The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1911, Image 3

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C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 0 street.
It. U. Vance spent the week end at
his home in Crete.
Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Miss Kaves will not meet her
classes on Tuesday.
Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P.
- Vernon b. Hoateon - visited bin
brother in Omaha Friday.
R. O. Warde, barber, Woods, 120G O.
Robert B. Vance. Ml. spent Sunday
at liis home in Crete.
Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120
No. 11th.
IMil Gamma Delta held its annual
batuiuet at the Lindell Saturday niht.
Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa,
13th and V streets.
Kllett B. Drake. ')), Beatrice, Ne
braska, was in town for the Alpha Phi
Have your clothes preBrfed at Web
er's Suitorlutn. Eleventh and 0. tf
.Miss Uniise Stenger. '10, Omaha,
was the Kuest of Miss Mar RobbitiK
over Sunday.
George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth
street, Printers. Calling Cards, In
vites and Programs.
R M. Cassady, student tit Ames,
was a visitor at the Sngnia Nu house
Hiltner Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12th
St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Palms
and choice flowers of all kinds.
Professor Fogg of the rhetoric de
partment was unable to attend his
classes Monday.
Ted Marriner cleaner, dyer, and
hatter. 235 No. 11th St. Auto 4876,
Bifll 1609.
There will be a meeting of the uni
veislty girls' board at Miss Ensign's
odlce at II o'clock Thursday.
Learn toucn typewriting without
going to commercial school. Wo fur
nish university students with a com
plete course In touch typewriting and
rent you any make of typewriter, three
months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter
Exchange, 1406 O street. tf
Don't throw them away. Safety
razor blades sharpened, 1110 O street.
The active chapter of Kappa Alpha
Theta was entertained at a dinner
party Saturday night at the home of
A. W. Field.
The Pan-Ilelleiilc committee is mak
ing arrangefiients to have the returns
:f the city election read at the ban
quet tonight at the Lincoln hotel.
Miss Blanche Campbell, assistant
..secretary of the city Y. W. C. A., will
give a talk on the juvenile court
Tuesday. May 2. fioin ." to ii:4fi, in the
Y. W. C.'A. rooms at the Temple.
In spite of adverse weather condi
tions, the senior breakfast occurred
Saturday. The state farm was chosen
as the spot where there was liable to
be the least amount of mud, and the
floor of one of the barns was found
to be vastly preferable to the sodden
ground. While the plans of the com
mittee did not include these special
features, they were the only feasible
ones and the stunt was declared a suc
cess bj the thlitj who attended It.
The following program for govern
ment Inspection this afternoon has
been announced: Regimental reiew
and inspection, 1 hour; battalion drilj
l) third battalion, 20 minutes', guard
mounting b company A, 20 minutes;
bayonet exercise by company B, 20
minutes; Butt's manual to music by
company C, 20 minutes; company dlrill
by comi.any D, 20 minutes; parade by
first battalion, 20 minutes.
Prof. Sarka Hrbek returned yester
day from Crete, where she gave three
addresses, one being) given in the Bo
hemian language. On Sunday evening
she gave an address in the Congre
gational church on "John Hubs, the
Religious Martyr." Professor Hrbek
:f:n i okn u. convocation at Dpane
Classified Column
Advertisements for this column
should be left at the business office,
basement Administration building, be
tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between
2 p. m. and 5 p. m.
Want ads will positively not bo In
sorted unless paid In advance, at the
rate- of 10 cents per insertion for
every fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first Insertion; three Inser
tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents.
For Sale A good kitchen range;
nearly new; cheap. See Nebraskan
manager. tf
For Sale Due bill on leading pho
tographer In Lincoln. Soo Nebraskan
manager. tf
Wanted to Buy Old gold and silver
Jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs,
138 No. 12th St. tf
For Rent A Modern 21-room house,
to some fraternity or sorority or club,
at 102!) R street. i:t:S-.-.l
college on Monday morning before the
assembled student body
Athletes, Attention.
I0ery man in the University of Ne
braska who has ever done or expects
to do anything in track work should
don a suit and appear on the field at
the state farm tomorrow afternoon
Entries should be banded to Dr. Clapp
at once. Coach Field lias decided to
Three New
Close Fitting
New Manhattan
The joint banquet of the Y. W. and.
Y. M. C. A. held Saturday evening at
St. Paul's church was u grand succcbb.
The- attendance was good, It being one
of the lnrgest banquets held by either
CZf 'S-fw &&f.
Karl Mallory. ex-'ll, of Alliance, Ne
braska, was a week end guest at the
Alpha. Tau Omega house.
Senior class pins can be obtained at
the university book Btore. There are
a few left yet and the comimttee is
anxious to have these off hands so re
ports can be ninde. 130-St
The Forestry club deleated the Uni
versity Medical society Saturday in a
game of baseball, the score being 7 to
3 in favor of tlie Forestry club.
A meeting of the Engineering soci
ety will be held Thursday at 8 p. in.
Prof. L. A. Sclplo will lecture on
"The Aesthetic In Engineering Design."
Keep all the varsity men out of the
meet, consequently thot-e who have not
been practicing regularly will have an
even chance of winning. The medals
have been ordered in silver and bionze
and are said to be of the classiest de
sign jet offered. If you hae any aspi
rations to run, jump, ault. or throw
the weights, be on hand tomorrow and
make this meet a success.
C. C. McWllllanis, '07, who Is In the
employ of the American locomotive
Works at Sehnectady, Pa., was In Lin
coln Friday and Saturday to attend
the j'nrty mid banquet of Phi Gamma
I iiW x A
Gun Metal,
Velvet and
Patent, like cut
Perfect Fitters
Yates French Co.
1220 O Street
Most young men want to
wear clqthes which will
win the approval of oth
ers as well as themselves.
The matter of clothes is a
mighty important factor in
the success or failure of
every man too important
to pass by without careful
thought. .
Be critical in your decision
don't buy a suit because
its a necessity get clothes
which show you up which
make your personality stand
out like a sore thumb wear
Scotch Tailored Clothes.
The price is the one cheap
feature about them never
more nor less -we would
like to help you to choose
your pattern.
Tailored to Your Measure
Imitators Flatter Us
WB fffr'EBr
Auto 2872 Boll 2522
133 South 13th St.
You're Held Up
if you stand for anything loss
than dollar for dollar value in
buying clothes.
Ours give this value.
The price varies from $1Q
to $40.
Every suit embraces the
best material, cut and work
manship in short, offers the
highest value for your money
that can be produced today.
1109 O Strict
The Messrs. Shubert (Inc.) Announce
And His Company of 100 In the
New York Casino Theater
Musical Hit
Prices $2.00 to 50c
I IMPfll U MATINfins (GxceptMondoy) 3:30
:.e&?j;eis: advanced vaudville
Welch, Mealy & Montrose
Maxim's Models
Boudinl Brothers
Eckert & Berge
Corcoran & Dixon
Dick Lynch
Graham's Manikins
Mats. 15c and 25c
Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c
Beginning Monday Evening May 1
Evenings at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c
Matinees Wed. & 8at. 15c & 25c
Soo Ub Before Ordering ElBOwher
Programs, Menus, Announce
ments, Stationery, Booklets
l2-i:irt n.i iiihst.
Herpolslieimer's Gaff
Dinner U:30 to 1:30 ORA
Supper 5:30 to 7:30 uC
Hot Waflts with Mapl Syrup U