The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1911, Image 1

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    Qhe S)aih IFtebrashan
Vol X. No. 132
Price 5 Cents.
Sentence Pronounced by Dr. Bessey
and Will Read by G. N. Foster
Degree Conferred.
At 1:30 the band marched to the
front of University hall and played a
piece whilo the crowd gathered. Then
E. H. Hahno, chairman of the commit
tee, made a few remarks concerning
the university's first Dendellon day.
He Introduced Head Dean Charles E.
Bessey, who pronounced the sentence
upon the dandelions. Dr. Bessey's re
marks were as follows:
The Doom of the Dandelion.
And now, Oh, Dandelion, stand forth
and receive your just sentence. You
have had a fair trial. Your pretty face
has helped you to escapo in the past,
for many have been beguiled thereby.
At last, however, an outraged public
has demanded your trial, and after
long delay you have been found guilty
of many crimes and misdemeanors.
And after still longer delay you are
now arraigned today for formal sen
tence. Tou -forcibly untered the university
without a single point to your credit.
You haven't earned a credit while
hero, you are a confirmed "sluffer."
You haven't reported to the delinquent
committee or the registrar. You've
been saucy to the regents who tried to
sprinkle you out with copperas. You
havo grinned derisively at the chancel
lor and doans. You have defied Mr.
Dunman and his gardeners. You havo
jeered at the unl boys, and winked
wickedly at the co-eds. You havo
murdered blue grass, and killed off
the white clovor. While you are pretty
as to your face, you are wholly de
praved as to your heart.
Now, therefore, I, the Judge, sitting
in the august chair of botany, do here
by pronounce this solemn sentence
upon you: That you shall bo wholly
and absolutely exterminated from ev
ery part of this campus, and' that your
life is forfeit from this time forth, and
that whosoever finds you stall stab
you to the heart until you die. And
In particular I do now appoint every
freshman, every sophomore, every
junior, every senior and every gradu
ate Btudent to be active executioners,
who shall slay mercilessly and may
their hands not be stayed as long as
one dandelion romalns. EXECUTION
Chairman Hahno Introduced George
N. Foster of tho law school, who was
to read the dandelion's will. The will
was as follows:
Last Will and Testament.
I, Adam Dandelion, of the Univer
sity of Nebraska, being of sound mind
and memory, and discreet as to the
time and place and manner of depart
ing this life, and having love for all
and malice toward none, do on this
twenty-eighth day of April, 1911, make
this my last will and testament.
I appoint as my executors all the
students and faculty of the University
of 'Nebraska who are not afraid 'of
work and who are anxious to see a
clean and beautiful campus at tho unl
verslty, and as a result of these two
qualities are willing to bend their
proud forms to the work of puttlng-me
in a .position where they can realize
that they are my heirs and legatees.
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"DffnTlclloir'day wa8-a-complete sqc-
cess. Over 1,000 students showed
their class and university Bplrlt by
turning out and digging dandelions for
about two hours. If anything, the
girls were slightly in the majority.
Thero were vory few Bluffers. Nearly
every person out pitched in and really
worked The result was that the
ground was covered rapidly and the
work was well done.
It Is estimated that over 500,000
dandelions were uprooted. Each one
seemed intent upon his work and but
few stood around doing nothing. The
division by classes proved effective,
and considerable rivalry was notice
able. The Juniors had but the largest
band in proportion to numbers, but
every one in each class did his best.
A few only tried to see how many
tickets they could get for Ice cream
without working.
Women Most Loyal.
The thing most noticeable was the
way tho women .turned out in great
numbers, and the best part of it all
was that they had come to work and
did work. The crowd was enthusias
tic and cheerful. It seemed that all
were acquainted and a humming chat
ter waB kept up as tho weeds with
ered before the stroke of tho knives.
When-seen laaL evening Dr. Uessey
had nothing to say except that "It was
a great day." Other' members of the
committee were equally pleased with
tho results and said that more had
been done than was expected. Tho
committee Is to be congratulated on
the orderly way In which tho work
was conducted and tho skillful man
agement. Amusing Incidents.
The band played while tho digging
was In progress and at one time di
vided and marched around tho cam
pus. The muBic seemed to add to tho
occasion. Tho refreshment committee
served ice cream coneB to all who
could furnish a ticket which was evi
dence of their Industry. Many amus
ing incidents took place around this
Btand. Three "sports" asked for ice
cream, but could show no dandelion
stains on their white hands, although
they declared they had worked hard.
