The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1911, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE PIIOPICRTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBHA8ICA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor S. O. COTNER Managing Editor A. II. DINSMORE Asaoclato Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE ABBOClato Editor...... RICHARD MEYER BU8INE88 STAFF. Manngor V. C. IIASCALL ABBlBtant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. Athletics and Military.. T. J. HARORAVE Society and Personal.. F. C. McCONNBLL NobraHka Hall II. C. IIOUOII ScloncoB and aorman..E. J. HUBERMAJN Engineering It. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural E. H. GRAVES Law A. C. SCHMIDT Library and University Hall.. II. S. HUSE ABHlfltant Reporters V. A. STURM K. 8. WHERRY Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postoffice, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged (or ut the rate of 10 centa the Insertion for.ovcry fifteen woids or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebrauka, iih Becond-clusB mall matter, under tho Act of CongrcBB of March 3, 1879. MONDAY, MAY G, 1911. Saturday afternoon tho only big trnclc meet to be hold on Nebraska Field will take place. Tho Cornhusk erB luivo been doing boiho hard train ing as was plainly shown in tho con test with Amos. At tho least, Ne braBka has one of tho host teams In tho valley. It Is aB worthy of support as any team In tho country. That a good Bhowlng will bo made goes with out tho saying. That tho meet will bo close Is equally a forogono conclu sion. Kansas 1b an old enomy and rival for athletic honors. Nebraska ber of hours that a student Is allowed to carry bo cut from eighteen to fif teen. The work required will bo of a moro strenuous nature. This would probnbly bo a good chango, but there may bo a few objections offered. Tho rulo In Itself would be all right, but It should be made clastic. It Is a det riment to any Institution to havo too many ironclad rules. It Is both un just and detrimental not to allow one who can carry heavier work than the average to do so. It would be detrimental to tho unl- j varsity because It would drive the most enterprising arid Intellectual studonts to other schools where they would be nllowod to take work In nc cordanco with their capacity. Above all, Industry Is to bo encouraged and every studont should be given tho op portunity to let his mind expand. All aro not alike nnd nil havo not the samo number of talents. It Is unwise to try to mako one do more than he can or to prevent another from doing as much as ho can. Tho result In both cases would bo discouragement. A closer supervision of tho Individual can result In no harm. Rigid rules that must apply to ono extreme or the other are to bo condemned. All regu lations should bo made so that they can bo applied to any circumstances without doing nny Injustice. GRADUATION RECITAL. Miss Adeline Amelia Strlckers Sings at the Temple. Before a largo audlonce at the Tem ple theater last evening Miss Adeline Amelia Strieker, a student with How ard Kirk patrlck, gavo a recital for graduation. Miss Strieker was well ceived and showed considerable tech nique In her renditions. Tho follow ing program was given. Dr. Arno X1710-1778) Under the Greenwood Tree, Where tho Bee Sucks. Gounod Cavatlna, from "Queen of Shoba." Brahms O Lleblicho Wangon. Schubert Im Abendroth. Oxfords for Men Tan, Gun and Pat tent Button and LiCiCwH QO.50 BUDD must win. It was really too bad you had to break that Ivy day date with her. But it could not bo helped and so thero Is no ubc to worry. But let her know that your heart Is In tho right placo by taking hor to tho track meet Sat urday afternoon. Any loyal studont of tho University of Nebraska would ap preciate such an Invitation. Bring your megnphones along and mako a nolBo, not a wee rah, rah; but a big, loud, .incessant, hearty yelling. Bo sports and seo tho Kansas-Nohrnska track meet. Liszt Die Loreley. Weber Softly Sight tho Breath of Evening from "Der Frelschuotz." Sartor Tho Lamp of Love. Howard Klrkpatrick The Rose Vino, The Sea Spell. Strauss Tomorrow, Tho Lover's Pledge. Rummel Across tho Hills. Loohr -Tho Ships that Went a-Sall-lng. Johns A Sigh, Qur Life is Vain. Von Flolltz Tho Night Ib Dark, from "Fair Jessie." A word lest wo forget. Examina tions are less than four weeks dis tant. Don't trust to tho leniency of any professor, for they aro perilous creatures In which to roposo such confidence. 'Tho law barbequo Is something now. Tho lawyers are to bo given a good tlmo all to thomsolvos. Thoy can mako all tho nolso they want to at Capital Beach and tho rights of tho other departments in University hall will not bo trespassed upon. All who can should attend for It means much to tho lawt school. COURSES OF STUDY. . It has been advocated that tho num. Notice. Tho following students have filed with me tho nocessary statements and are otherwise, eligible to qualify as candldntqs for student membership on tho athletic board for tho year 1911-12: L. R. Anderson. H. R. Ankeriy. W. L. Bates. Sam R. Buck. W. T. Carroll. Owen Frank. V. C. Haacall. . A. H. Hlltnor. O. W. Miller, E. S. Munson. R. M. Switzler. R. G'. CLAPP,, . 134-4t ' Secretary Athleic Board. ONE OF OUR NEW ARRIVALS IN $15.00 SUITS will dress you up and make you look like a seven time winner. You will look as well as the fellow who's Dad has money to burn and plenty of matches too Palace Clothihg Go. 14(9 0 Street HHHMMllHiMiBH THE PEEK-A-BOO The New Style for Young Ladies Can be had in TAN OR BLACK 5.00 pair Chn.z? 7? ryfS444Vfi mtiz Lincoln Sanitarium Plungm The Brut Silt Water Swlnalns Pm) g sssstsar noUIlS : Ladles, Morning Kxoept landara. Gentlemen. Afternoons and Urenlngi. LmIm and Gentltmen, Monday and Friday Kranlrft-s. 1411 aid II Strnti. Siicltl Pirtlw Arraifti Itr A ,j ,-wmm irt