XCbc Dailv Bebtraskan "V rr Vol.-X. ' No. 142 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY. MAY 16, 1911. MINOESOTA FINALLY - WINS H MEET FROM US Price 5 Cents. BY A CL08E 8CORE THEY NOSE U8 OUT. NEBRASKA RECORDS ARE BROKEN Captain Reed, Out of Condition, and Anderson Run Wonder ful Races. For the first time in the last eight years, or since the innovation of dual track meets between Nebraska and Minnesota the Cornhuskers lost to the latter school in the track meet last Saturday; falling to win by a marginal number of aeven 'points 62 to 55. - The meet was without doubt one of tho moBt exciting and fastest over held between tho two schools. Minne sota, as was known previous to the departuro of tho Nebraska aggrega tion, had the best array of track and Held athletes known In tho history of that institution. Hill, Vanstrum and Anderson are considered in the world of sport ns speeders of first class, while such phonoms as Prank and Lambert strengthened tho total point victories from the field events. And additionally to such a splendid repre sentation of track material, the entire Minnesota team had taken the neces sary precaution of two weeks antici pation of the Cornhuskers. By so do ing, every man waB in his prime, none of them being stiff or In any other way physically disabled. Guy Reed and Louie Anderson were the most brilliant stars for Nebraska. Reed was sick and ought not to have been on thejleld. At that ho broke two Nebraska records by a good mar gin and his racos were tho feature of t& meet. Intho 220 ho ca"me very close to the world's record of 21 1-5, and his time was better than that in any other meet In tho United States on Saturday. Anderson also smashed two Nebras ka records, as well as tho Minnesota records In the distance runs. Nebras ka won first in eight out of fifteen events. With Captain Reed In condi tion the relay Tvould have been won. It Ib said his time wns not more than 49 seconds on the last quarter of the relay. All the Nebraska men did excellent. The boys say they wore treated In the best possible style by the Minnesota men. The result of the meet depended completely on the result of tho relay. The relay race, which was hold till tho last, wap started with the score Nebraska 55, Minnesota 57. Notwith standing the fact that Captain Reed was seri6usly sick at the opening of this event, the prospects for Nebras ka shot a good rlso and caused every Gopher in the field to make hazardous guesses on Nebraska victory. At the pistol shot, Gibson of Nebraska was opposed to Nelson of Minnesota, and contrnry to some expectation, Jimmy closed his quarter of tho event about ten yards to the good. It was then, however, that the three remaining CornhuBkera commenced competition with the three aforementioned "track stars. Powers was" unable to hold his handicapped distance and closed his share about on a par with the Gopher. In the next lap Amberson loBt a great distance to .Anderson and gave Guy the cue wJth a twenty-yard handicap foV our captain. With such odds t6 face; Guy ran the race of his life and brought the stands to .their JeeJ. hY finishing almost within touching dis tance of tho fleet Hill. Tho summary of events is as fol lows: 120-yard hurdles Russell, Nebras ka, first; Murdink, Minnesota, second. Time, 18 2-5. 100-yard dash Vanstrum, Minneso ta, first; Hill, Minnesota, second. Timo, 10 1-5. 880-yard run Anderson, Minnesota, first; Bush, Minnesota, second. Time. 1:59. ' 220-yard dash Reed, Nebraska, first; VanBtrum, Minnesota, second. Time, 21 4-5. Mile run L. B. Anderson, Nebras ka, first; Tydeman, Minnesota, sec ond. Time, 4:34. 