lMunuw"""Jl""i''', THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I' . II THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor B. O. COTNER Managing Editor A. H. DINSMORE Aauoclato Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE AModate Editor RICHARD MEYER BUSINESS STAFF. Manager V. C. HABCALL Assistant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. Athletics and Military.. T. J. HARQRAVE Society and Personal.. F. C. McCONNBLL Nebraska Hall H. C. HOUOH Sciences and German.. E. J. HUBERMAN Engineering R. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural B. H. GRAVES Law A. C. SCHMIDT Library and University HalL.H. 8. HUSE Assistant Reporters V. A. STURM K. 8. WHERRY Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, B Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1868; Auto 8140; Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents the Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo published free. Entered at the postofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, aB sccond-cloBS mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March S, 1879. MAY 17, 1911.' "JAR LOOSE." Ivy day came once before, but the rain came too, and there waB no Ivy day. But whether rain or Bhlne, the Ivy day is to bo a reality next Satur day. The delay has caused an unex pected expense and the committee Is In doubt a's to the financial success of the affair. Admission will be charged to the evening exercises only. But there Is no reason why any one should bo present In the morning and stay away In the evening because of this fact. Each will get his money's worth, ' f letea; if the accusations fall for want of proof, the one who has made them will have taken unto himself a re proach that will follow wherever he may go. He will lose forever the re spect of Nebraska men and women. It is certain that at least one or two men within our midst will suffer. But more than that, the good name of our institution 1b to be maligned. No mat ter what the result may be, there are those who will always believe the worst though the best be proved be yond the shadow of a doubt. But one thing is certain and that is thnt those who have been so bold In their statements owe it to the univer sity to file their charges in the proper form so that some action may be taken. If these men have reasonable grounds for their beliefs and are con scientious, they will doubtless ask for an investigation. Such a tblng is not pleasant or desirable In all cases. But if it must come, it must, and the soon er it is over the better. It will either show the world that athleticB at the University of Nebraska are clean or that the principles for which she stands are above reproach. (Lofgren) The victor acted very magnanimous toward, the loBer, going so far as to bestow one of the pennies upon him. On account of which the Slg Alfs have decided not to protest the game. 8MALL PER CENT PAY DUE8. The Missouri Valley high school meet brought out two young Nebraska athleteB of which we have a good right to be proud. Wood of Omaha and Wiley of York did their events In col lege style. On that same day a num ber of college meets were held throughout the United States, and In only one, was Wiley's feat In the broad jump surpassed, when Cham plln of Syracuse made 22 feet and 4 Inches against Michigan. His high Jump record was not equaled. Col lateral with this 1b the fact that, If a comparison of records Is worth any thing, Yale or Harvard would have to fight against odds to win from Ne braska or Minnesota. The custom that once obtained to throw Blurs at west ern athleteB seems to be going out of date. The time made by Reed in the 220 and 440-yard dashes was the fast est made in the1 United States that day, Y. M. C. A. Tickets Are Good Through out the United 8tates. Like any business institution that is run on a business basis, the Y. M. C. A. can use a little money now and then, especially when it is owing. There are a number of members who have so far failed to liquidate for their d,ueB, in fact out of a member ship of 742, some 48G have paid. The membership tickets issued by the asso ciation entitle the holder to the -privileges of association buildings any where in the United States. It Is of advantage to hol-d a ticket for this reason, as the privileges include use of baths, swimming pool, etc. The asso ciation has a large supply of tickets on hand and those who have paid their dues and not yet received one should call at the office in the Temple. DALRYMPLE'S for Box Lunches open until mid -night JUST RECEIVED A fresh shipment of Huyler's & Whlttman's fine candies Meier Drug Co. 13th and O Streets. The First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST A $1 opens on account 199 South 11th Btroet. . There will be no mid-week meeting of the Y. M. C. A. this week. Wednes day, May 24, Dr. B. L. Paine will speak. WALT Stands for the Latest and best in Music. 1215 O St. r . 50 BUDD SHOES 3. New Tan Button Oxfords, New Black Button Oxfords. All in the New Fussy High Hob Toes and Swing Lasts. although there is to be no lunch. It Is up to the student body to show its appreciation of the efforts of the committee in striving to make this holiday a success. Buy tickets. Bring your friend. Come yourself. There will be a number of high school people in Lincoln by reason of the fact that fete day Is on the preceding Friday. Get them to stay over and bring them to the Ivy day exercises. Let them see something of university life. It may result In bringing more students to the university. Let them see the at tractive side of collego life. It is up to you to see that Ivy day is u success. ALPHA TAU8 ARE CHAMPIONS. vtesfr J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest. 1822 N St. Auto 1202 Bell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS c vM9Hr,GBV Brick Ice Cream Fancy Punches Put Up For Parties Box Lunches Our Specialty The Folsom 1307 O Street. LET IT COME IF IT MUST. From the agitation on the outside it appears that the University of Nebras ka athletic department is in for an in vestigation. There is nothing worse than suspicion. Guilt itself is prefer able. It 1b Indeed difficult to probe the dark and dingy past where mem ory has become dim and exaggeration has had Ub growth. Uncertainty Ib sure to have its influence. Many unpleasant things will result. If the charges are confirmed, a last ing blot will fall on the name of one of Nebraska's moat prominent ath- Much Disputed Title Settled by Con test in Nebraskan Office. Tuesday afternoon in the Nebraskan olllce, the much disputed question of the Interfrnternity basketball cham pionship was finally setled. Harry Coffee, representing the Alpha Tau Omegas, and Gus Lofgren, acting as minister plenipotentiary for the Sigma Alpha Epsllon, did noble and strenur ous work for their respective clubs, but the fortune of war decreed that the banner of the Slg Alfs be trailed In the dust, and the Alpha Taus won, 9 to 7. While the game was not strictly ac cording to intercollegiate rules, the officiating of Umpire Kiddoo, and Ref eree Hnscall, made the game a "toss- up" from beginning to end. Two coins pennies were thrown up, four times to a half. A head counted a "basket," two points. Both sides getting a bead gave each one point. If tails were uppermost, It was counteAinm double foul. Because of the interest attached to the game, the excitement of the spectators, the players and the of ficials was intense. Here is the com plete box score. A. T. O. ...,2 2 1 16 0 12 09 (Coffee) S. A. E Oil 02 210 27 Walt's Orchestra Auditorium THE PAN-HELLENIC Tickets $2.00 Last And Largest Informal EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS ejhijh cuT'lborcr Lincoln Sanitarium Plang TK imt Ull Wtw HI in fn SPH9 V"". Mora!! Kxcmm lutan. Ull 4 ItTMU. ' iHdii tut irrupl ftr I i i A 1 3 Nf