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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1911)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN &. - - - . CAMPUS GLEANINGS FIFTEEN HOURS ENOUGH C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O street. The Graduate club will meet Friday evening, May 5, for 6 o'clock dinner in the tfemple. Short papers will be read by Mr. Carroll anil MIbb. Hrbkova, followed by brief discussions. Elec tion of officers. Chapin Bros., Flo r lata, 127 So. 13th. .Millicent Stebbins, A. B. 190G, and fellow in German, recently underwent successfully an operation for nppendl cltis. She is still in the Burnham hos pital at Champagne, 111., and is re cove ring. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. Miss Day will entertain the mem bers of the gymnasium class at tho armory Friday ovinlng at 8:30. All members of the class are invited to come with gentlemen friends. The last folk dance of the Beason will be given, after which social dancing will, be the program. It. O. Warde, barber, Woods, 1206 O. "At the second conference on the teaching of economics, to be held at the University of Chicago Saturday, May C, J. E. Lo Rossignol, lately elect ed head of the department of econom ics at Nebraska, will give an address on tho subject, "The Character and Method of College Undergraduate Work in Economics." Green's Sanitary Barber Shup, 120 No. 11th. Without any parentage, and unan nounced, to take but one breath, then perhaps die, the "Gatling Gun" ap peared at tho university yesterday morning. It was a four-page paper and no editorial staff was named. Ad vertising was - absent. Inquiry de veloped nothing, but it is understood Kb advent was to boost tho military ball. However, other school activities were mentioned. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Senior class plrifc can be obtained at the university book store. There are a few left yet and tho comlmttee is anxious to have these off hands so re ports can be mado. 130-81 DEAN DAVI8 DECLARES THE 8NAP COURSES SHOULD BE CHANGED. Classified Column Dean Davis spoke at convocation Tuesday morning on "Courses of Study." He gave some interesting faces and made some suggestions that would help tho work in tho colleges. In the first place, tho courses are not arranged scientifically or theoretically, but mainly to allow each department to have some credit. There aro too many easy courses. The enBy Btudies, the popular profes sors nnd the well advertised courses have the greatest number of Btudents. When a student gets into a hard study he thinks he Is badly mistreated and present tendencies lpdicato growing wonder that any one could expect a student to work very hard. If a pro fessor does insist on work he and his course are discredited by the student body. Professor Davis thought that better entrance requirements should be de manded. He recommended a three- yenr high school course, not reducing the work, but mnking It more thorough and of a high grade. He also would like to see some of the snap courses abolished or changed. At present there are in this university about 280 two-hour courses and 100 one-hour courses. Credit for such courses ns glee club, more lecture attendance and Saturday excursions should not be given. He thought It would bo well to require each sophomore to take at leaBt two five-hour courses and each freshman one five-hour. The number of hours one student should bo allowed to carry a semester should be limited to fifteen. Then those should be all he could well handle. No one department should offer so many courses hb they do at present. The university, as an Insti tution of learning, should demand more and better work of her students. Want ads will positively not be In aerted unless paid in advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tlons 26 cents; five insertions 40 cents. FOR 8ALE. x For SaleA good kitchen range; nearly new; cheap. Soo Nebraskan manager. tf For Sale Duo bill on loading pho tographer in Lincoln. See Nebraskan manager. tf WANTED. Learn toucn typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university studonts with a com plete course in touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, threo monthB for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 140G Q street. tf Wanted to Buy 'Old gold and silver Jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. " tf FOR RENT. For Rent A Modern 21-room house, to some fraternity or sorority or club, at 1029 R street. 133-5t FOUND. Greek Gentlemen woro well dressed for tho period in which they lived.- Threo ideas of dress which were common to tho Greeks are still retained by us. These aro roominess,, grace fulness and simplicity, You will find these qual ities together with many oth ers which go to make perfec tion all combined in our clothes. $15 to $40 MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street Found On campus, some monoy. Owner may have same by Identify ing. 134-3t Notice. The following studentB have filed Three New Close Fitting FULK New Manhattan and Collars furnisher ahd hatter Cluett . Shirts 1 325 O STREET Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, Eleventh and O. tl George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street. Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. Hiltner Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12th St. Phones Auto 1894, Boll 330. Palms nnd choice flowers of all kinds. Ted Marrlner cleaner, dyer, and hatter, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 487C, Bell 1G09. Don't throw them away. Safety razor blades sharpened, 1140 O stroot. 133-3t Tho musical clubs of Stanford uni versity will take n trip to Chicago some time this summer. with me the necessary statements and nre otherwise eligible to qualify as candidates for student membership on the athletic board for the year 1911-12: L. R. Anderson. H. R. Ankeny. W. L. Bates. Sam R. Buck. W. T. Carroll. Owen Frank. V. C. Hoscall. A. H. Hiltner. O. W. Miller. E. S. Munson. R. M. Switzler. R. G, CLAPP, 134-4t Secretary Athlelc Board. to "ft- v I JLg i $3.00 Pumps, 'Gun Metal, Velvet and Patent like cut Perfect Fitters Yates-French Co. ( 1220 O Street Most young men want to wear clothes which will win the approval of oth ers as well as themselves. The matter of clothes is a mighty important factor in the success or failure of every man too important to pass by without careful thought. Be critical in your decision don't buy a suit because its a necessity get clothes which show you up which make your personality stand out like a sore thumb wear Scotch Tailored Clothes. The price is the one cheap feature about them never more nor less we would like to help you to choose your pattern. Tailored to Your Measure $15 . Imitators Flatter Us 'Auto 2872 , Bell 2522 133.S.outh 13th St.- AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre TONI.GHT AT 8:15 Direct from New York Daniel V. Arthur Presents GRACE VAN STlDDIfORD In the Comic Opera Bouffe "THE PARADI8E OF MAHOMET" Prices $2.00 to 50c LINCOLN MAviaxATSS,ay; "30 ORPHEUM KKi ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Welch, Mealy & Montrose Maxim's Models Boudlnl Brothers Eckert & Berge Corcoran & Dixon Dick Lynch Graham's Manikins Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c L Y R I Beginning Monday Evening May 1 R0SALIHDHT RED GATE Evenings at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Matinees Wed. & 8at. 15c & 25c -- IF IT'S pRIflflflB YOU WANT Soe Us Beforo Ordering Elsowhert Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets " VANTINE PRINTING CO. 12.S-1W) No H tli 'At. Herpolsheimor's Dinner J:30 to J J 30 OR Suppet 5t30 to 7t36 &OQ ALSO CAFETERIA STYLI MftWiflit with lUfli Syr U . i