The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 12, 1911, Image 1

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    be Dails H-lebrashan
Vol. X. No. 140
Price 5 Cents.
Omaha Expected to Take Most Points
and Collins of Lincoln
the Hammer.
One hundred and twenty-two high
school athletes from Iowa, Kansas,
Missouri and Nebraska will take part
In the great annual meet of the Mis
souri Valley Interscholastlc Athletic
association, to be held Saturday after
noon on Nebraska field. It is going to
be one of the biggest high school
meets eVeT held In -the middle wesU
Kansas City will bo represented by
three teams from the three large high
schools 'Central, Manual and WeBt-
port. St.' Joseph, Missouri, Central,
and Topekn will also send teams from
the southward. West high school of
Dos Moines will bo the only Iowa'
school nnd Nebraska will havo three
York, Omaha and Lincoln.
Only three members of the associa
tion will fall to send teams this year,
Leavenworth and Kansas City, Kan.,
and East Des Moines high. But with
nine of the strongest high school
teams In the middle west competing
for the valley cup, It will be exciting.
Never before has such a large per
centage of the schools of the associa
tion come together in a Bingle year.
The number of Individuals entered In
the contest Is also the greatest In the
history of the Missouri Valley meets.
Cup and Medals Awarded.
The championship cup. given by the
Lincoln Commercial club, is an excep
tionally large sliver trophy. It is of
the finest and most expensive type. A
new cup is given each year to become
tho permanent trophy of the ginning
school. Gold, sllvor and bronze med
als nro given to the Individuals, with
ribbons" for fourth place. They are
.not the ordinary printed badge, but
are embossed In gold letters.
The meet Saturday will begin at 10
o'clock in the morning, when the dis
cub and hammer events will be, 'pulled
off at the'Davenport tract at Twenty
second and J streets. All other events
will be In the afternoon nt Nebraska
field. The pole vault will be started
as early as possible and the racing
events will begin promptly at . Some
of the sprints will require as many as
six preliminary heats.
Much New Material.
Few of the winners of past years
whose names have been placed In the
list of phenoms, will participate. There
will be a great mass of new material
and a bunch of surprises are expected.
Redfern and the "Woodbury brothers
have, -graduated with honors, and Les
lie Mann, the Lincoln, high school
sprinter and broad jump artist, is 'play
ing ball with Nebraska City In the
Mink league, having entirely complet
ed his work at Lincoln high school.
Collins to Throw Hammer.
Omaha boosters are claiming tho
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Junior who
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hav e
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meet. Wood, tho only veteran winner
to be seen Saturday, should take all
of the sprints for Omaha. Wiley of
York is doped to win both the broad
and high junijis, and possibly establish
valley records in both eventB. Army
Collins, the Lincoln high wonder and
champion of Montana, it is thought
will win the hammer. In tho clasB
contest last Friday he hurled the
swinger for 148 feet 9 Inches. Phil
Collins, a younger brother, will also
contest in that event and in the
hurdles. Both men are brothers of
Nebraska's "Sid." Eugene Holdeman
may win some points for Lincoln In
the hurdle races and Roy Cameron is
expected to throw tho hammer over
12r feet.
Lincoln has won more points than
any other school In the association,
but 1b not doped to take a leading
place In this year's meet.
Freshmen and Juniors to Play Base
ball for Pennant.
The sophomore and Junior bnseball
teams will combat Saturday morning
for the class championship of the uni
versity at 10 o'clock sharp, If the-
umpire gets there on time. Otherwise
it will begin ten minutes later, that
(lme being judged sufficient for find
ing a new official. The swatting of
Saturday will tell the tale. It will de
cide which gang can hold up tho rag
and crow for tho next annum.
The sophomores have been dragging
down the victories and aro doped out
to win tho pennant, but tho third year
aggregation Is known to be strong. Al
though the fanB havo not been very
enthusiastic In siirport of their glndl
ators, there should bo a good bunch
of rooters out Saturday morning.
Improved Conditions for Mess at 1911
Military Encampment. .
No more sick men ,at camp, and no
more poor grub! The mess this year
will bo better than ever beforo;- At
least that is the determination of the
officers In charge. Even this early in
enmp preparation they aro figuring out
bills of faro and receiving bids from
firms which would like to furnish the
nino hundred students with wholesome
It is possible that a special tent may
be set up for an officers' mess. Last
year tho officers had. indss tables sep
arate from the privates, but it Is
planned this year to have largo tents
with mosquito bar to keep out tho
flies, the greatest pest of tho dining
quarters. The best grado of food will
be provided and the cook tents will be
kept clenn and free from files and
Auditorium, May, 13th.
Regimental Band Waifs Orchestra
Captain Reed Will Have the Strongest
Competition, Pitted Against
Three Stars.
Fifteen mon, representing the Uni
versity of Nebraska track team, left
Lincoln this afternoon in quest of tho
olghth successive chunk of Gopher
bacon. Nebraska will moot Minnesota
on Northrup field Saturday afternoon
In tho only large lntercolleglato track
meet outside or the Missouri Valley
conference serleB in which Nobrnska
will participate.
-MinncBotn-has-ono-of the most for
mldablo teamB that has been her for
tune for years. Hill, who was consid
ered tho western phenom in all speed
contests last year, has two competi
tors In tho fieldVunstrum and An
dorson who almost Invariably paBS
him before they reach tho tape. Con
sidering the fact that Hill has In-
creased his speed correspondingly
with Captain Reed of Nebraska, tho
CornlniBkers will linvo difilcult -work
In landing any of tho pluniB or tho
Bhort track events. Iast year Hill de
feated Captain Reed in the hundred
by a fraction of a foot, tied him In tho
220-yard evont, and gavo Guy tho fin- '
Ish In tho 440. With this crltorlon, it
Is safe to say that Nebraska will havo
the speediest opponents of tho season
on the track eventB, while It is gener
ally conceded that Nebraska must win
a majority of the track events In order
to win the meet.
The Eighth Attempt.
Minnesota has lost to Nebraska for '
tho Inst soven consecutive year's.
Harboring this, thought, It apparently
soetns that Minnesota has taken two
weoks' preparation to avoid further
repetition of history. For Instead or
meeting an opponent of tho Jayhawk
typo last Saturday, which - Nebraska
did, the Gophers shelved it for two
weeks and announce' keen delight in
having the eighth attempt to draw
blood on tho Cornhuskcrs.
As a means to their end, tho Go
phers have dovoloped such weight
athletes as Frank and Grant to land
points In field events. Additionally,
they havo a Vaulter who is said to
clear eleven feet with ease. ThlB fact
remains to bo challenged by Llnd
struni. Tho Nebraska team left yesterday
afternoon at 6 o'clock. Routing by
way of Omaha, they expect to reach
Minnesota some time this .morning.
All the boys wore In good condition,
and entertained tho highest expecta
tions of winning the meet; oxcopt
Captain Reed, who, although in tho
best of Bplrlts, seemed somewhat du- ;
blous about tho outcome", especially
In the track events. Sid Collins ex
pressed himself us being confident of
victory and declared his determination ,
to run such phenoms ns Frank and
Grant ragged.
Missouri Valley Inter-Scholastic Meet
J .- .- ". r
Nebraska Field Saturday