THE DAILY1 NEBEASKAN I! w ! APPLICATION FOR WHIT OF NH EXOHBAT. To tho Honorablo Judges: Chancellor 8amuol Avory, Denn W. G. Hastings, tho faculty and- students of the coIIcko of law of tho University of XobruBka, BltuntoiJ In tho city of Lincoln, Lnncnster county, Nobrnskn, bring this their bill of comnlnlnt Against tho alumni and former stu dents of tho cpllogo of law of tho Uni versity of NebruBka,' situated in vari our purtB of tho United States, and thereupon your orators complain and say that heretofore, to-wit: nt various commencement tttuos a certain hunch of beardless youths, then nnd there protending to havo Bufllclcntly quail lied themselves to he admitted to the practice of law at tho bar of said state, and then and there having sufllcleut audacity to Influence the guileless Judges of tho courts of said stato (nnd Justices of tho ponce), to believe their protestations in that behalf they wore by reason of said action on tholr part, admitted, to practice law as nforosald, and ever since said time have Jointly nnd severally hold thomsolves out to the public as worthy of Its confidence, OBteem nnd patronage as lawyers, "and against the ponce and dignity of Wo sfalo of Nebraska, etc." And your orntorB further say that notwithstanding tho fact that each nnd every one of said follows, composing Bald bunch, has received and continues to roceivo a fair moiety of tho emolu ment of his profession nnd has fre quently hnd divers nnd sundry scraps with others of uald bunch nt their cli ents' expense, thoy havo nevertheless Jointly nnd severally, grossly, wanton ly and cruolly neglected to cultivate among thomsolves those saving ameni ties of social life, which becomo mem bers of tho honored profession to which thoy havo lent tho dignity and grace of tholr abilities and to a fair Bharcof which said social amenities your orntorB, tho present incumbents of tho Institution which gave you knowledge feel thoy are entitled. To tho end that oar orators may ob tain tho rollef to which thoy are Just ly entitled la tho promises, thoy now pray tho court to grant them due pro cess requiring and commanding each nnd ovory rospondont to appear at tho Jollification groundB of your orators, namoly Capital Beach, in tho city of Lincoln, on tho tenth of May, at the hour of 10 a. in. sharp, then and there to tako that which may bo handed to each of thorn as they stroll about and chat of the olden days when thoy were boyB. And your orators further pray that tho said respondents and each ono of them by writ of no exeat be forbidden to leavo the jurisdiction of the city aforesaid until after the date above written, and that thoy bo severally and perpetually enjoined from ever af terwards domeanlng themselves in the unsocial fashion horeln complained of. And your orators further pray for such other relief as may be just and equitable. (Signed) DEAN HASTINGS, ' Solicitor Pro Se. FEAR T. N. E. CONTROL. Athletic Board Election on Monday an Important All-University Affair. Tho athletic board election will come off Monday. It Is tho most Im portant election of tho entire univer sity year, tho five men being chosen to shape tho policies and guide the destinies of university athletics. In co-oporatlon with tho faculty members of tho bonrd and on alumni represent ative these five men elect tho manager of athletlcB and control his nctlonB. OENTML NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. 1. HALL. Prenldent F. B. JOHNSON. Vlco-presldOnt BBMAN C. FOX. Cashier W. W. HACKNEY. JR., Aast. Cash. 7 j ; It is, therefore, an election in which all eligible university men should vote. Although it has been Btated on good authority that two of tho candi dates are members of Theta Nu Epsi Ion, no fight Is appnrontly being made against them. In some years past thq athletic board has been practically con trolled by thlB interfratornlty "frat," but this year the board has not been compo8ed of T. N. E. members. A complete list of tho candidates for athletic board appears elsewhere in this pnper. CORNHU8KER TO THE PRINTER. Work of Editorial Staff Is Now Prac tically Completed. Practically all of .the material for the 11)11 Cornhusker hns gone to press. The editorial staff has its work about all done and the time It will take to get the book out now dependB on the progress made by the printer. The management refuses to give out any statement as to tho definite time when the annual will be distributed, nut barring nccldents nnd tho unforeseen difficulties which sometimes arise the Jokes and pictures will be In the hands of tho subscribers In two weeks. The main feature about the book is the large number of Illustrations and the 'pointed jokes. No one person Is singled out to bear the brunt of the whole attack. These so-called Jokes are somewhat pointed and touch the eccentricities of some individuals In no ungentle manner. There were many who delayed or dering, thinking that a Cornhusker could be hnd at any time. But such wnB not the case and many have been disappointed. There 1b an order in for every book that will be printed. Absolutely no more subscriptions will be taken. The only possible way to obtain a book 1b to buy it from a subscriber. Classified Column FOR SALE Ono full-dJresB coat and vest, ono Tuxedo coat and vest, ?5 each. Ludwig, 1028 O St. 135-2t For Sale A good kitchen range; nearly new; cheap. See Nebraskan manager. tf For Sale Due bill on leading pho tographer In Lincoln. See Nebraskan manager. , tf WANTED. Learn toucn typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university students with a com plete course In touch typewriting and rent you any make of type-writer, three months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf Wanted to Buy 'Old gold and silver jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. tf $4 Tor day guaranteed a few men in northwest this summer. Box 1075, Station A. ' 3-t FOR RENT. For Rent A Modern 21-room house, to some fraternity or sorority or club, at 1029 It- street. 133-5t : L08T. WALT Stands for tho Latest and best in Music. 1215 O St. JUST RECEIVED , A fresh shlpmont of ' Huylerrs & Whlttman'i fino candies Meier Drug Co. 13th nnil O Street, v Want ads will positively not be In-, sorted unless paid in advance, at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for' every fifteen words or fraction there-! of for the first Insertion; three inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents.' FOR 8ALE. Lost Moore's non-leakablo pen, in zoology laboratory A. Finder return to Rag office. 136-1 FOUND. Found On , campus, some monoy. Owner may have same by identify ing. 134-3t The First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST $1 opens an account 189 South 11th Stroot. Try Our Maraschino Cherry Chocolates Also All Kinds of Dainty Sandwiches Best of Service LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN 14th and 0 S. W. Corner CAFE JACOT New and Up-to-Date Our Specialty Dinner 35 Cents Open After Theatres 155155 O UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited ASlU pM J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest. 1822 N St. Auto 1202 Boll 147 GLEANERS and DYERS c "f" EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS ejhiih r m. 4sas ajjKJcr LOST If you have lost or found articles, rooms iorrent or something to sell, advertise in the NEBRASKAN'S - WANT AD column. Our rates are low and we get results. v. Read Our Classified Column A