THE DAILY NEBRASKAN w ft U it m r 'H THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE lMlOPKIlTV OF T K I'NfVjmSITY OF NKUKA8KA, Lincoln, Nebrakn. Published by TfK STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor S. O. COTNEIl MiiimtrltiK Editor A. II. DIN8MORK AKOclite Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE AwiouUtc Editor HICHARD MEYER BUSINESS STAFF. Manager V. C. HASCALL AMlBtunt Mauusor....C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. Athlotlci and Military.. T. J. HARQRAVE Society and Personal.. F. C. McCONNELL Nebraska Hall H. C. HOUGH Sciences and Gorman.. E. J. HUBERMAN Engineering R. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural B. H. GRAVES Law A. C. SCHMIDT Library and University HalL.H. S. HUSE Assistant Reporters V. A. STURM fc. S. WHERRY Editorial and Buslntss Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Nab. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 8148; Aute 2908. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents the- Insertion (or every fifteen words or fraction then ar. Faculty notices and University bulletins- will gladly be published free. Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March S, 1871. MAY 10, 1911. Remember that today is Fete day and that there are many high school people In Lincoln. Show them a good time and lot them know that the uni versity Is not lacking in hospitality. The retention of the meet in Lincoln depends on the support given it by the university. Tomorrow is Ivy day. For this rea son the Nebraskan will not bo ready for distribution until after the morn ing program, when It will contain a ings could survive. If the blind were removed, however, factB would show that the writer is absolutely execu tion proof when it comes to the dis pensing of moral principles. Not once did ho commit himself, but rather being content to let him self loose in saying anything which would further Ills ideas on the art of personal projection, backed up by a superficial screen covering a back ground of perfidy and crime. During tho reign of Clyde Billot in the University of Nebraska I speak reign in connection with his control of the state university end of the Omaha Dee--perhaps no one did more to harm Nebraska athletics than did he, and yet he appears to be shocked. His warped conception of journalis tic etiquette barely saved him from harm by the other members of the newspaper profession. Many a time when ho had faithfully promised the other press representatives that he would not release a certain story un til the time agreed upon, he failed' to keep his promise, but instead, seized upon the slightest grain of athletic scandal, which he magnified to such an extent that the truth of the story was hardly recognizable when it ap peared In "scare-head'' type in the Omaha Bee. Instead of depicting ath letic conditions at Nebraska as they really were, he seized tho sensational to the sacrifice of the truthful and beneficial. In 1908 when the university athletic board was seriously considering wheth er or not it would make a request of John D. Rockefeller for $50,000 for the new athletic field, tho newspaper men were asked to keep the matter dark until the time was ripe for publi cation. This they all agreed to do, Elliot Included. Soon, however, much to tho Burprlso of all, a "scare-head" Btory appeared in the Omaha Bee re citing the whole plan. The result "was that the idea of asking Rockefeller for a donation was entirely abandoned. Whother or not the reference ti the allegations against Sid Collins or Dr. Clapp are true or not, the writer m LADIES' SHOES $5.00 and $4.00. Oxfords at about one-half price. New Velvets. Suedes, White Canvas, Etc. $2.50 and 2.95 BUDD complete account of the morning exercises. Boost Ivy Day. THE FORUM. To tho Editor of the Dally Nebraskan: Criticism, if properly founded and properly directed and coming from a source reliable and authoritative can often accomplish good results; and convorsly, criticism improperly found ed and Improperly directed and com ing from a source not reliable and not authoritative can often accomplish bad results. The latter situation has just come to pass as a result of a cer tain letter published in the Lincoln NetWB Tuestlay, May 16. Tho letter relates to the recent charges made by a Nebraska professor against Sidney Collins, the well known Cornhusker athlete. Whether or not the charges be true or -untrue the perpetration of such a letter upon tho public 1b dis graceful to say the least. If the character and reputation of the author of the letter wero known to the public as they are to the writer and many others who have been in the university for the paBt three or four years tho letter -would appeal to them asono of the baldest and most fallacious 'pieces of literary sophistry, ever written. The -tone of the letter 'throughout leads one to believe' that the writer has Buffeted a moral shock, the effects of which but few human be- doeB not care to comment, it is mere ly the weight of the story in the News as measured by Its author. The writer believes that if there Ib the slightest suspicion that Sid Collins re ceived $250 for his football services . during the season of 1908, the matter should .be investigated. The Collins case should not, however, take prece 'denco over many other cases of simi lar kind of more recent date than 190S. Above all tho matter should be hushed up as far as publication is concerned, for thero is no doubt but that a great doal of harm will come to Nebraska athletics if the matter is continually kept in tho press. For this reason one Lincoln paper and several out-of-town papers have agreed not to publish anything about the situation until there is something to publish. A STUDENT. Notice to Seniors. All seniors desiring cIosb pins must get them before June 1, as all remain ing will bo returned to the company at that time. This applies also to those who havQ ordered pins and paid a de posit thereon. Pins may be obtained at University Book Store. 143-9t COMMITTEE. iiL 1& )!& Sit- fr iit, s b 4l& Jbk st kt W n "f "F F F "P' n p n t . . GET IN LINE. MAY -27. i vfr L- U U fc && k. " " "V n "V F n "V n fT V 'J I l T STRAW HATS Specials at $1.00, $l.50jnd $2.00 Union Suits specials at $1.00 and $1.50 Silk SOCkS Very special at 25c Summer Shirts-- Specials at 59c and 69c Palace Clothing Co. 1419 "O" Street SPECIAL SATURDAY 750 MEN'S BARATHEA SILK Four-In-Hand Ties sold at 12 i. cents 2 each Look like 5 Op Ties THESE TIES come in a good line of popular plain color they are cut rather narrow-made reversable and are Just Right to wear with negligee shirts or soft collars though some of the colors are suftable for evening wear. Don't Miss This Great Offer ( Chn-sz? jT3 zSfi444&Pf& WMIS ssyrTsr- -sssssssssVjf-JiWfTrir II J I si MrT-Jw ' m JlrSWsSSSii -2in. Lincoln Sanitarium Plangm TstJrMt Sill Wattr SwlMlif Put 9s-gnaEMaw; HAHHf,h La Morals!1 skein ffwUaxs. OsnUemen., Afternoons b. KrsiUnfS. -LsSm i and qBtUmn, lloacur Morris !.,, j 1 Mil ui i itrM!t shi rid imiM hr s M A) Li(