The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 10, 1911, Image 1

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    Zbc Sail Utebraehan
Vol. X. No. 138
Price 5 Cents.
Lincoln Commercial Club to Help Pay
Local Expenses and University
Donates Field.
One week from Friday will be a
gala day for all the high schools of
the state of Nebraska and Indirectly a
noteworthy ovont for university stu
dents, especially Greek letter men.
On that date the Nebraska high
school athletic meet, commonly
termed high school fete day, will be
held In Lincoln.
All athletes of Nebraska who are
students of high schools Incorporated
in the Nebraska High School Athletic
association are eligible to this meet.
A maximum entry of ten and a mini
mum of two men per school Is re
quired in each event.
Support the Meet.
Tho meet will bo held on the new
Nebraska athletic field, this having
been given to tho high school associa
tion in order that the meet might, be
an assured success from the stand
point of favorable grounds. Tho Lin
coln Commercial club has alsp co-operated
with the association to guar
antee tho retention of Lincoln as the
location of tho annual meet and has
made an appropriation to cover all
the local expenses.
Beautiful gold, Bterllng silver and
bronze mednls will be awarded to
first, second, and third place winners
respectively. A banner will be donat
ed to the winning relay team, although
.no Individual medals will be granted
to tho members of the team. An ex
traordinarily handsomo banner will
bo given tho team winning tho great
est number of points. Five, three,
two and one points' will be tho scores
of the first, second, .third and fourth
placo winners, respectively.
On Track and Field.
The track and field events include
all of those found In Intercollegiate
contests, namely, 100-yard dash, 220
yard dash, 440-yard run, one-mile run,
120 and 220-yard hurdles, one-half
mile relay, polo vault, 12-pound Bhot
put, running Irish jump, discus throw,
running broad jump, and 12-pound
hammer throw.
Nebraska high school fete day is
one of the greatest events In the lives
of Nebraska students. It Is also an
occasion of vital Interest to all, true
Nebraska students. Consequently, It
Is urged by tho local committee of the
association" that theunlyerslty. Btudent
body rally to tho support of this 1911
' meet and mako it one of tho best In
history. There 1b- no doubt that the,
fraternity men will take advantage of
this opportunity, in view of the fact
that this affords an excellent time for
these university men to note the ath:
letlc qualities of prospective students.
circles. After graduating from tho uni
versity Miss Drake went to Now York
city and spont a year In Dr. White's
Bible school. From there she went to
Rochester, N. Y., where Bhe held the
position of Industrial secretary of the
city Y. W. C. A. for three years, gain
ing a reputation whllo thero as one
of the foremost Industrial secretaries
In the country. For the past year she
has been connected with tho city
association hero and has Interested
herself to a marked degree In varjous
civic, social and religious enterprises
In Lincoln. Her large experlenco and
training will without doubt prove val
uable in her university work, which
will begin In September.
boy scout movement. Evory college
man In his homo community Is more
or less a model for the boys of his
acquaintance. Every one haB hoard
of tho boy scout movement and Is
more or less familiar with the meth
ods used. Tho movement advances
from the theoretical to tho practical
stage when competent leaders are
chosen to tako up tho work. Mr. Fos
ter is tho boys' secretary at tho city
Y. M. C. A. Ho will discuss tho prin
ciples of scout craf ana Point out
how college mon may exert a largo
influence among tho boys of their
homo town by starting bucIj a move.
Sam Is an Interesting speaker and his
experience and work among tho boys
has given lrlm a keen Insight Into tho
work of tho boy scout.
Prominent Nebraska Graduate to
Take Charge of Y. W. C. A.
Miss Fannlo Drake, a graduate of
Nebraska university '06, has, been
chosen to succeed Miss Carrie Shultz
as secretary of thor-unlveralty Y..W.
Cr A". Afio association, , considers it-,,
self especially fortunate -in haying se
cured Mis Drake;, as spe is : well
lcnown and. appreciated in university
Fair weather or foul, tho big law
barbecue comes off today and from
the plans of thoso in charge will be
the real class of the year. At 9:50
o'clock four or five big cars will meet
the students of tho law department di
rectly In front of tho gate anil the
band and student body will go to the
beach in theBe. More cars will leave
Ninth and. O at 11 o'clock for the con
venience of thoso coming from Om
aha, Nebraska City and other points.
All Beven of the supremo judges will
adjourn court to attend and will leave
on the 11 o'clock cars, together with
a large number of attorneys who can
not get away earlier.
The preparations have gone on In
a lavish manner and there will be
lunch galore. The big steer which has
been reposing" in tho coolers of
Schwarzchlld & Sulzberger went on
tho spit at 4 o'clock this morning and
tho savory odors of roast beof will
greet the lawyers as they reach tho
beach. Twelve hundred buns have
been purchased and coffeo and Ice
cream enough for six hundred are on
the grounds awaiting tho concentrated
attack of tlio hungry laws.
Numerous athletic, events aro to bo
pulled off. There will bo ball games
and all tho races In tho racing vocab
ulary from relay to potato. Tho speak
er of the day will bo Dean Ringer of
South Omaha, a university graduate.
Tho Intention of thoso In charge is to
mako the day ono of fun and frolic
and. no tlmo or expense has- been
Colonel Kremer Asks Him to Be Pres
ent at Review.
