The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 09, 1911, Image 4

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freshman Hop Faljijtp Attract Dane
era and Creates Large Deficit.
Tho froahman hop was not a buc
oobb. In splto of tho fact that all
present had a good time, tho last olass
hop of tho year waB a financial failure-
and tho debt Incurred thoroby
liropilsoB to bo a burden upon tho first
yoar class. Tho fact that the class
was to glvo a dance on May C becamo
known, so late that It was not pos
alblo for men to socuro partners for
tho occasion. Ahd tho result Ib that
It failed to pay out, leaving a shortago L
of about $20 In tho treasury or tno
dance committee.
Chairman David Meeker and the
niomborB of his committee did their
best to Bell tickets, but thero was no
demand. Coming as It did Just be
tween tho very successful sophomore
hop and tho coming grand military
ball, tho dancers wore not attracted
by tho froahman function. About sev
onty couples only wore iproBent, but
they had plenty of room nnd nil re
ported that tho commltteo had pro
vided a good party, even thought It
was not well patronized. Konnfeth
Wherry was master of the ceremonies.
Students who have taken the me
chanlcaT" engineering1 course In wood
turning and who would bo willing to
miss a year in school, may secure po
sitions as manual training teachers
in grades and high schools.' Sec A. A.
Reed for further Information.
A frosh shipmont of
Huyler's & Whitman's
fino candies
Meier Drug Co.
13tlynl O Stret).
The Favored Fashions
in men's wear, designed and made by master
tailors, garments that are correct, and that
make you a well-dressed man are the kind
every man should have, especially when you
can get them here at no greater cost than or
dinary clothes cost you elsewhere.
Many new brown and grey effects; penciled
and broken stripes, handsome plain colors.
Clothes that give you the most that can be
given for the money. Perfect tailoring; cor
rectness in style and greatest wearing quality.
Would be glad to show them to you any time
and you will enjoy seeing them.
SUITS $10 to $45
Lincoln's Leading Head-to-Foot Clot liters for Men and 'Boys.
Miss Uardn Scott. ex-'13, was a vis
itor In the city Friday.
Leonard Hoggelund, '10, Omaha, was
a recent guest at theDelta Tau house.
Frank O. Wheelock, '10, of Omaha
was the guest of friends Sunday.
New and Up-to-Dato
Our Specialty
Dinner 35 Cents
Open After Thqatres
1215 O
n Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge
Thi Oreit Sail Water Swlnalag Pwl
HOURS i Ladles, Mornings Kxoopt lundara.
Uentlemon. Afternoons and Krenlngt. Ladls
ana Qentlomon, Monday and Friday ErcnlBft.
Mid tod y strict. Special Paitlu Arraiftf For
The result of being well dressed
is worth much more than, the price, for good clothes will
make you feel more like success. You want success, and you
want to wear clothes that look aristocratic. 'Now, here's a
big stock of good clothes to choose from; garments made for
well-dressed men; and as soon as you get into them you'll be
be well-dressed. You ought to see what we've provided for
you in the way of
Spring Suits, Ranging in Price .
from $10.00 to $40.00
Armstrong Clothing Co.
Gootf Clothes Merchants -
' '., ii . ff 1 v, -
Home of Hart Schaffneri& Marx All Wool Clothes
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