The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 09, 1911, Image 1

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    XLbc H)ail ftebrashan
Vol. X. No. 137
Price 5 Cents.
May Gets First In the Hundred and
Russe Places lriHurdles, Vault
' and High Jump.
Nebraska took the annual dual track
meet from Kansas last Saturday by a
score of 62 to 48. There were several
surprises and both the Jayhawkere
and the CornhuBkers failed to' take
places for whleh they were doped. In
the sprints the southerners wcro un
able to take a first, but In tho two
mile took both places and got first In
the mile.
By a plucky sprint In the labt few
yards Becker camo in for a second
in the half mile, with Anderson in the
lead. The same feat was repeated by
- Amberson In tho quarter. The first
real surprise came when Anderson
was unable to pass Watson In the mile
and secured only a second. This was
largely due to the strenuous half
which tho Nebraskan had run a short
time before.
Collins Takes Seconds.
It seemed to bo Collins' oft day, and
, he was unable to come up to his UBual
form In cither the discus or the shot
put. securing a second in both. In the
low hurdles both Kansas men fell and
allowed Power to win with compara
tive ease. It was not expected that
Russell would .be able to take tho
high hurdles, but he ran a close sec
ond. Tho most exciting event was the
relay. If Nebraska Bhould win the
meet was a sure thing, and the spec
tators went wlid. Pairchllds gained a
Utlo on Gibson and tho long-legged
k ' ' Gribble secured a lead of fifty feet.
AmberBon cut this down by a sprint
at the finiBh and Black was off with a
good Btart over Captain Reed. The
latter ran his usual heady race and
crowded his opponent into the curb
ing for three-fourths of .the, wTJ
around, when he passed him and
reach: ' tho tape with five feet to
The wind kept tho time down and
no records were broken. Osborne of
Kansas ran the two-mile in less than
the Nebraska record. Tho results fol
low. Half mile Anderson, Nebraska,
first; Becker, Nebraska, second. Time,
2 minutes 2 3-5 seconds.
100-yard dash May, Nebraska, first;
Davis, Kansas, second. Time, 10 2-5
120-yard hurdles C. Woodbury,
Kansas, first; Russell, Nebraska, sec
ond. Time, 16 1-5 seconds.
220-yard dash Reed, Nebraska,
first; Davjs, Kansas, second. Time,
22 1-5 seconds. Tied Nebraska record.
One mile Watson, Kansas, first;.
Anderson, Nebraska, second. Time,
4 minutes 44 3-5 seconds.
220-yard hurdles PoVer, Nebraska,
first; H. Woodbury, Kansas, Becond,
Time, 27 seconds.
. 440-yard run Reed, Nebraska, first;
Amberson, Nebraska, second. Time,
51 1-5 seconds.
Two-mile run Osborne, Kansas,
flrst; Murray, Kansas, second. Time,
' . 10 minutes 15 3-5 Beconds.
.One-mile relay Nebraska, flrst;
Kansas, second. Tiaras Nebraska,
Gibson. Power, Amberson ana" Reed;
Kansas, Falrchllds, Gribble, Hamilton
and Black. Time, 3 minutes, 33 3-5
Pole vault C. Woodbury, Knnsas,
first, holghl 11 feet 3 Inches; Rub
sell and LIndstruni, Nebraska, tied fo'r
second, height 11 feet 1 Inch.
Throw discus Harmdn, Nebraska,
first, distance, 115 feet 2 Inches; Col
lins, Nebraska, second, 114 feet, 6
High Jump French, KnnsnB, first;
Russell and Christmas, Nebraska, and
Woodbury., Kansas, tied for second.
Height, 5 feet, 9 Inches.
Shot put Amnions,, Kansas, first,
At a special session on Satardny
morning, May 6, the university senate
passed the following rules, drafted by
a committee previously appointed to
consider tho general matter of holi
days in relation to class attendance.
Single holidays, half holidays, and
other major periods of time during
which classes are to bo dismissed
shall be distributed for the academic
year among the days of a week with
as much fairness as possiblo to the
classes involving 2, 3 and 5 hours
groupings. All such periods shall be
granted only by tho university senate
except that on extraordinary occa
sions the committee on convocations
may call a special convocation or rally
subject to tho approval of the chnn
collor. Eleven to twelve on Tuesdays and
Thursdays aro to bo kept open, and
rallies, class meetings, etc., nre to be
scheduled for these hours, so far as
possible. No class lectures or recita
tions will be scheduled for these pe
riods. Tho registrar before or early in
each Bomcstcr shall furnish each
officer of instruction with a bulletin
calendar showing especially all holi
days, half-holidays, rally periods, and
other determinable periods of time
wherein classes are to be dismissed.
After September 1, 1911, sessions
of olnes work of tho second semester
shall hold regularly until 6:00 p. in.
Tuesday of commenceriiont week.
Somestral or examinations in any
semester, If held, shall be during the
last regular class sessions.
Two weekB before any day on which
for each semester the faculties meet
for the recommendation of candidates
for degrees, officers of Instruction are
required to report to the registrar the
standing of all senior candidates for
degrees at tho close of the semester.
Standings are to bo based on bucIi ex
aminations given at this time as may
be deemed necessary to make definite
and proper report.
Full attendance until the close of
the semester is required of all seniors
and thp final standings reported are
subject to the ruie that each une'x
cused absence In any semester may,
In the discretion of the Instructor, de
duct three points from the final grade.