Dean Richards has accoptcd tho In
vitation of Colonel Kremer tcf Inspect
tho university cadet reglmont at tho
review on Thursday ovenlng. This
honor is seldom accorded to tho'mom
hers of tho university faculty, but Ne
braska's popular engineering college
dean, who Is to go to a new position
at tho University of Illinois, will bo
honored' In this way. Tho Thursday
evening military drills aro alwayB
open to tho public nnd a small body
of students usually turns out to oc
cupy the bleachers.
Reservations Not Paid for to Be Placed
on Sale Friday.
There is no joke about tho limit in
the number of tickets for tho mill
tary dance. It is actually to bo lim
ited. The tickets are nearly all spoken
for and a majority of them have been
paid for. Chairman Hathaway an
nounced last night that ho wanted to
assure his friends and the friends of
other members of the committee that
no tickets would be held after Friday
noon. Thero is sufficient demand so
that all unsold, tickets will be re
leased for sale Friday noon regard
less of who the person is. who has
asked for the reservation. Thero is
suro to be 'a mad rush for tickets at
the last minute. v
Radcliffe Gets Second Place In Speak
ing Contest.
With "Opportunity for True Suc
cess" as his subject, J. M. Swonson
won first place In the annual oratorical
contest held under tho auspices of the
college of law. It was held In tho .sci
ence hall of tho Temple Monday oven
lng. Clayton Radcliffo was second.
Tho orations- woro good and well de
livered. A small crowd was present.
Eight Men Are Taken Into the Junior
Tho Vikings, the Junior men's soci
ety, held an. initiation last evenlngi
Viking is a society composed of junior
men and is supposed to stand for
much tho same as tho Innocents to tho
seniors, Iron Sphinx to tho sopho
mores and SpIkeB to the froshmon.
The "following wero taken in: Thad
Saunders, Clayton Radcliffe, Howard
Oullfoil, Miner Sherwood, Arthur May,
Mac Woodard, Wayne Carroll and
William Randall.
Names to Remain a Secret Until For
mally Announced at Military
Ball Saturday.
Speaks on v Boy Scout. Movement at'
'Y. M.C A. t ' .
At. the mid-week meeting; tonight a
(Jj: 4 6, at 'the Y, M. "C. A,rpqnjBvin.the
Temple, Sam Foster will discussthe
Renders Excellent Program at the
Temple Theater.
Last evening In the Temple thoator
Miss Anna Ray Simpson gave a re
cital for graduation, Miss Simpson's
interpretation of several numbers of
tho program was exceedingly flno, the
selection "Roses from the South" be
ing especially' so. Miss Simpson has
been a student with Robert W. Ste
vens. Tho iprograni:
Bourreo Bach-Jbscffy
"Du hist die Ruh'"...,Schubert-LIszt
Tarantella, O sharp minor.... Nlcode
Baracarolle, A minor Rubinstein
Love Song, bp, 26, No. $...Stojowski
Waltz, "Roses from tho South!' i.
' ,' ...... Strauss-Schuett
Concerto, C minor. ..',,... Plerne
Allegro-Maestoso '
Allegro un poco agitato
Sponsors aro to bo selected as
honorary members of oach of tho
sovon military companies. Such was
the decision of tho Officers' club at Us
meeting hold last night. Tho move
ment to have an olaborato system of
co-ed soldiers, ono for each company,
has at last proved to be of conse
quent and sponsors will inspire tho
men to greater valor on tho field of
Tho sponsor will bo chosen by tho
first sergeant of the company and tho
name submitted to the officers for
their approval. This will bo a special
honor of tho young women who aro
lucky enough to bo selected, nnd It Is
planned to have tho captains pro
sent them to tho companies at a spo
clal ceremony somo day next week.
This will probably bo on Thursday
evening, although no announcement of
the dato has been made.
Cozy Corners.
Announcement of tho Bponaor elec
tions will bo made Saturday ovenlng
at tho military ball. It Is planned to
keep tho names secrot up to that
tlmo. A number of other now stunts
aro being planned for tho big mili
tary dance. Cozy cornors aro to bo
constructed for the occasion. Tho
decorations will bo elaborate. Walt's
full orchestra of twelve pieces will
furnish the music, assisted by tho uni
versity cadet band. Tho band will
appear In full military attire. A num
ber of tents will bo Bet up to form
"headquarters row." Tho committee
is working night nnd day to mak'o
this first annual military ball a grand
Tho girls of the university have
mastered the gamo of Indoor baseball
and a match game will culminate the
season. Two teams will bo chosen, -with
Lottie Savage and Gladys Bunt
acting as captalnB. All tho enthusi
asm belonging formerly to basketball
has transferred Itself to tho knowledge
and practice of the national game.
Como out and boo tho skill which the
girls exhibit and have as much fun out
of It as they do If you can.
Before this gamo a short track ath
letic contest will bo hold, in which
any- of the' university girls may enter
by registering with MIs's Glttlngs be
fore Friday. A silver cup will be given
tho all-round champion., JThe events
will bo as follows: 25-yard dash, 50
yard dash,, hurdle race, running high
jump, and shot put.
The meet takes place on the ath.
letlc field Friday, May 12, at 4 p mv
The track evenCa will occupy the hour
from 4 until 5and the basobalfgamo
from 5 until 6. "All women of the atu
(dent body and the faculty will- be ad
mitted. All men, however, are barred.
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