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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1911)
TEbe Datls Utebraskan Vol X. No. 139 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1911. Price 5 Cents. V U LAW BARBECUE IS A GRAND SUCCESS FRESHMEN SCORE MOST POINTS FOR THE TUCKER CUP. I J. D. RINGER DELIVERS ADDRESS Short Talk by Chief Justice Reese Roast Ox, Buns and Ice Cream for the Hungry. With, weather conditions and every thing else favorable .the law barbecue was a grand success. The flnst cars left for Capital Beach yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock and bore the student aggregation to the sceno of the day's fcativltlesr All marched -in single file to the spit whore the ox was being prepared. A band composed of law yers, undor the leadership of M. O. Bates, furnished music for the occa sion and was most heartily applauded by the .jolly crowd. No accidents marred the day and a general good feeling 'was evident everywhere. Soon after arriving the crowd re paired to the baseball grounds, where the. first athletic contests were held. About 11:30 all gathered in the grand stand to listen to the program. Dean Hastings Introduced J. D. Ringer of South Omaha, who was the orator of the day. Judge Ringer Speaks. Mr. Ringer took for his subject "The Lawyer and His Work." In begin ning ho said thai it was the duty of every lawyer to raise the standard of the profession. There were too many who were not true to tho oath they bad taken. Of thesd he had little to Bay, but dwelt upon the importance of tho man who was In big affairs. It 1b his duty to shape public opinion In the right way. Tho man In.tho legal profession has an Important part to play in settling the differences be tween capital and labor. The destruction of the Times build ing in Lob Angeles was cited ns an example. If it were destroyed malic iously it shows a diseased condition of tho body politic. The speaker did not believe that labor wbb getting1, its lull rights. In tho divorce evil and the promotion of substantial justice the lawyer has a great part to play. There are many things which ho must do. Higher Requirements. But the lawyer should not forget that be must have a strong body to carry him through life. After the first year or so ho will find himself so overtaxed that ho has little time for exercise. Mr. Itlnger cited ono instance when a large body aided him considerably In protecting a young boy who was his client. Nevertheless, on account of tho keen competition, the young man must have a keen jnind, The speaker was also in favor of raising tho requirements for admis sion to the bar. Tho preliminary edu cation is all important and should not be neglected in that it giveB tho mind the best training. M But tho'man who must have big in terests as his clients must be equal to the occasion. Like any other law yer he must be strong morally. His conduct should "be above suspicion. There is no better way to secure thfs training than in the clasB room, where fairness should be the model of con duct on every occasion. The lawyers who .are honest are tho only ones who ever riso to any height of success. it Ib the selfish alms of some that have degraded the profession. Mr. Ringer closed with a plea to tho Btudents to live up to the highest Btandard. Chief Justice Reese. Chief Justico Reeso of tho Nebras ka supreme court, and formerly dean of tho law school, wns called on for an impromptu talk. He too was heart ily in favor of antecedent preparation to the study of law. But ho declared that the one who succeeded best was tho one who never ceased to Btudy all things. Technicalities were caused by the" carelessness of the lawyers. A diploma, or admission to tho bar, is not a sign that a man knows any thing. It is simply to Bignify that ho is prepared to study. The law on every case should be carefully looked up before any action is taken. Judge Reese also admonished the young men to always treat the court With respect, regardless of what they thought of him. He told different Incidents to illustrate tils point. They made the meaning clear and at the same time provoked much laughter. He told of the work the Nebraska graduates were doing through the western states. He Bald that If It had not been for the Nebraska law school It would have been hard to tell what would havo become of Oklahoma. The Big Barbecue. The quartet composed of Bates, Morehouse, Hodgkins and Holland sang several original parodies dealing for the most part with tho faculty. TheBo were clever and much appreci ated by all. About 12:30 the meeting was ad journed nnd the big food served. There was roast beef, pronounced the best, bunB, coffee, potatoes and Ice croam. That there was a plenty was evi denced by tho fact that there was something left and each had a free chance to help himself. All the nec essary articles, rfuch as butter, Bait, sppons and knives were to be had. Tho 300 present seated thomsolves on tho grass and ate ono of tho heartiest meals in many a day. The committee In charge of the barbecue Is deserving of special credit for the skillful man ner In which things were handled,, A great deal of work was required to make It the success It was. Sports Resumed. After all had satisfied their nppe tiees tho sports were resumed. The first event - to be pulled off In the morning was the married men's race. This fifty-yard dash proved moBt ex citing, as did the other events. Toll, who was entered by tho freshmen, was unable to prove his marriage to the satisfaction of Referee Collins and af ter winning the event was disquali fied. Cook, '95, was the only alumni to take part in any event, nnd he, failed to get a 'Place. The three legged race resulted in a victory for tho seniors, as did the 25-yard dash In the sack. The egg race had three entries from each class and was won by Phares for the juniors. This end ed the sports before noon and resulted in a score of 13 points' for each the freshmen and tho juniors and 10 for tho seniors. Seniors vs. Freshmen. Tho first thing in the afternoon was a game of baseball between' the fresh men and the seniors, in which the former won 5 to 2. In the first inning Decatur was knocked oat of the box and Ratcliffe took his place, but sprained an ankle after the first half while sliding to second and was re placed by