The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1911, Image 5
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A CAMPUS GLEANINGS C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 0 street. 'F. B. Butler is at the Acacia house. Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Otto Koutoc was in Lincoln thlB week. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. Delta Delta Delta will hold a picnic Saturday night, fqllowing a dance will bo given. R. O. Warde, barber, Woods, 120G O. Before the freshman hop have your fingers manicured At the Lincoln ho tel barber shop. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Roy Oreenslit of Ravenna has been at the Sigma Alpha Bpsilon house for tho last few days. Talk with Ludwig about your clothes. , 135-2t Professor Alexis will give an il lustrated lecture on Sweden at tho Temple Saturday evening. ' Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. A meeting of tho Girls' club board .will be held in Miss Ensign's ofllce Tuesday at 11 o'clock. Have your clothes presded at Web er's Sultorium, Eleventh and O. tl W. B. Smiley of St. Paul, province chief of Alpha Tau Omega, was in Lincoln this week. George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and ProcramB. Mario Hodge, Kappa Alpha Tau, of Omaha spent Wednesday in tho city, returning homo Thursday morning. Senior class pins can bo obtained at the university book store. There are a few left yet and the comlmttee is anxious to have these off hands so re ports can be made. 130-8t P. Z. Pfass from Indiana and E. Bur nett of Omaha are at tho Phi Gamma Delta house. Hiltnor Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12th St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Palms and choice flowers of all kinds. Ted Marrlner cleaner, dyer, and hatto'r, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 4876, Bell 1609. Annual May Sale of Undermuslins An Annual interest to all women because it means an oc- Sale Event casion when Summer : Undermuslin lines are at their best and many Special Prices prevail. Supply Your Entire Summer i Needs This Week Radge &?H6faenzel & About 40 engineers left at 7:15 this morning for Omaha on an inspection trip. They intend to return tomorrow night. New electric, light wiring has been installed in tho Nobraskan ofllce. A groat deal of cord was used before and the lights hung from steam pipes and everything else that would sup port them. This was doomed danger ous and permanent wiring seemed nec essary. In an exciting contest which lasted for seven innings Phi Kappa Psi de feated Phi Ganfma Delta 3 to 2. Tlie teams were evenly matched and it was one of tho best games of the intor-fra-ternlty series. Fields and Switzler were tho batteries for tho Phi Psis Ifs None to Early to leave that ordor for Bpocial work for commoncomont. Wo make to ordor Fobs, Brooches, Module, Class Pins, Novolitios, otc. Est. 1871 IIALLETT, Registered Optometrist J 143 O St Earl Mallory has been Lincoln. f visiting in Word has been received in Lincoln announcing the birth of a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevenson of Seat tle, Wash. Mrs. Stevenson was former ly MIbs JesBie Deming of Lincoln. Mr. Stevenson 1b a graduate of the univer sity forestry department. A large number of engineers left for Omaha this morning at 7:15. They Intend to go through, tho smelting plant, alBo visit tho lighting plant, tho Florence water works, Fort Omaha wireless station and many other places of interest. There is also a Y. M. C. A. reception to be given by tho Omaha alumni. The delegation will Teturn Saturday. and Proudy and Racely for tho Phi Gams. The sophomore baseball team will meet tho Juniors next Saturday morn ing In the inter-class series. This game will form a good basis upon which to judge tho outcome of this series. Tho seniors have been count ed out of the race and tho freshmen were defeated by tho second year men 4 to 3 last week. Tho University of Chicago relay team captured the mile championship in tho Pennsylvania relay races. Tho time was 3:21 2-5. Tho personnel of tho team was the same as the ono which competed at' Omaha. I sv ;BBbV Pumps, Gun Metal, Velvet and Patent, like cut $3.00 Perfect Fitters Yates-French Co. 1220 O Street Most young men want to wear clothes which will win the approval of oth ers as well as themselves. The matter of clothes is a mighty important factor in the success or failure of every man too important to pass by without careful thought. Be critical in your decision don't buy a suit because its a necessity get clothes which show you up which make your personality stand out like a sore thumb wear Scotch Tailored Clothes. The price is the one cheap feature about them never more nor less we would like to help you to choose your pattern. Tailored to Your Measure $15 Imitators Flatter Us Auto 2872 Boll 2522 133 South 13th St. Poor Clothes cnuso discontent, but there's no oxfuse for being discon tented on this score now. It's possible to got good clothes at nominal prices it's also possihlo to get poor clothes at high prices. We have clothes at low prices $M, $18 and $20, but they're "not. cheap" clothes. They have stylo and fit-and the maximum value of mater ial and workmanship that can be put into clothes at that price. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre vv WED. MAT. AND NIGHT, MAY 10 Henry W. 8avage Presents ThevSupreme Success of Successes " The Merry Widow " With the Original New York Cast, Including Mabel Wllber, Chas. Meak Ins, R. E. Graham, Etc. : : : : : LINCOLN "ISffinW, aS3 ORPHEUM SUBPS ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Welch, Mealy & Montrose Maxim's ModelB Boudlnl Brothers Eckert & Berge Corcoran & Dixon Dick Lynch Graham's Manikins Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c LYRIC Beginning Monday Evening May 1 ROSALINDA RED GATE Evenings at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Matinees Wed. & 8at. 15c & 25c WARTHON'S Original Electric Shot Rtpalring Factory and $2.50 Shoo Storo Mill's Wimin'i Wi Savt Yfu $1.00 14-2 North 12th Strt & "A. . J