THE DAILY NEBRASKAN BETTER GLAD NOW THAN SORRY LATTER CAMPUS GLEANINGS Classified Column 4-- IV I! All - C. H; Froy, florist, 1133 O street, Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. R. O. Warde, barbor, Woods, 120G O. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Suitorlum, Eleventh and O. tl George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. Ted Marrlnor cleaner, dyer, and hatter, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 4876, Bell 1609. Learn touch typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university students with a com plete course in touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, three months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf Before the lnrgest crowd of tho sea son the prize ball team of Beta Thota PI went down to defeat at tho hands of tho Dolta Uipsllons yesterday on tho athlotlc field. The game was ex citing from start to finish the final score being 6 to 5. Several startling plays were pulled off, both teams smiting the pill for many hits. Bat teries for Bota: Underwood and Kis singer; for D. U., Rodman and Rus sel. Umpire, Sam Buck. P. J. O'Gara, '02, of tho United States department of agriculture is at present etatloned in Oregon, where he is employed by the Rogue River Val ley Fruit association as the export in charge of tho protection of tho fruit. Mr. O'Gara recently waged a success ful campaign, against the frost that threatened to destroy the budding crop. Tho frost was averted by means of thousands of open pots, burning crude oil, that wore placed throughout the orchards. Thousands of dollars were saved tho fruit growers by these means. Mr. O'Gara's Balary, $7,500 per year, is remarkable in view of tho few yoare that he has been out of school. Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless. paid in advance, at the rate of 10 Cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three inser tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. FOR 8ALE. For Sale A good kitchen range; noarly new; cheap. See Nebraskan manager. tf For Sale Due bill on leading pho tographer In Lincoln. See Nebraskan manager. tf WANTED. Wanted to Buy Old gold and sliver Jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. tf L08T. LOST Thursday, a Kappa Alpha Theta pin with name of owner on the back. Return to Nebraskan office. Lost Sigma Tau fraternity pin, with owner's namo on. back. Return to Rag office. LOST Largo sized notebook with semester's class notes at Antelope park. Return to Nebraskan office. 145-3t. An important meeting of the Junior class was called yesterday at 11:30 for tho purpose of electing tho editor-in-chief and sonior managing editor of tho 1912 Cornhuskor. Somo twonty juniors responded to tho call and at tended tho meeting. On account of tho few voters present President Pearse Baw fit to postpone tho meet ing and the date was sot for a week from yesterday. It is to bo hoped that tho class will turn out in strongpr numbers on that dato to attend one of tho most Important meetings of the year. NOW THE STRAW HATS FULK FURNISHER AND HATTER SHIRTS 1 325 O STREET AND THE SOfT Notice. In accordance with the rule of the student publication board requiring the secretary thereof to fix the hour and the placo of meeting for the elec tion of student members of tho student publication board, I have designated Thursday, May 25, at the conclusion of tho all university rally, about 11:30 a. m., as the time for holding said elections. The Junior class will meet in music hall in tho Temple, the soph omore class In Memorial hall, the freshman class In tho Temple theater. A. A. REED, 144-6t Secretary. MRS. BE8SEY DIE8. Nebraska Professor on Way to Oberlln to Attend Funeral. Dean C. E. Bessoy left yesterday for Oberlln, Ohio, In response to a tele gram announcing the death of 'his mother. Mrs. Bessoy was 86 years of age on May 16th and her death came Just one day after her birthday an niversary. The funeral will bo hold on Saturday at Oberlln and Dr. Bessoy hopes to get back to Lincoln early In the week. Botany lectures will go given during his absence by Miss. Leva Walker. GOOD SHOES FOR $3.00? Why, of course, You'll not doubt it when you see otirs YATESFRENCH 1220 O Street WANTED: Painters Carponters Farmers Gardeners Fruit Raisers , Mechanics and all kinds of working men Physicians Lawyors DontistB Architects and men of all profes sions Grocers Butchers General s'toro merchants Lumber doalors ) Hardwaro and all kind of merchants to Join our 10,000 families settling up tho Pecos Palisades, tho Sun shine valloy of ToxaB, lrrigatod land being put on tho markot by tho Kansas City, Mexico and Ori ent Railway. An ompiro whore you are needed and a homo and fortune awaits you. Como and see. Get there ahead of tho railroad. Excursion leaves Lincoln May 1C. Call or write for information. E. E. BEVARD LAND CO. State Agents for tho Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Ry Co. Land Department, 830 P St., Lincoln, Nebr. ik- -"4t- - k- 4t w ji T ft 'P T 1 T p 1 p p p p 'p p p 'P GET IN LINE. MAV 27. iU- -fc 4l ik ik ik a it. &. &. Ate, ik. if If f A .ifc y r 'i T 1 F 'I T1 ' 'T 'I p T T T sPbhAbbU Elastic Currency is the Money You Spend for Clothes in Our Shop because we stretch your .dollar, just , twice the buying power it has else where. We are making clothes for a lot of college men who want something different than the ready-made clothier can secure. Coats as long as you like trousers as peggy as you wish every detail as you want it in a Scotch Suit. Ready-mades are for every body in general our clothes are made for you in particular- $ 15 Original $15 Tailors 96 Stores Imitators Flatter Us Auto 2372 ' Bell 2522 133 South 13th St. y T5vxv7iiiini..irfi,rf rrr- 0''riiiMii, I 1 IP I ! 1111111 II I . Bsi Elfl vl k.vT X 1 r M,K.F riiM.'fr 'I li.l .M If. rJ "Fw? o. W-f. The Moving Van with its big capacity makes moving cheaper and more' sat isfactory than when done with a small vehicle. The makers of our new lino of $15 clothes have a tremen dous capacity for manufactur ing them. With our three stores wo have a big capacity for hand ling them. . The result is that in those $15 suits we can offer you positively exceptional values. They will be a permanent feature with us. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES LINCOLN MA$ftb&yirsSr "30 ORPHEUM S!E.!!i ADVANCED VAUDVILLE LA8T WEEK OF THE 8EA80N THE ROLFONIAN8 AND 8IX OTHER ACTS Mats. 1 Be and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35o and 50c Beginning Monday Evening, May 15 LYRIC Week 8tartlng Monday, May 15th HUMAN HEARTS If Evenings at 8:30 16c, 26c, 35c, 50c Matinees Wed. & 8at. 16c & 25c yLiPRINTINGILM See Us Before Ordering Elsowhsr 'Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklet VANTINE PRINTING CO. 12H-UiO No l-lth Hi. DALRYMPLE'S for Box Lunches open until mid -night Herpolsheimer's Cafa Dinner JJ:30 to Jt30 OC Supper 5(30 to 730 (LUG ALSO CAFETERIA STYLE Hit Willis with Mipli Syrup I0i : - i '.