THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i i I i'i ' ii lm y . wr CAMPUS GLEANINGS C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 0 street. Delta Zota will give a dance at St. George's studio Saturday evening. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. There will be a bonato meeting Sat urday morning at 10 o'clock. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. Rbcoo C. Ozman, city aierkyiras toxllS lag with friends on the campus, yes terday. R. O. Warde, barbet, Woods, 1206 O. The reading whloh Miss Howell will give at .convocation shortly will consist of a selection from "The Mid night Watch." Qreen's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 Ko. llth. Fred M. Hunter has resigned his po sition as principal of the Norfolk schools in order to accept the princi pal ship of the Nebraska agricultural school, Try a lunch at the T. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. At a recent meeting of the inter fraternity council Sigma Phi EpBllon was denied admission. It was decid ed to admit them to tho Pan-Helenlc banquet next Tuesday. Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, Elerenth and O. tf The PalladianB will attpnd the grad uate recital of Miss Alice Raneom. at the Tetnplo theater tonight, after which they will hold their regular business meeting In Palladian hall. Have your fingers manicured after dandelion day. Lincoln Barber Shop. The program at last nfeht's meeting "Df-Bot- Soni' was -as-followai-JlSaurpeB. of Botanical Information," by J. E. Weaver, and a .paper on current liter ature byi Miss Fonna'Beoler. Georgo Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. Senior olass pins con be obtained at thq university book store, There are a few loft yet and the comimttee is anxious to have these off hands so re ports can be made. 130-8 1 Semi Annual Sale of Men's G If ID Offers Savings on Daily Needs of Men that can only be obtain ed twice a year The Window Displays Clearly illustrate the character of the goods included in this sale and also the prices. Just Think of all of our R. Jc G. $3 Derby and Soft Hatt at $2.55 j Rajge SsH&aenzel 6b Willi if L W mm c-; W USB Of Ted Marriner cleaner, dyer, and hatter, 235 No. llth St. Auto 4870, Bell 1609. Young people who desire to corre late their Intellectual life to tho 'high est ideals of daily conduct will be In jLereBtefl In the sermon Sunday morn ing at All Souls' church, TToffd" H2tlr streets, on "Education for Life." The 8qrmon will bo addressed especially to students, as Is the minister's cus tom once yearly. Notice, 8enlor Girls. All senior girls meet Wednesday at 9:30, dressed in white and wearlrig senior enps, to take part in carrying daisy chain. 130-2t WATCHES! The graduate deserves and will appreciate a good watch at a constant dependable companion, always bringing to mind the kind giver and the happy school days. But be sure it comes from Est. J77J HALLETT, Registered Optometrist 1 J43 O St Hlltner Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12th St. PhoneB Auto 1894, Bell 330. Palms and cholco flowers of all kinds. Tho civil service commission has sent out notification of two positions to be filled In the Philippine' eervlcp. Both are desirable berths in tho bot any, departments. Any one Interested can -obtain further Information from Dr. Bessey. Learn touch typewriting without going to commercial school. We fur nlBh university students with a com plete course In touch typewriting and' rent you any make o typewriter, threo months for 96.00. Llnpoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf BAND HEADS PROCE88ION. Cadets Help In Woman's Demonstra tion Against Saloon. The university cadet band led the woman's parade demonstration against tho saloon yesterday. There were two other bands In tho parade, which wqb considerably over a mile long. Sev eral officers of tho cadet battalion act ed as assistant marshals. f- 4 Geography '10. Excursion to Pleasant Dale next Sat urday, April 29. Leave via B. & M. n't 11 a. m. Return at 4:10 p. m. Bring lunches, G. E. CONDRA. C JL-r:fi&!!5 tl&d . , Some are good and some are bad -but . "FVR-H" OXFORD are in a class by themselves $3.00 11MD$4.00 YATESFR ENGH 1220 O Street Most young men want to wear clothes which will win the approval of oth ers as well as themselves. The matter of' clothes is a mighty important factor in the success or failure of every man too important to pass by without careful thought Be critical in your decision don't puy a suit because its a necessity get clothes which show you up which Siake your personality stand ut like a sore thumb wear : Scotch tailored Clothes. The price is the one cheap feature about them never more nor less we would' like to help you to choose your pattern. . Tailored to Your Measure $15 Imitators Flatter, -Us AJ ft'. &S ol. -fr ,-ftNj( Two Things at Once are accomplished by Kensing ton clothes. ' ' First, they promote econo my by giving you maximum value. Second, they improve your appearance by being live in style perfect in fit. lhey're the result of years of developement in clothes building as near perfect as is possible today. ' $20.00 to $40.00. MAGEE & DEEMER HOP O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre -TUESDAY-NIGHTt-MAY-2- JAMES T. POWERS IN " H A V A N A" THUR8DAY NIGHT, MAY 4 8IMCE VAN STUDDIFORD In "The Paradise of Mahomet" LINCOLN MAT,N1?IW, ORPHEUM BhOFiB ADVANCED VADDVILLE Miss Sydney Schellds 4L Co. Redford & Winchester Beldon, Chappie & Co. Lotta Gladstone Three Misses Weston Vlttorlo & Georgetto Davis & Walker Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35o and 50c L ir Fv I C2 Beginning Mon. 'Evening, April 24 LULU'S HUSBANDS . Every Eve at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Mate., Wed. and 8at- 15c and 25c r Antom J3alL2522 133 South 13th St. WARTHON'S Orihul Elictric $htt .pairing; Fitttry art $2.M Shtt Start lit N't I Msua'sj Wi U 142 N.rtls Ifttfc Stmt' . i f ...'! - f A V - Ha... r. ." : v? i ' . , ' - 1 " x 5 ' At'.1 't ImtMi-fM V .'. X liiv . . n