The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1911, Image 4
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN RESIGNATION OFJBOF. LE ROSSIGNOUS REGRETTED COUNTED AMONG FOREM08T ED UCATORS OF DENVER. Some New Models Hi Books Have Been Translated Into Other Languages Has Been Granted Two-Year Absence. Tho Clarion, published by the Unl vorBlty of Denver, Bnys that grent re gret Is being expressed throughout thnt university at the result of Dr. Le noBBignol'B announcement thnt he had decided to accept the headship of tho department of political economy at tho University of Nebraska. At tho same time, Professor I- Rosslgnol Is receiving many congratulations on his resignation by a school of Nebraska's Blze. Dr. Lo Ilosslgnol has, with tho ex ception of a year gpent in Nebraska, been teaching at Denver university for sixteen years. During that time he has been counted one of that institu tion's ablest and most popular pro fcBsorB. Ho has been granted a two year leave of absenco from Denver, so 4MfcAaMSSSSnislsSSvftSSSsY w M)&Lk iBflLSV'" DR. LEROS8IGNOL. Newly Elected Head of Political Econ omy Department. that In case tho climate at Lincoln Bhould prove unsuited to him ho can roturn to Denver. Professor Le Rosslgnol has also ex preBBed regret at leaving Denver, However, at Nebraska ho will have a larger Held and another attractive fea ture 1b the Increase in salary. There are a number of professors In the de partment here and Dr. Le Rosslgnol will have less actual teaching to do. Concerning some of Professor Lo RoBBignol'B paBt work tho Clarion says: "Not only has Dr. Lo Rosslgnol ren dered loyal, elllclent service within tho university, but by his ability as a Bpoaker and a writer. ho has been one of the most active In spreading- the namo of the school throughout the world. He is tho author of a number of books on economic subjects which have attained wldo popularity and aro used in distant collogcB, His 'Ortho dox Socialism' has even been trans lated for use in Japanese universities. He Is one of tho foremost authorities on that most Interesting of countries from tho vlowpolnt of tho economist, Now Zealand, and hls'lato book 'State Socialism In Now Zealand,' has been enthusiastically received In the colony. His BiiccesB in fiction was no less marked' when ho published about two years ago hlB 'Little Stories of Que bec.' " We have just received some elegant new models In Young Men's Suits. Let us show you what they are like. FARQUHAR 1325 0 LE88 THAN FORTY TICKETS. Freshmen Fall to Support Their Hop Committee. On Saturday night after tho Kansas meet tho freshman hop will bo held at tho Lincoln hotel. It Is hoped by tho committee that this Incident will help In bringing out a good attend ance. It is certain that there will not be a largo number preBont as tho tlckots have been going slowly. Leas than forty have been Bold thus far and somo of tho froslrmon aro laying awako nights thinking of a financial failure. This is tho last cIubb Informal or tho yoar, but tho dancers seem to bo tired. Ono peculiar circumstance Is tho poor way In which tho first year men aro supporting this function which Is given by tho class. FIVE STAR AGGREGATION IS COMING FROM KANSAS Continuod from Pago 1 of tho Boason. Tho track has been skinned, rolled, and packed, and will bo more nearly a real cinder track than it over has been. It is an nounced that all season tlckots will do nccopted at tho gato. In 1909 tho attendance at tho foot ball games on Franklin Field amount fed to 101,113,In comparison with 80, Q9"6 during the season of -19-10 a.t Pennsylvania;- . . Wncn a man v placed on his AM head the Bl Stetson fl Hat Pl I fm jj pH Every Stetson beara the Stetson Namo he has the style au thentic and the top notch. or hat quality ana workmanship. We fce the Stottoa Soft mil Deil.j llau la ill Hie Utctt itrln. SPEIER & SIMON N. E. Car. 10th and 0. JUST RECEIVED A fresh shipment of Huyler's & Whlttman's fino candies Meier Drug Co. 13th nml O Btreotft. CAFE JACOT New and Op-to-Date Our Specialty Dinner 35 Cents Open After Theatres 122155 O A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cream for banquets, Hot Drinks, Whipped Cream. THE F0LS0M 1307 O STREET LOST If you haye lost or found articles, rooms for rent or something to sell, advertise in the NEBRASKAN'S WANT AD column. Our rates are low and we get results. Read Our Classified Column .id 1 -..- X flR