on tho place cards. Miss Ruth Baker was toast mistress and presided over tho fol lowing program. "Pity, His True," Ruth Baker. "Children of the Mist," Helen Shedd. "Through Old Rose Glasses," Dellla Ladd. "Tho Dream Ship." Laura Smith. "The Primrose Path," Llda Axtell Poynter. "By the Roadside." Mrs. W. L. Ste phens. "Aftermath," Florence Riddell. "Auf Wiedersehen," Maude Birkby. Tho following alumnae came to Lin coln for the banquet: Bettey Tennoy, Omaha; Mrs. H. 71. Brainerd, Coun cil BluffB; Theo Hansen, Fairbury; Florence Riddell. Strawberry Hill, la.; Otis Hassler, Wahoo; Eva Casey, sessment and wfteh to procure a J-e-. ceipt may do so later in tho after noon. Reservations for those holding receipts do not have to be made per sonally. General ticket sale starts Wednes day morning at 9 o'clock. Notice. Tho following articles have been found at one time or another during tho last year and aro at present re posing in the business manager's desk Owners may have same by identifying. Threo watch fobs, one marked "II" and one marked "C. P." One watch chain. Two key rings. Two cuff buttons. Two padlocks. One beauty pin, marked "M." Ono' Blgnet ring, marked "B." One white dress glove. Ono "Harmony" notebook. One Nebraska hand book. Ono hat-pin, marked "E." Ono fountain pen. 147-5L Guy Atchison, well known student at the university, is narrating a string of accidents that befell him Saturday. It seems, that Guy is tho proud posses sor of an extra double proof, steen horsepower motor cycle. In taking a little Joy ride in the country about Cortland he was overtaken by a ter rific rain storm and obliged to aban don his bi-cycular contraption and take to the woods. Ho came back to Lin coln via the steam cars. GIRLS--! $1.95 I HAVE about 2,000 pairs of the classiest Shoes you ever saw that I will sell at .... . Because the lines are broken. Also oodles of white ones both high and low. BUDD-I4I3 0 Up Stairs Cornhuskers Get your orders in to Townsond for duplicate photographs immediately while the rate is on. 144-5L EMERY Shirts hnvA Rt.v1 They are in demand by mmu. yvnu pnut; tnemseives on being correct in every aeiau 01 tneir apparel. Superior in fit, finish and material. The newest patterns have just arrived we have one to suit your individual taste. SPEIER & SIMON H. E. Cor. lOth and 0. JUST RECEIVED A fresh shipmont of Huyler's & Whittman's fino candies Meier Drug Co. 13th nnd O Street. nnntn. Thnv wnrn p.hnnnn not. bncnilBO l of political "pull" and not because of fraternal or social aillllutlons, but rather becauso they aro key men in tho University and are leaders in our college affairs. They aro worthy of tho honor that has been given -them. Theso men are boosters. They have been loyal to their university and are deserving not only of your congratula tions and respect, but also of your moral support in the many plans which they may make for a better Ne braska spirit. For ono more time wo must ask this Impertinent question: "Why that cloud of smoke?" Can It bo that the men who take an hourly puff at the front gate feel that they wo perform- Florence Harford, and Corinno White, Ashland. An informal dancing party was given by the sorority Friday evening in Walsh Hall. Seniors. Your reservations for tho senior play must bo made, today. Tho plan Is as follows: Each senior, or a rep resentative with the-two dollar re colpt, Is to be at tho Oliver today at ono o'clock. Those holding receipts will be given opportunity to make res ervations in the order In which tho assessment was paid. Each receipt Is marked with Its serial number. Each ono should bo there to take the prop er place in line. Seniors who have not paid the as- The Spots Won't Come Back If Cleaned at Mill Brick Ice Cream Fancy Punches Put Up For Parties Box Lunches Our Specialty The Folsom 1307 O Street. BASE BALL Nebrap&a Field "Outlaws" vs. Cotner Thursday, May 25 3:30 P. M. ADMISSION 25 CENTS EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS GeJhlf ciT7la Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge Tin Oreat Silt Water Swlnnlng ftrt HOURS i Ladles, Mornings Hxoept Sudan. Gentlemen. Afternoons and Krenlnxs. Lum and Gentlemen, Monday and Jfrlday Irtnli 1411 utf M Striiii. Spiclil PirtlM knupi Ht ', "