220-yard hurdles Powers, Nebras ka, first; Russell, Nebraska, second. Time, 27 flat. 440-yard" dash Reed, Nebraska, first; Hill, Minnesota, second. Time, 50 flat. Two-mile run Anderson, Nebraska, first; Connolly, Minnesota, second. Time, 10:07. Shot put Prank Minnesota, first (41 feet 10 1-4 inches); ColllnB, Ne braska, second (38 feet 4 7-8 Inches). Diqcus Frank, Minnesota, first, 116 feet 11 Inches; Lambert, Minnesota, second, 115 feet 11 inches. Pole vault Llndstrum, Nebraska, first, 11 feet; Coady, Minnesota, sec ond, 10 feet 11 inches. Hammer throw Collins, Nebraska, first, 140 feet 9 inched; Harmon, Ne braska, second, 130 feet 4" Inches. High jump Peterson, Minnesota, first, 5 feet 8 Inches; Rirssell, Nebras ka, second, 5 feet 7 Inches. Broad Jump Lambert, Minnesota, first, 21 feet 7 Inches; MunBon, Ne braska, second, 21 feet 5 inches. Mile relay Minnesota, first (Nel son, Vanstrum, Anderson Hill); Ne braska, second (Gibson, Powers, Am berson, Reed). Time, 3:28. NOTED ENGINEER SPEAKS DR. WADDELL OF KANSAS CITY DELIVERS FOUR INTEREST ING ADDRE88E8. Dr. J. A. L. Waddell of Kansas City, who is considered one of the beBt bridge engineors In tho world and upon whom tho honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering wns conforred at the dedication of tho new mechan ical engineering building, addressed a series of meetings of the engineering students Monday. At 11 a. m. he spoke to a general- meeting of all en gineering students on "Bridge Engi neering," and at 2 p. m. ho spoko on "The Materials of Construction, Dredging and Foundations In Gen eral," and at 4:30 p. m, he gave an Informal talk on "Movable BrldgeB," and at 8 p. m. he addressed a joint meeting of the Engineering society, A. I. E. E. and A. S. M. E. on "Ethics of a, Bridge Engineer, Arbitration, Ad ministration of construction, Riveted versus Pin Connected Trusses and Engineering Fees." In tho address on "Bridge Engineer ing" ho road a paper which ho had divided Into three chapters; they were the "Bridge Specialist," "Respon sibility of tho Bridge Engineer" and JTho Promotion of a Bridge Project." Ho said, In brief: - "Specialization Is the order oflho day. A few. years ago a man onjy had to have a general education to be a successful engineer, but today he muEt devote his whole time to one line. There are specialists In all the professions, especially engineering,' At first a ipan was known simply as an engineer when ho was engaged In en gineering work, but as now branches developed ho was known as a civil, electrical or mechanical onglneer, whichever Uno he wns working in and now these are subdivided Into numer ous other Important subdivisions, such as municipal, sanitary, Irrigation and others. The bridge onglneer has been recognized ns a specialist for a quarter of a century, and as a subdi vision of civil engineering." He then spoko upon the growth and employment of the bridge specialists, especially In railroad work. Also tho reasons for their employment and why, tHo builder should novor bo al lowed to design tho bridge and tho dangers assumed when the builder does do tho designing. As an exam ple of these he quoted lotters and evi dence takon before tho Investigating committee nppointed to look Into tho cause of tho failuro of tho Quebec bridge. "Bridges are divided Into four klndn. steam railroad, electric railroad, driv ing and rodestrlan trnfilc. Tho latter two are most generally combined." tie men ciiBcussed the conditions caus ing tho building- of tho bridge, who pays for it, and the profit derived from a bridge project. Ho also gave tho polntB to bo taken account or In tho promoting of a bridge and gave a de tailed explanation of tho methods by which a bridge Is promoted. In con elusion ho .gave a number of rules to be followed In the study of bridge engineering and in tho practice of that profession, and the motto of a bug- cessful bridge specialist should bo, "Integrity, fairness and progress." Tho rest of his addresses were of a technical nature and took tho form of a class room lecture, and each one wns hoard by a large number of the engineers. Nebraska onclneors worn .Indeed very fortunate to have such a noiou engineer as Dr. Wadde 11 address them, and a fact of added Interest In JiS speaking hero at Nebraska Is that Dr. Waddell volunteered to come hero and deliver these lectures to the en gineering students without any ex pense to tho university In any man ner at all. KANSAS CITY CENTRAL WINS MMLLEY MEET THREE NEBRASKA MEN SMASH OLD RECORD8. WILEY JUMPS TWENTHWO fEET Wood Cuts Down 220 Mark and Rector Ties for First at 11 Feet In Pole Vault. CHANCELLOR RECEIVE8. 