One of the girlB demanded that each
dig thirty dandelions before ho could
havo anything to eat. She stood by
and saw that they carried out their
bidding. It was a most pitiful sight
to Bee these poor things havo to do
manual labor, but they did. Then
they wanted two tickets for their
pains, and of course received one
After paying for my extermination
and burial expenses and all other debts
that may at tho time of my Bojourn
hence stand against my estate, It is
my will that tho good will of my busi
ness be given to Lawn Bluegrass, his
heirs and assigns forever, but until
said Lawn Bluegrass shall attain the
ago of twenty-three, it is my will that
the superintendent of grounds and
buildings retain this good will until
that time shall come, and use the
same for tho benefit of the above
named Lawn Bluegrass; but In case
the said Lawn Bluegrass should die
before attaining the ago of three and
twenty, it is my will that tho same
shall pass to White Clover, his heirs
and asBigns forever But-should the.
abovo named trustee, tho superinten
dent of grounds and buildings, persist
in cutting, injuring, Impairing, spad
ing, digging, hoeing or otherwise
molesting tho said Bluegrass, instead
of encouraging growth and allowing
him to form a mat and sod the cam
pus naturally, it Is my will that this
bequest be forever void and that tho
campus bo forever covered with bald
spots, tho most unpleaslng to my ex
ecutors above named and that they
may regret my untimely death.
It Is my will that my roots of which
I shall die possessed; which my ex
ecutors on this way recover and pos
sess, he given to tho dean of the mod?
leal school for medicinal purposes, he
holding the same In trust to distribute
to his students from time to time,
Bhare andrshare-allke, and-the accut.
Missouri Valley Tourney Is Assured
for May 19 and 20 Many
Entries Expected.
Tho varsity tennis team will leavo
for Omnha UiIb morning, whoro it will
meot the Crelghton university team
In tho first intercolloglato match of
tho year. This Ib ono of tho flrBt
tlmoB In the hlBtory of tho two Insti
tutions that tho Bchools havo mot In
racquet combat.
Tate, Goodbody, Weavorllng and
Smith will bo the Nebraska represent
atives to tho Catholic grounds. Tato
and Goodbody will match for doubloB,
aB will Weavorllng and Smith, who
played in doubleB laBt year. Tho No
braaka boys are In good form, although
Tato and Goodbody havo not had an
opportunity of working togothor for
tho last two weeks, owing to tho ab
sence of Goodbody from tho city.
The Crelghton team 1b Customarily
good. Not In tho records of that
Bchool has tho tennis squud been por
ceptably weak. Smytho, who is tho
champion of tho Country club courtsr?
represents -one cornor of.-thojiuari.eL
Another of the playors holds tho
junior championship of Omaha, and,
although comparatively young, 1b a
phonomonon racquet wleldor. In con
nection with thlB, it might bo Inter
esting to note that the Omaha play
ers have access to advantages which
Nebraska players are obviously de
prived of, being In tho largest city of
tho stato and located near tho Omaha
Field club, at which place national and
international tournaments are hold.
Tho Missouri Valley tennis tourna
ment Is at present assured. Pending
unofficial communication originating
at tho Kansas City Athletic club, it
has been definitely announced that tho
conference tournament will be held at
Kansas City on May 19 and 20. Kan
sas, Missouri and Nebraska tho nec
essary official backing1 havo already
submitted . affirmative answers In re
ply to the Kansas City communication.
A generul invitation will soon bo is
sued to the other schools, of the con
ference, and, in all probability, nil
will respond favorably.
Continued on Pago 4
Tho Joint banquet of the Y. W. and
Y. M. C. A., to be held In St. Paul's
church Saturday at C p. m., promises
to bo ono of the most successful ban
quets held this year. Tho demand for
tickets has been- heavy and the com
mitter In charge urge all association
men and women to bo present. Tho
toast list contains tho names of men
and women prominent in association
work, and good, snappy talks will bo
heard. Elmer Hills, principal of the
Falrbury high school, Is to act as toast
master. -The sale of tickets Is to close
Friday night. Tickets can bo secured
at the association offices or of cab
inet members.
Tho toast list Is as follows:
Union . . . .Esther Warner
Observations Prof, A. A. Reed
Vigilance Dr. Elda Walker
Neighbors Miss Etta Ageo
Lubrication Chas. M. Mayne
"FragmentBrrz-m . .Miss Luolle-Mlllor-
Tho Hill-Top Guy C. Klddoo