THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i . CAMPUS GLEANINGS C. H. Prey, florist, 1133 0 street. A pantomime was given by one of M1b8 Howell's classes in the Temple theater Friday morning at 10 q'clock. Chapln Bros., FloristB, 127 So. 13th. Vesper services that were to be held last night rwere postponed to next Friday, May o. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. - -Delta- Upsllon defeated Delta Tau Delta In a game of baseball by a score of 10 to 4 on Nebraska Held yesterday afternoon. R. O. Warde, barber, Woods, 1206 O. The sophomore hop was given at the Lincoln last night. There was a lair sized crowd present, in spite of the rain and tho dance was a success. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Have your clothes preened at Web er's Suitorlum, Eleventh and 0. tl George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. Senior clasB pins can be obtained at tho university book store. There are a few left yet and tho comlmttee is anxious to have these off hands so re ports can be made. 130-8t Ted Marriner cleaner, dyer, and hatter, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 4876, Bell 1609. Hiltner Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12th St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Palms and choice flowers of all kinds. R. M. Switzler filed his application for student membership on the uni versity nthletic board Friday with Dr. Clapp. He Is a member of the junior law class and will bo in Bchool next year. TfiTsrr"inBnrtir-ye"ttr' in-nrorviiiHj toiihrg-rff-eranicjite university, having received an A. B. degree last June. For the past five years ho has been athletic correspond ent for several out of town papers, in cluding tho Omaha World-Herald, St. Paul Dispatch, Denver Times and Council Bluffs Nonpareil. He is at present on the reporters staff of the Lincoln Dally Star. FULK full Dress Accessories FURNISHER 1 325 O Learn toucn typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university students with a com plete course in touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, three montiiB for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf Two- students of tho University of Michigan have refused to accept the honors of an election to Phi Beta Kappa, on the ground that it is too aristocratic. Tho Chicago board of education wants the "Star Spangled Banner" adopted as the national anthem and sung in schools at least twlcp a month. C LASSES Some are good and some are bad but ""F-"F-H" OXRORDS are in a class by themselves $3.00 AND $4.00 YATESFRENCH CO lO O Street "OWED TO THE DANDELION." By A. L. Blxby. One universal plant Is known Throughout the earth, and one alone, That lives and thrives in every clime, And keepB on growing all the time. Its leaves are green, Us blossoms gold, Its roots sink deep and tako firm hold Upon the soil or every land, And hang right on to beat the band. In Russian foreBts far away, AcrosB the vales of old Cathay, From Hindustan to Galilee, On all the islands of the sea; On Rocky mountains, peaked with snow, From Halifax to Mexico, In lava beds of Idaho, The dandelions Bprout and grow. Tho "yellow peril" I'd rojolco If It were really Hobson's choice, For Holison, when he's frightened, sees Tho swarming of the Japanese, A million and a half, almost, All headed for our western coast, To tear the stars and Btrlpes to bits, And beat us up till wo call quits. These dandelions are the chaps That Bcaro me worse than all the Japs; For, when you kill a Jap, he'o gone; But dandelions come right on And rise tip from the very clay Where they were lately torn away. In vain we cry nloud for blood; In vain we wield the knife and spudr This rugged plant will lirt Its head In golden bloom when we are dead. This Is the "peril" I declare To be a permanent affair; Yet will brave women and'Btrong men Brave dandelions In their den, Give mangled roots and tops a flip, And say words that they ought to skip, The nuisance in every state. Like scheme for graft in politics, You may subdue, not kill It. BIX. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard univers ity plans an innovation in tho form of an open-air cohimencoment this June. Memorial hall will be abondoned on account of insufficient seating space. HATS Of HAim QUALITY AND STREET Father Cavanaugh, tho president of Notre Dame university of Indiana, made a plea that Andrew Carnegie should endow Catholic schoolB and colleges as well as undenominational oneB. Dr. Georgo Whltesldo, a graduate of Harvard and a student in Paris schools, contends that his Harvard di ploma is worth $20,000 and he haB sued the Adams Express company for that sum, charging that the express company lost the document. Tho senior class of Iowa university will give as its annual play this year, "In Quality Street." Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be in serted unless paid in advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. FOR 8ALE. For Sale A good kitchen range; nearly new; cheap. See Nebraskan manager. tf For Sale Due bill on leading pho tographer in Lincoln. Boo Nebraskan manager. tf WANTED. Wanted to Buy Old gold and silver Jowelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. tf Wanted Ten men for South Da kota; $4 per day guaranteed. Ad dress Box 1075, Station A. 128-5t Tho sophomore debating team met the representatives of tho University of Omaha last evening In that city. Two class teams this week have been forced to yield to tho Outlaws. Thursday the freshmen wore the vic tims, 8 to 2, nnd Friday the Juniors went down 5 to 0. Most young men want to wear clothes which will win the approval of oth ers as well as themselves. The matter of clothes is a mighty important factor in the success or failure of every man too important to pass by without careful thought. Be critical in your decision don't buy a suit because its a necessity get clothes which show you up which make your personality stand out like a sore thumb wear Scotch Tailored Clothes. The price is the one cheap feature about them never more nor less we would like to help you to choose your pattern. Tailored' to Your Measure Imitators' Flatter Us Auto 2372 Bell 2522 - 133-South-mh-3t. ML $15 Hand Sewed all over that's the way Ken ngton clothes are built. They are roady-made only in the sense that they're al ready nuido. In every other sense they are tailor-made and tailored with the greatest caro and ef ficiency. Designed and cut with mathematical precision, which is why the fit and stay fis. $20 to $40. MAGEE & DEEMER HOP O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre TUESDAY NiQHT7-MAV-2 - JAMES T. POWERS IN "H A V A N A" THURSDAY NIGHT, MAY 4 GRACE VflH STUDDIF0RD In "The Paradise of Mahomet" I IMPnl II MATINEES (Except Monday) a 3 LinUULn BVENINOS AT 8t30 ORPHEUM :.!! ADVANCED VAUDVILLE MIbb Sydney 8chellds & Co. Bedford & Winchester Beldon, Chappie & Co. Lotta Gladstone Three Misses Weston Vittorlo & Georgetto Davis & Walker Mats. 15c and 26c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c LYRIC Beginning Mon. Evening, April 24 LULU'S HUSBANDS Every Eve at 8: 30 15c, 25c, 35c, 60c Mats., Wed. and Sat. 15dVnd 25c If IT'S PRINTING Y0U WANT See Ua Before Ordering Elsowher Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. V28-1JU) No l4t,)l ffo. Herpolsheimer's Gala Dinner Ht30 to 1:30 9RM Supper 5:30 to 730 UG ALSO CflFETEBIflH STYLE Htl Willi with Mijilt Syrup lit "