The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1911, Image 4
THE DAILY NKBEASKAN Directory of Advertisers Tho following merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln are anxious to erve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Daily Nebraskan they show that they want your trade. And you may be sure that the merchant who Is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who Is going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with these people: BANK8 FirBt Trust & Savings Central National Bank BAKERIES Folaom BARBER SHOPS Groon'B Caipltal Hotel BOOK STORES Co-op UnlvcrBlty CLEANERS Tod Marrlnor, cleaner and dyer. Wobor'a Sultorlum J. C. Wood & Co. Lincoln Cleaning und Dyo Works CLOTHING Farquahar Magoo & Doomer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL, Whltebreaat CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS Mlllor & Paine DRUGGISTS Meier Drug Co. , RlggB FLORISTS Chapln Bros. C. H. Froy HUtnor Bros. FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mageo & Doomer Mayer BroB. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon. Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co. Mageo & Deemor Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon JEWELERS Hallett Tucker OPTICIANS Shoan PRINTERS George Bros. Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS Y. M. C. A. Spa HorpolBhelmer's Cafo Jacot. SHOES Budd Men's Bootery Mayer BroB. Miller & Paine Yates French TAILORS Scotch Woolen Mills THEATERS Lyrlo Oliver Orpheum ' TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typowrlter Exchange B. F. Syranaon Co. INTERESTING PROGRAM HEARD BY THE WORKER8 Continued from Pago 1 mulatlons from tho same shall be used for tho erection of a state med ical school at Lincoln, this gift to bo in aid of legislative enactment. My leaves because tbey are green and Irregular I bequeath to Dean For dyco of tho Hchool of education, and It Is my will Hint he make use of his largo bookB on pedagogy and by pressing my leaves between his leaves In the most tender and affectionate manner. But the dry or yellow and uuoaker, unuseful and unfrulUji) leaves, I bequeath to Professor Eng borg, from which he may make a Bweet tea to soothe his troubled nerves at afternoon matinees. The sap that Hows through my veins, in fact my very life blood, I be queath to Dr. Maxey because it has always been fresh and necessary; also because It pervades all parts and un derstands the Iiib and outs of Inter national disputes between air, earth and water. To Professor Dales of the chemistry department I bequeath all my physical energy as a plant; I am not suro that he can use this, but I have considered the question and have decided that most any kind of energy would bo a happy thought. My fighting ability to the members of tho faculty on the committee of fifty. It Is my will that Miss Ensign, the doan of women, and Mr. Harrison, the registrar, bo given my blossom In trust in consideration that I have a dry, sweet, automatic smile for every one, and that tho huiiic trust be sub ject to tho following instruction and discretion,: After -allowing anjiutopsyl by Dr. Bossey, made for the advance ment of botanical science. The petals for tho use of Miss Hunter that sho muy use the same for an Inspiration of a now classical Latin poem; tho pistols to Commandant Yates, that they ward off nil approaching danger. Tho stamens I bequeath to tho library force, for they are tho busy bees who buzz around and get the pollen of truth scnttored upon the fertile soil of brain colla that still have within thorn the motlvo to work and exercise them selves. Tho seed I bequeath to the bald headed professors of the fuculty, that they may sprinkle tho seed upon tho alkali spots and break up the soil In such a manner as to bo able to raise the sliver locks so justly their dues. Tho smell of the llower I bequeath to Profossor Fryo, head of tho rhetoric department. May its fragrance sweet en tho pipe dreams of tho future and bring back happy reflections of tho testator who has bo bountifully re membered him. I want him to enjoy this legacy, even If he has to resort to tho courts of law for tho vindica tion of his rights, attorney's fees to bo advanced out of the bequest. Tho gentle breezes that have fanned mo and carressed mo from Infancy up I bequeath to Doctor Condra, dean of hot air. And now be It romembored by my executors that all not herein disposed of both real and personal, mostly personal, I bequeath as a resi due to Chancellor Avery to hold In trust for tho promotion of tho antl- THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Three-yenr course, lending to degree of Doctor of Law (J. D.). which by tho Qunrtor aystom mny bo completed in two and ono-fourth calendar years. College education required for regular admission. One year of law being counted toward college degree. Law library of 35,000 