4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A" ,-" r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THK I'ltOI'BHTY OV T1IIC UNIVKK8ITY OF NI3BUA8KA, Lincoln, NobroakJi. Publlnhcd by TE STUDKNT PUUUCATION DOAItD EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor S. O. COTNEU ManaKlnB Editor A. II. DINSMORE AbbocIuIo Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE Aofloclato Editor RICHARD MEYER You tiro comrades In one Brent work nnd need each other's help nnd friend ship. Do not bo cold and reserved say "hello" to your fellow-man nnd fellow-woman. DU8INE88 8TAFF. MnniiKor V. C. HASCALL ..AaalBtant lftnagor....C. C.yBUCIlANAN Circulation Munagor....J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. AthlctlcB and Military.. T. J. MARGRAVE Society nnd Pormnul..F. C. McCONNELL Nobrnikn Hall II. C. "OUOH BclonccB and German.. E. J. HUBERMAN EnBlnoorlnK H. A. HUNTINOTON Agricultural E. II. GRAVES Law A. C. SCHMIDT Library and University Hall.. II. 8. HUSE ABBlfltant Kcportora V. A. STURM K. 8. WHERRY Editorial and Business Office: BABEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflcc, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Nlaht Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145; Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will be charged (or at tho rato of 10 contB the Insertion for every fifteen wordB or fraction there of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo published freo. Entered at tho poBtofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, aB second-class mall matter, under th Act of Congress of March 3, 1179. APRIL 29, 1911. OUR NEBRA8KA. It muy bo that flio University of Ne braska huB not tho nccommodntlons In tho way of buildings and grounds that is tho happy lot of other largo Institu tions of Its kind. But It has one thing -that- Is -groater than all the college buildings In tho United States com bined. It has men and women, real men and women. Tho students of Ne braska aro loyal to their Institution. They aro not afraid to work for It. Thoy havo a spirit that cannot bo Judged by yollB and cheers. Thoy can xlo moro than yell thoy can work. A SAD EVENT. One sad event marked the great hol iday. Tho pesslmlBt appeared. While the plans wero being formulated nnd put before the students, he said It was a crazy, useless Idea that would come to naughL While the others wero scattered over the lnwn cutting out the obnoxious weeds, he Btnyetl at home or walked by, casting his sneer ing glanccB hither and thither. It waB only in tho case of extreme and hope less pessimism that UiIb was true, for all others could not resist the tempta tion to work. The pitiful plight of these creatures can hardly bo realized. They take themselves so serious that It Is hard to aid them. Wo have searched med ical lore In vain for a cure nnd have at last been compelled to suggest that originated by a modern philosopher, which is briefly this: Let the one af flicted seek some (pilot spot in the mountains away from the trials nnd tribulations of man. Let him pitch his tent besido a cool mountain torrent whero the clear water rushes by on Its way to tho sluggish stream. Then let him commune with nature, seeking out a nice quiet pool of considerable depth nnd putting his hend clenr un der the wnter, remain In this position without moving for four hours ench 'day until tho euro Is effected. The dnndellon committee Is to be congratulated on Its offortB which havo fioen prolific of bucIi great re- -Suls.. Each member, has worked liar d during the past few dnys. Each Is deserving of the thanks and commen dations of every student of tho uni versity as well as the faculty and the citizens of Lincoln. They have taken up something entirely now with little of attractiveness about It, and made n grand success of It In n few hours. Suede and Satin Low Shoe for the Dear Women. I buy them cheap and sell them cheap $4.00 values $2.50--$5.00 value $2.95--BUDD Dnndellon day wiib a grand success, duo to their enterprise and industry. It has brought forth a virtuous enthuu iasm that many believed nnd never ex isted. Dnndellon dny Is one of the lnndmnrks along tho path of Its his tory, and let us hope that those who como In the succeeding years will be as enthusiastic and as broad spirited as thoBO yho nro with us today. Lot us hope that Dandelion day Is to be como an anmml affair and that the twenty-eighth of April, 1911, will live on as long as our university lasts. In time tho dandelions will be extermin ated. But 8omo other method of im proving tho campus can bo" devised. Let tho chancellor each year declare tho last Friday in April as Dandelion day. Tho students havo proven that thoy aro worthy of consideration by tho Initiative they havo taken In thlB affair. Tho results of yesterday will bo many nnd fnr renchlng. Never before have all students seemed to feel that thoy had so much In common; that their Interests and their hopes .were kindred. They met like friends of long acquaintance and each know tho other. This Is the broader Nebraska spirit. Let us nmko-lt-grow. -Remember those whom you saw at work nmong the dnndellons. Alwnys spenk to them when you pass. Bo friends. THE BULLETIN CAFE JACOT New and Up-to-Date Our Specialty Dinner 355 Cents Open After Theatres 1215 O April. 29 Y. M. nnd Y. W. C. A. bnnquet, St. Pnul'B, C p. m. 29 Medical society, Temple, 8 p. m. 29 Ames-Nebrnska track meet, at Ames. May. 2 Convocation, Dean Davis, "Courses of Study." 3 Ivy dny. 1 Government Inspection of cadets. 1 University band concert on tho campus. 4 ronvQcntlon, reading by. Miss Alice Howell, "The Midnight Watch." G Tegner, science hall of Temple, 8 p. m. G Kansas-Nebraska track meet, at Lincoln. ' 10 Law barbecue. 13 Minnesota-Nebraska track meet, at Minneapolis. JUST RECEIVED A fresh Bhipmont of Huyler's & Whittman's fine candies Meier Drug Co. 1.1th and O Strcot. A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cream for banquets, Hot Drinks, Whipped Cream. THE FOLSOM 1307 O STREET May 3, 1911 Full Holiday IVY DAY University Farm Admittance to Stunts and Lunch, 25c MILITARY BALL Auditorium, May, 13th. Regimental Band Walt's Orchestra The Spots Won't Gome Back If Cleaned at 1114 iiJnmKMi vj j 13. Missouri ValleyTilgh school traeir meet, on Nebraska field. 27 Senior class play, Oliver theater. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS Gelhit ctTjRlcrcr mfSMtL. iE J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best is Always the Cheapest. 1322 N St. Auto 1202 Boll 147 CLEANERS and DYERS c vM9HrIGBV Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge Tin Great Sail Water Swimming Pool g r HOUn8i Ladles, Mornings Kxoepi Sundays. Uentlemon. Afternoons and Evenings. Ladles and GentlemenrMondajr and-FridajrUrenlnttj rilh and U Striili. Spaclal Parties AmiftJ f J