The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 20, 1911, Image 1

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    bc Dail fltebraeRan
. !
Vol X. No. 146
Price 5 Cents.
(By Mr. Eugene Barker.)
Today wo plant the Ivy
'Neath Nebraska's sheltering wall,
Where tho summer suns shall strike it
And the rain of spring shall (all,
Though tho snows of winter blight it,
And its leaves be brown and sere,
It shall live again' In beauty
With tho waking of each year.
As tho tendrils of the ivy
To the well-loved building cling,
And higher lift its branches
With each recurring spring,
Shall our hearts still cling, in mcm'ry
bound our alma mater dear,
As we dream of days long vanished,
When wo were students here.
Nebraska, alma mater,
Wo are leaving little here
In exchange for all thou gavest,
For the memories so dear;
Yet tho green leaves of the ivy,
When today has long gone by,
Every spring Bhall tell a story
Of a love that cannot die.
Other years shall bring their classes,
Other ivy plants shall grow,
Our affection still shall linger
As tho swift years come and go;
And when these old walls have
By the weight of Time's decay.
We shall love thee, old Nebraska,
With a love that lasts alway.
Wood Has Easy Time In Sprints and
Rector Gets Pole Vault
Collins .Wins 440.
Omaha won first place in the Ne
braska intorscholastlc meet held on
the atihlotic field yeBterday afternoon.
While the meet was comparatively
fast, only one record was broken, that
of the relay which was lowered from
1. minute, 37 seconds to 1 minute 3C
2-5 seconds. Wfloy or York made tho
highest individual score of 15 points
and Wood of Omaha was second with
Wood won tho 100-yard dash and 220.
with comparative ease and Rector was
riot crowded in the polo vault. One
of tho real surprises came when Army
Collins, tho Lincoln weight man, load
off in the 440 and maintained first
place until ho crossed the tape. It
was generally believed that this event
would go to Millard of Omaha, but
the latter allowed tho Lincoln man to
got too far ahead. Wiley made no new
records, but was seriously handicapped
by Btone bruises on his heel and it
required the third rial for him to
clear the bamboo in tho high jump
at 5 feet, 7 incheB.
Tho mile was undoubtedly one of
tho most exciting events, Ludwlg of
Omaha led off at a rapid pace rind was
only passed on the laBt lap. Wright
and Hugg coyered the last 220 yards
with a fast sprint, Wright keeping
just ahead by a' narrpw margin and
only succeeded in beating Hugg by a
few inches? In. the relay Omaha-heat
her nearest competitor, Kearney Mili
tary 'Academy fdur seconds. Follow
ing' is the summary:
Continued on Page 4
(j .Mii x Xtutt bunch ) I
VgroH fie j a wvS :y ))
- fc-ZT --v in Disaoisr
With weather conditions ideal a
throng of students gathered on tho
campus this morning to hoar tho Ivy
day exercises. .Shortly after 9 o'clock
Chairman Lord called for order. He
made a few . Introductory remarks.
The clasB p6emT)y"Eugeno Barkor7
which appears in another column was
The poem created much favor
able comment, it boing an excellent
literary production as well as a good
Indication of class sentiment. Joseph
T. Votava then delivered the Ivy day
oration for tho clasB. Mr. Votava is
one of tho university's best orators,
and has spoken often before univer
sity audiences, but this was his best
effort. Ho could bo clearly hoard by
all the crowd. His address was one of
tho best that has ever been delivered
on Ivy day iir tho history of tho
The Oration.
Mr. Votava took for his subject
"Duty." He dlBcuBBed the purposes
for which the class came to tho uni
versity four years ago. Tho first pur
poso of course was Intellectual devel
opment along with physical develop
ment. Wo must not only acquire nbil-
ity for accomplishment is what tho
world justly demands. Knowledge it
self is valueless. Only from its ubg
do wo derive value. Wo must use it,
however, in honorable ways or it Ib
worse than wasted.
"Do you recall the sentry of Pom
peii? Do you recall that proud, beau
tiful city of white marblo, flashing in
the sunshine of Italy? Tho city where
laughter only resounded in its streets,
where joy was the thought, the pas
time, the occupation? How old Vesu
vius sent lightnings uptowrad the sky,
and noon was changed to night How
tho entire population was transformed
into a pack of "savage blasts,
struggling, murdering to be the first
(o escape destruction.
