The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1911, Image 6
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V i i X A COMMUNICATION. Donr Editor: In glancing dver u copy of the Ne braskan the other day I noticed an article on tho senior play In which It was stated, the gist of tho article, that all men who Intend to view tho per formance from tho lower lloor and boxes must come attired In full dreBB. To say that this Idea Ib an Innova tion is putting it mildly. To one thor oughly vorsed In facta concerning students' wardrobes this Innovation will work a moBt decided hardship, as about one out of twenty is tho proud iKJBBesBor of tho classical spike tailed coat. Tho consequence of this nwful but nevertheless truthful state of uffalrB Is that tho participant In formal affairs must borrow, buy, steal or lonso "a suit. .Most of these leased clothes are somewhat antiquated In ' texture and design and a lit is not guaranteed. A largo per cent of tho ' gnrmentB contain a subtle, but at the Hiunu time distinct, aroma of moth balls which in the words of the poet, "though you shake and you bruBh and you dust as you will, the scent of the moth-ball will cling to them still." At the theater whore tho ventilation. In tho gallery Is not of the boBt, tho rnrifled air from bo many moth proof gar ments might result In the untimely tlemiBc of some of tho "gods" who fro quont thlB quarter of tho house But bo that as It may, tho action of the committee In making this a for mal affair smacks of a combination with the clothing men of the city to force these clothes upon an unsus pecting public. For this reason and because I am ono of tho aforesaid patrons of tho gallery and prefer to ftrcathe tho sweet air of liberty, which is Impossible in nn atmosphere of bor rowecKclothes,' I tako this stand. But to pasB to another feature of the subject. It Is cruelty of tho worst sort to Inflict torturo upon tho lnno cenL To compel tho seniors to sit for two and onq-hnlNiours and gaze at the stage, head orect,v pver a high collar and a Btlft shirt front, seems to tho writer to be punishment worthy of tho Inquisition. ThlB, however, is only tho physical sldo. To sit nnd endeavor to follow tho lines nnd at tho same lime try and forget that you are sit ting on tho tails of your coat will caiiBo many who came for a good time to mlBs tho plensuro entirely. Clothes Ate Often Very iMUCH LIKE APPLES Good Looking Apples Are Often Bad In Side The nice rosy tint on the outside of the apple may hide a very bad inside. Clothes to be Good Must be Good Inside and Out; a Nice Looking Fabric of cotton mixture and poorly made is the most expensive garment you can buy at any price. You can't buy them .here. The Only Kind You Can Buy Here are clothes that are so good that we are willing to guarantee you perfect satisfact ion or your money back. You take no risk in buying one of our f r (Cjc all-wool perfectly tailored suits that sell from P IV. W P"f-CF Specially strong values in suits priced $10, $15 and $20. MAYER BROS. 7 7JV 77 7v ff TJv TJv 7TV T ?p ? T '! "T T NOTICE. BANQUET IS A BIG SUCCESS. May 6 is your last chance. If your subscription has not be paid by that time it will be placed in the hands of collect ors. The Nebraskan announced at the first of the year that un paid subscriptions would be $1.25 after April 1. We have not been very strict In enforc ing this rule, but we have set May 6 as your last chance to get In on the $1 rate. Classified Column Want ads will positively not be In sorted unless paid in advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. FOR 8ALE. Formal Evening at the Lincoln En joyed by Dramatic Club. Tho third annual banquet In com memoration of tho tenth year .of the Dramatic club was held at the Lin coln last night. It took place In tho large banquet room which was decor ated with palms and llowors. Laven lar candles burned and smllnx decor ated tho tables besides an abundance of lilac blooms. Forty-three wore pres ent In evening dross. An excellent banquet was served. Margaret Guthrie was toostmlstiesB. Tho responses wore both clover and Interesting. Miss Howell gave a his tory of tho club and Miss Nagl recited an original poem of considerable length. Following ,1s tho toast list: The Coach . . . . , Fred McConnoll "You talk like a fish." Tho Loading Lady Julia Nagl "Thoro's a pin sticking In my hack." Tho Aspirant Harry Coffee "Hitch your wagon to a star." Tho Ingenue Kathryn Willis "Artless and Innocent" see 'Webster. Tho Retired Star. Ruth Bailey "Starlight, Star Bright." The Supe Clayton Radcllffo "Do you play chess?" The Nth Power Miss Howell "Her voice waB over soft and low." Tho Leading Man Yale Holland "My Idve b like the red, red rose." Curtain. FOR SALE One full-dross coat and vest, one Tuxedo coat and vest, '$5 each. Ludwig, 1028 O St. 13B-2t For Sale A good kitchen range; nearly new; cheap. See Nebraskan manager. tf For Sale Due bill on lending pho tographer in Lincoln. See Nebrnskan manager. tf WANTED. Learn toucn typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur, nlsh university students with a com plete course in touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, three montlis for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1400 O street. ' tf "Tan Oxfords" for Men at "Mens Bootery" Made in Button, Blucher, Lace, Gib Button, English Tie and Pumps Made of Russia Tan, Havana Tan, Tobacco Brown, Lemon Tan and Birch Tan "TANS" certainly have the call from now on. The very latest shapes arid models to be had at MENS BOOTERY C. V. ROBERT3 144 North 12th St. Wanted to Buy 'Old gold' and silver Jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. tf $4 'i:er day guaranteed a few men in northwest this summer. Box 1075, Station A. 3-t FOR RENT. For Rent A Modern 21-room house, to some fraternity or sorority or club, at 1029 R street. 133-5t FOUND. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS 7ejhijh m M .JHk. m ct Jiycr Mm tf zjjtj ? jiijFI7jtjmj3frMJx?LSMK Found On campus, some money. Owner may have same by Identify ing. 134-3t Herpolsheimer's Cafe Dinner 11:30 to 1:30 ORa Supper 5:30 to 7:30 C.OC. ALSOCAFETERIAN STYLE Ht Wall with Mapl Syrup 10 yHTRINTING X2LJ4H See Ua Before Ordering ElsowheH Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St. A 4 l 1 v