Trump, whose pitching was the feature of tho game. Danley also took, Patterson's place at back stop: Tho upper classmen did not seem to play together like their more success ful opponents. Frank and Hyde were the batteries, for tho freshmen. Doctor Maxey called the strikes and balls in this game, while Justice Root looked after tho bnseB. Juniors vs. Freshmen. In tho second series tho juniors loBt to tho freshmen in a closo contoB 3 to 4. There wore sovornl exciting moments, and especially was this tho caBo when Switzlor took the advice of the verdant playerB and started back to first because of a foul. There was no foul and Switzlor was out. Judge Cook of Fremont then rotlred as um pire nnd loft tho management of tho game entirely to Dr. Mnxey, who wob threatened several times with tho re mains or the egg race. But tho little professor was not to bo bluffed and ran the game to suit himself. Batter ies For freshmen, Strange and Hyde; Juniors, Schmidt and Switzlor. The potato raco and tho broad Jump went to tho freshmen, while tho Juniors took the square pull and the seniors the hand wreBtlo. Following Is the summary: Final Score. Married men's race Rue, fresh man, first; Andrews, junior, Becond; Munday, junior, third. Tlmo, 30 min utes. Three-legged rnco Ratcliffe and Wntters, seniors, first; Russell and Radcllffo, freshmen, second; Sum mervllle and Schmidt, Juniors, third. Time, 17 seconds. Sack race Stazon ka, Benior, first; McKinney, Junior, eocond; Russell, freshman, third. Time, 20 secondB. Egg race Phares, Junior, first; Brown, freshman, sec ond; Rodman, freshman, third. Time, 13 secondB. Bnsoball freshmen, first; soniorB and Juniors tie for second. Potato race freBhmen, first; Juniors, second; seniors, third. Time, 53 sec onds. Teams Freshmen, Toll, Frank, Tewell, Potter; juniors McKlnnoy, Phares, Mizora, Boyles; seniors Wil son, Stewnrt, Milenz, Watters. Hand wrestle Mnrconnet, Bonlor, first; Beckman, freshman, second j Williams, Junior, third. Broad Jump Potter, freshmnn, first; Mizora, junior, sec ond; Meier, senior, third. Distance, 9 fee. Squaro pull -Munday, junior, first; Frank, freshman, second; Stn zenkaf, senior, third. Total Fresh man, 34; juniors, 27; seniors, 20. Rof eree, Collins. Freshles Win. The freshmen being tho winners, will receive the beautiful loving cup which is awarded by Mr. Tucker. On account of the rouh weather, little boating was done. A few enjoyed a swim In tho waters of tho lake. Be sides the students nnd faculty of the college the contests were witnessed by the seven judges of the supreme court and many prominent attorneys from over the state. 8AM FOSTER 8PEAK8. College Trained Men Needed to 'Help th,e Boys. Sam Foster, boys' work director of the Lincoln city Y. M. C. A., addressed the mid-week meeting of tho college association last night on tho "Rela tion of the University Man to the Boy Scout Movement." In Explanation he said: "The boy scout movement is not a new thing. It is merely a now name for a type of work that has been done for a good many years. No equipment Is necessary. All you need is a man, a group of boys, and tho out-of-doors. The movement will not run itself. It needs men, and the trained college man should be one of the first to get in and help the boys in his home town. They need you and you need them. Don't wait for someone to ask you; get busy and get a group together and you will find them responding eagerly to every move you. make. Remember, men, you are leaders." CADET ENCAMPMENT WILL IAST SEVEN FULL UAYS GOVERNMENT RANGE AT ASH LAND PROBABLE LOCATION. DATE IS JUKE 5 TO l More Target Practice Than Formerly, and Team to Be 8ent to Na tional Competition. Tho cadet enenmpmont of 1911 will bo two days longer than haB boon tho custom In past yours. Usually tho cadets havo pitched camp on Wednes day and returned to Lincoln on tho following Monday, but UiIb year they will go Into camp on Monday to re main for seven days, Tho datoia June 5 to 12 Inclusive. Tho camp will bo at tho govornmont rifle range at Ashland. It Is poBslblo that some other place may bo choson, but highly probable that Ashland will bo tho enmping place. Suggestions havo been made that tho maneuvers bo held at Fort Crook, near Omaha, but as there 1b no rifle rnngo at tho fort it is out of the question. Much Target Practice. A larger amount of target practice will be on the program for this year. Longer shots will also bo mado. While last year only tho 200-yard rango was used, shots will be mado at 200, 300 and 500 yards this year. Target prac tice will easily be tho feature of tho canity. A competitive shoot will also bo held, each man firing from 200, 500 and GOO yards. The six highest shotB will represent the university" in com petition for tho chumplonshlp shoot of tho National Rifle association. Theso six marksmen will shoot at tho Ashland rango und their score 'com pared with that made by tho bIx best men at other universities of the asso ciation. Prize a 8ilver 8hleld. Tho rifle team will shoot from three ranges and in three positions stand lng, leaning or sitting and prone. Tho prize ordered by. tho national associa tion Is a largo silver shield. Tho tro phy wns first offered In 1905, when it was won by tho Princeton team. Since then It has been won threo years by George Washington univer sity and once by Massachusetts agri cultural college, the present holders of tho shield. The team winning this shield the largest number of times in sixteen years will become the perma nent possessor of it. Visitors' Day on 8unday. Dean R. Leland, captain and chap lain of the university cadets, will go to camp with the regiment and on Sunday will preach to the men. Sun day will be visitors' day. A special invitation will be extended to all friends of the cadets to visit tho camp on that day. Regimental parade will bo held for their benefit late Sunday afternoon. A. I. E. E. MEETING. a There will bo a meeting of branch of A. I. E. E. in tho-englneorlng build ing tonight at 7:30. Two papers are to bo read. L. E. Hurtz of the Lin coln Telephone Co. -will talk on "The History. Und- Development of the Tel ephone Since the Expiration of the Patents." Professor Q. H Morse will talk up on the subject "Some Obser vations on tho Electrical Engineering Course la the Universities of the Mid dle West." All are invited. t