Tho (purpose of rules 1 and 2 is not
to diminish the customary number of
holidays, rallies, student meetings,
etc., but to so apportion them that the
periods of no one clasB or group of
classes shall be disproportionately
diminished. Heretofore, It has been
found, certain periods on certain days
have been unduly favored Tor recesses,
seriously discommoding the work
scheduled for these hours., Rule 2 pro
vides for two open hours weekly upon
distance 37 feet, 4& Inches; Collins,
Nobraaka, second, 37 feet 2 Inches.
Broad Jump Wilson, Kansas, first,
distance, 20 feet t Inch; Munson, Ne
braska, second, 19 feet, 9 Inches.
Seniors aro notlflod for the last
time that commencement Invitations
must be ordered today. TIUb Is the
last day In which orders will bo taken
as. the ordor for the printing has to be
sent in immediately. Orders will be
taken at tho library all day Tuesday.
which, It Is expected, ralllos, class
meetings, and special assemblies of
any sort, will bo customarily hold. No
classes (lectures or recitations) will
bo scheduled at these hours, although
It will bo necessary to keep open mnny
laboratories during these periods, ow
ing to tho demand on laboratory ac
commodations, Rule 3 irrovldes for tho formal prep
aration and disseminutlon of schedules
in advance, to be placed in the hands
of the teaching force, so that each In
structor may accommodate his semes
ter's work to tho general schedule. It
is recognized that not all recesses
can be foreseen, and It Is to provido
for tho special occasion that tho rider
Is attached to rule 1, placing tho grant
ing of each special recess In the
hands of the ohnneellor and tho com
mittee on convocations.
The object of rule 4 Is to place all
examinations on tho same footing as
mid-Semester examinations and or
dinary tests. After tho close of tho
present semester, there will be no for
mal examination week as heretofore,
each Instructor giving such examina
tions ns he sees fit In the courso of
the tegular class sessions. It Is rocog
nlzed that most of these will' fall In
tho last sessions of the semester, but
It s not contemplated that this shall
In any degree affect other classes or
other class work. Tho general effect
of this rule, so far as tho student Is
concerned, will bo to throw mord.
weight upon clasB work and loss upon
examinations in tho determination of
Ills standing.
Rule 5 adapts this system to tho
case of seniors. Two weeks before
tho semester closes nil seniors' stand,
lngs will be placed in the hands of the
registrar, subject to the deduction of
three per cent for each absence from
class, without adequate excuse, during
the last two weeks. This means, of
course, that a senior near the danger
mark will fall of his degree If his class
work soriously lapses during this pe
The now system will Involve some
modifications of tho prcsont registra
tion system. Accordingly tho senate
passed a resolution requesting the
chancellor to appoint a committee to
consider the problem involved In ad-'
vising and reglsterlg students. This
committee 1b expected to report early
In the autumn. ' -
The general effect of these ruleB
will bo to lengthen tie school year, by
Increasing the actual number of ses
sion days and session periods, with
out altering the time of opening and'
the time of closing. It will also ob
viate the usual loss of time just pre-'
vlous to the June commencement;
classes hpldlng until Alumni Hay.
Anderson, Hlltner, Bates and Ankeny
Get Places Summary of
the Results.
Tho athletic board olcctlon yester
day will pass into history as tho most
qufet cumpnign ever conducted nt No
broBka. Tim usual mud-allnglng which
has been much in ovidenco during tho
InBt few years was entirely dispensed
with and a moBt friendly spirit exist
od throughout tho day.
Tho pollB opened at 10 o'clock, and
during the enrly hours It seomed as (f
only a slight vote would bo polled. Jn
the afternoon tho Interest holghtonod
and a modorntoly large numbor of bnl
Jots were cast, although many who
wero cllglblo did not avail themselves
of tho opportunity to vote.
Tho fact that this campaign was
characterized by a harmonious spirit
among candidates is a good Indication
that thoso elected will work togothor
In tho same manner and that internal
dissension on the board during tho
next year will bo a negntlvo quantity.
Tho result of tho day's balk)t was as
follows, in ordor named:
Owen Frank. . 469
L. R. Anderson .".... 396
A. H. Hlltner 261
W. L. Batos 232
H. R. Ankeny r-. . 211
E). S.' Munson 193
R. M. Swltzlor 188
O. W. Miller 17C
V. C. Hascall 168
S. R. Buck 140
W. T. Carroll .'... 118
Ho(4 Annual Gathering at the Lincoln
Last night nt tho Lincoln hotel tho
Democratic club held 'its annual ban
quet. There wore' about sixty univer
sity men present ant) after the viands
hatl'Rll been cleared away an excel
lent list of toasts waB rosponded to.
R. M. Swltzlcr was tho toastmastor
and Interspersed his Introductions '
with many funny storicB. All who
spoke wero students. Among thoso
who responded to toasts wero Weiss,
Rohn, Oborfelder, Doanto, Raymond,
GUmore, Kiplingor, Cline and Som
mervillo. Several Impromptu talks
wero made by the members of tho
One-Act Comedy and Music Is Greatly
The Komensky club held Its regular
meeting last Friday at tho homo of
,Cr.. and Mrs. J. H Brt, where an In
teresting program was rendered. ' A
one-act comedy was given, which was
thoroughly enjoyed. Tho participants
wero the Misses Irma Herman Zenka
Slnkulo, Mrs. Olga Stastney. and Mr.
'Job. Toblska. Mr. Frank Hruby, one
of 'the members of the Hruby Broth
ers' sytnnhony orchestra, rendered
several piano: selections several ltof
iwhlch wero of bis .own, composition.
A social time followed, during which
dainty refreshments were served "by
the hostess. , " . ' (" ,
W-.- J
i T