"Did I say the entire population?
No, for there outside the city gate,
rXj gpiTR f)l"A6t L-SipesTr
facing that fearful mountain, stood yet
one man a simple Roman soldlor, tho
sentry at tho gate. Does he forsake
Ills post or duty?
"Sixteen centuries paBs and Pompeii
again sees the light of day. Tho re
mains" of a "Roman soldier in full armor
aro still found before the sentry booth.
Strange peoplo not knowing his name
or language or life, pause; .pause in
reverent awe before tho Ideal that in:
spired the soul of that man; in rev
erent awe beforo the remains of a
man who did his duty."
The Alma Mater.
Our alma mater has given the class
an Ideal, that -should direct our ener
gies, mental and physical, to service
for society and self-denial for our
selves. If tho last four yoars have
done the good they should have, theyj
have trained us not only what to do
but how and when. ,By what wo do
will our lives be judged.
Our first duty is to our alma mater.
The graduates must see that her shield
over shines bright and puro. Evlla
that are sure to creep in must be root
ed out. In regard to the home, Mr.
Votava said:
"Speaking of this alma mater, my
thoughts also run to nnother alma
mater that each of us has. I trust I
am not trespassing on grounds forbid
dont to strangers simply to mention,
that it is to the folks at home; that
little 'sis,' whoso girlish laughter ever
bids us welcome home; that brother,
our first chum; that silently Btern
father;, that mother, oyer thinking of
our welfare, that it is to these wo
owe our most sacred duty. They are
best and probably only known to each
of us."
To the 8tate.
Anpther duty we owe is to tho state
of Nebraska. It is very appropriate
that we repay; he people of'ih.ei state
ror tneir assistance in gerang us our
taffii ' &OH
- - 4
Continued on Page 4
(Class Poem by Eugeno Barker.)
Tho gatcB of tho campus swing out
ward, And they never again shallowing in,
For our foeB aro sont down tho long,
dusty road,
With its joy, and Its grief, and Its
With Its longing, its namoless ambi
tion, And tho victories droamed of and
won; ,
Our faces aro set, and wo can not
turn back
For tho things that wo wish we
had 'done.
Our path has not all been of roses,
As wo lingered in Learning's bright
Dut the Borrows woro few and the
shadows soon passed,
And sunshine filled most of tho
Dut the road will begin to got roughor
Whon we're out of tho campus for
And we'll miss the kind word and the
brotherly smile
That lightened tho burden of caro.
We've built ub a lot 9f fair castles,
That wo'll have to givo up boforo
, Iqng,
But the visions aro goad while we
think they aro real,
And no one shall grudgo us a song.
But this Is tho fate of tho dreamer
Tho seer of brightness ahead
And it often, turns out that tho dream
shall survive
Long after the dreamer Ib dead.
Tho world will be glad to recolvo us,
But only for what wo can do
For the moulder can use in the vessels
he casts
No meal that does not ring true..
Our knowledge shall gain us no laurels
For "The Sake of lho Knowledge
It is what we shall give that shall win
us tho goal,
And not what wo keep for our own.
Ah, friends, we've been lavish recelv
ers, Now let us as lavishly give,
That the world may be glad of the
things that we do,
And someone rejoice that we live.
For our fellows have made us their
And the time Is arrived we should
- pay;
It is well wo should recompense all
whom wo owe,
Not tarry an hour or a day.
Let us hew to tho plumb-lino of virtue,
Nor stoop to defraud or deceive,
For the things that we get can not
count half as much
As the things wd are able to leave.
Let us prove that amid the corruption
There are laborers worthy tfiolr
Let us fight tho good fight for tho"
things we hold best,'
With a purpose that never shall tire.
And then never mind what the finish!
Never mind what the Master shall
'TIs enough that wo know that the
Master will give
All we've earned in the heat ot the
And perhaps Jihqse we thought were.
; x hut failure .
SbaH he crowned with success atr
. . ... .. j -- ;, t,a
-' ---" "ff " ww "
Nor, tarry till shadows shall falf.