8enlors Accept Invitation In Large Numbers. A largo majority of tho senior class was able to attend tho chancellor's reception given last Friday evening by Chancellor and Mrs. Avery at their home at 2001 Washington ave nue. In the receiving lino wore sev eral bf tho deans and other members of the faculty. Downstairs Ices and strawberries and other refreshments were served. Upstairs Registrar Har rison and Miss Ensign received the guests. Punch waB served on tho upper floor, All those present report a very enjoyable evening spent. MI88 CONKLIN ON BERNHARDT. Will Discuss French Actress and Her Play Today. Proressor Clara Conklln, head of the French department, will speak at con vocation thlB morning on Sarah Bern hardt. She will also toll something of the play In which Modamo Bern hardt (s to appear, "Camlllo." Tamlllo" Is a tragedy by Alexander Dumas, and has been played by Bernhardt many years. Miss Conklln Is exceptionally well Informed oh French actors and plays and her talk will be very interesting, r Tho Missouri Valley high bcIiooI athletic meet on Nobraska field Satur day aftornoon resulted in a victory for Kansas City Contral. Thoro woro only threo ovonts in which this Hchoni rim not place. J, Reber made 15 points, tno nignest individual score of tho meet, and Wiley of York waa second with 11. Threo Nobraska athlotes. showed up well Wiley of York, and Wood and Rector of Omaha. Tho formor now holds the record in tho two Jumps and Wood sot -a now mark In tho 220. Rector shares tho honor of tho vaulting record. y A groat deal of credit is duo.tho-f-fldalB because of tho fact that tho meet camo off on scheduled timo. Dr. Condra gave entire satisfaction as ref eree and umpire. Goor'go Pinneo did an exceptionally good Job at starting, and It was not necessary for him to call a race because of a bad start throughout tho whole meet. Follow ing Is a summary of tho meet: 100-yard dash E. Wood, Omaha, first; Regan, WeBtport, second; Row ley, Omaha, third; Wiley, York, fourth. Timo, :10 1-5. 220-ynrd dash Wood, Omaha, first; Leo, K. C. C, second; McBain, W. D. M.. third; Millard, Omaha, fourth. TJmo, :22 1-5. (New record.) 440-yard dash Norton, K. C. C., first; MllIard,.Omaha, flecond;Schlnep- for, K. C. M., third; Jones, West port, fourth. Time, .54 2-5. 880-yard run Molso. K. C. c. flrH Mamaho, W. D. M., second; Clayton, k. u. c, third; Spalding, K. C. M fourth.' Time, 2:07. Mllo run Molso, K. C. C., first; Spalding, K. C. M., second; Watson, W. D. M., third; Hugg, Lincoln, fourth. Timo, 4:38 4-5. 120-yard hurdles Hamilton, K. C. C., first; J: Reber, K. C. C, second; Siemens, St. Joseph, third; Goetze, St. Joseph, fourth. Time, :15 4-5. (New record.) 220-yard hurdles Hamilton, K. C. C., first; Rowley, Omaha, second; J. Reber, K. C. C third; ' Lewis, W. D. M., fourth. Time, :27. High Jump Wiley, York, first; Mc Intyro, K. C. C, second; Shepherd, Westport, third; Gogglns, Lincoln; Witter, W. D. M., and Sherwood,' St. Joseph, tied 'for fourth. Height, 5 feet, 10 inches. Broad Jump Wiley, York, first; ' McBain, W. D, M., second; Powell, K. C. M., third; Slaughter, IC C. C -fourth. Distance, 22 feet. (Now rec ord.) Polo vault Powell, K. C. M., and V. Rector, Omahtf, tied for first and second; Moss, W. D. M., Smith, K. C. M., and Hurst, K. C. C. tied forfithird and fourth. Height, 11 feet, (New record.) Hammed throw, 12 pounds Collins, Lincoln, first: J. Robor. K. n r. ano. ond; Mapps, York, third; Tarbeli, K, C. M.t fourth. Distance, 137 feet, 10 Inches. Shot put, 12, pounds J, Reber, jC C. C. first; C. Reber K. C. C, second; Continued on, Pago 4: S I -