volumes. The Summer Quarter offers special op portunities' to students, teachers, and practitioners. First term begins June 19 Second term begins July 27 Courses open In all Departments of the University during the Summer Quarter. For Announcement address I DEAN OF LAW SCHOOL, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAOO dandelion league, find should anything fall Into the residue, It is my will that a bond be required. of him for twice the amount to assure proper expendi ture. Adam Dandelion. We, the undersigned, at the testa tor's request and in his presence nnd in the presence of each other, hereby certify thnt the testator, Adam Dan, delion, declared, acknowledged and signed the above instrument to be his last will and testament. We further certify that at this time he appeared to us to be of sound mind and capable of making his will. Assignments Made. Guy ('. Kiddoo of the work commit tee then read the class assignments. Each clnss was given a portion of the campus to clean, but If they had tjme they were to help other classes who were slow. The campus was about equally divided and the class lines were not followed closely. Tho crowd then dispersed with a cheer. En thusiasm was rampant all during the exercises, three cheers being given for all the speakers and the band. While the work was" going on the band was seated In chairs In the center of the campus and played pieces all during tho working. After Work. At 3:30 the chapel bell was rung alul the few who were still searching stray plants that had been skipped came in und all made a run for the refreshment stand, where Ice cream cones were being dealt out by the young women of the refreshment committee. The crowd then gathered around tho steps of Unlvorslty hall for the reniuinder of the program. The Glee club sang two selections, which drew great applause from the audience. -Thev chairnianintiftduced Dr. A. L. Bixby of the State Journal, who Lb n well known foo of the dandelion. Dr. Bixby read an original poem, "Owed to tho Dandelion." Dr. Bixby said ho did not think ho could make the crowd hear, but all would probably enjoy It better If such wore the case. He said ho know something about dan delions. Ho had looked them up In the dictionary and found that the genus was Taraxacum. Ho said If he had been fixing tho gonus he would have made it worse than that. Taps wore blown by Bugler Ersklno and tbe dandelions were pronounced dead. Chancellor Avery. Chancellor Avery was thon Intro duced. Ho said It was tho custom to confer degrees on occasions of this kind and after reciting a lot of Latin Germnn lingo ho conferred the degreo of Dandelion Poet Laureate upon A. L. Bixby. He had a groat yellow sheet of paper with a bunch of dandelions pinned on as a seal. The chancellor said he had found that if tho students would not work on Bchool days, give them a holiday and they would work hard. He thanked all those who had helped In the afternoon's work. Ho paid a compliment to the Nebraskan for the work it had dono In making tho day a success. Ho said this was tho only paper ho know whoso yollow Ishness waB all right. Ho nlso thanked the baud for the music they had fur nished, and the Gleo club. Dr. Avery said that once when he saw tho wo men working rather hard and tho young men not seeming to bo bo busy, ho wondered If the band was playing "Let the Women Do the Work." The exorcises closed with the sing ing of "The CornhuBker" by all present. aLLLLBoBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHayL bbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbk''bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbb' kBBBBBBBBBBBBBt avBBBBBBBv jirbbbbbbbbbbbbbi LLLbbbbK -SIHEEPilH iiiHHDiIH K V"HH ROSCOE C. OZMAN City Clerk of Lincoln Election Day, Tues., May 2, 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Mr. Ozman graduated from the Bea trice High In '98; served In 8pansh war with the 1st Neb. Volunteers, Is a U. of N. man of class of '07, and as he received the nomination for City Clery at the primaries he Is a candi date for re-election. WALT Stands for tho Latest and best in Music. 1215 O St. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. L. HALL., President F. EJ. JOHNSON. Vice-president BE3MAN C. FOX, Cuflhlor W. W. HACKNEY, JR., Asst. Cash. The First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST A " $1 opens an account 11)9 South Uth Street. Try Our Maraschino Cherry Chocolates Also All Kinds of Dainty Sandwiches Best of Service LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN 14th and 0 S. W. Corner Election Notice. All applications for student member ship on the athletic board for next year must be In Dr. Clapp's hands be fore Monday night. J. It. Coleyr'08r ofGenoar Colo., and G. A. Dole, 10, of St. Paul, Minn., are visiting at the Alpha Tau Omega house. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Your Patronnie Solicited