THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TUB PHOPEHTV OF THE UNIVBIIHITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION I10AIID EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor B. O. COTNER Mannglns Editor A. H. DINSMOIUS Associate Editor. ....T. M. EDGECOMBE AflBoclato Editor IUCIIAIID MEYEH NO CORNHU8KERS AT PLAY. D"U8rNESS 8TAFF. Manngar V. C. HASCALL AflBlBtant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MOHKISON REPORTORIAL. AthletlcB and Military.. T. J. HAHOKAVE Bocluty and PuiaonaL.F. C. McCONNELL Nebraska Hall II. C. HOUO,, ScluncoH and Unman. .E. J. IIUBERMAN BtiKlnuerliiK H. A. IIUNTINOTON Agricultural B. 1 1. OIIAVB8 Law A. C. SCHMIDT Library and Unlvuralty Hall. H. S. 11USE AflHlHtnnt ReportcrH V. A. STURM K. 8. WHERRY Editorial and Business Office: DA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION QLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. OUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Nlaht Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rale of 10 cents the Insertion for evory llftocn wor Is or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo publlHbed free. Entered at the postofllco. at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-clans mall matter, under tho Act of Congiesa of Match 3, 1879. Management Announces that Books Will Be Out Before that Time. It was emphatically announced by the management of the Cornhusker yesterday that the book would not bo distributed at the senior class play us originally planned for several ren sons. It would be unfair to those who could not le present, would cause 71 commotion at the play and detract therefrom, n satisfactory distribution could not be had, and it is an Impossi bility for the reason that the hook will he rendy for the subscribers be fore the pln will he presented. The effects of Dandelion dnj are becoming apparent. Several 'of the fraternities set their freshmen al work Saturday, and in consequence the lawns now present an appearance suitable to the splendor of the houses Cottier unUerhitj Is having a dande lion daj today, and several of the oilier Institutions are expected to lol low suit. THE BULLETIN BRADFORD CLOTHES MAY 1!. 1!H1. 4 Owing to the fact that to- morrow is Ivy day, the Ne- ' " bYasRaTr"Wtlt-not-be out until Jb. after the program given on the campus. It will contain a full account of the morning exer- ciaes at the campu6. Fortunate indeed are those who can attend the Pan-Hellenic banquet this evening. Bverj Greek in the unher slty should bo present. This is one of the big banquets of the school May. '1 Convocation, Dean Dais, "Courses of Study." 3 Ivy day. I (lovernnient inspection of cadets. I University band concert on tho campus. 1 Coin oeat Ion, reading by Miss A U(t Hnur.ll "Tni. t'!"'ghl. Watch." G Teener, science hall of Temple, 8 p. in. (! Kansas-Nebraska track meet, at Lincoln. 10 Law barbecue. Ul Minnesota-Nebraska track meet, at Minneapolis. 13 Missouri Valley high school track meet, on Nebraska Held. 27 Senior class play, Oliver theater. Are so good from every standpoint of the good dresser that ordinary words fail to give an adequate idea of how unusually good they are. They com bine the best quality with the very latest styles, and are priced at only $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 We have other makes that sell from $10.00 to $18.00 Bradford Clothes are sold in Lincoln exclusively by us. Let us show you a perfect spring suit. & SPEIER & SIMON N. E. Cor. 10th and 0 TAN BUTTON OXFORDS CLASSY SHORT VAMP, HIGH HEEL, AND THAT NEW DOME TOE. BUILT ON 5.00 LASTS. LOOK THE 6.00 PART. 3 50 BUDD 1415 0 ST EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYUER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS 7eJhtih curl$lQrcr JUST RECEIVED A fresh shipment of Huyler's & Whittman's fino candies Meier Drug Co. l.'ltli and Ml recti. CAFE JACOT New and Up-to-Date Our Specialty Dinner 35 Cents Open After Theatres 1215 O ear. Tomoirow is l da It Ih I lie Hi cat all-univeibit holiday and iheic ih no NebrnsUan who can afford to miss it. It s-one of those tew eents which really promote college splilt Besides the fellowship, there is the entertainment, the equal of which t .never provided for the money, it has been called a senior day. bvil it ih rather a day for the whole unlversit The loyaltj of tho students was shown on Dandelion day. It is now up to you to make Ivy day an equal success. Money is needed. Ba your tickets toda. If you have not obtained them already, (let out and see the track meet, the baseball name, (lie Dramatic club pla, hear the band concert, have your lunch at the farm. como to the morning exercises on the campus the cost ig"less than reason able. The Komensky club will present a short play at its next meeting, which "WlirtTnrcrplnce-on Prldny-evnlnK Some special stunts nro being planned for tho Pan-Hellenic banquet which Is to bo hold at tho Lincoln this evening. A i 1 11 11 11 inninn a 1 wwut SCENES FROM 'HAVANA' vi, J AS. T. POWERS W,ATT OLIVER TONIGHT AT THE