THE DAILY NEBRASKAN v T May 3, 1911 Full Holiday IVY DAY i . University Farm t Admittance to Stunts and Lunch, 25c DANDELION DAY DEGINS ' TODAY AT 1:30 SHARP r . - fc Continued from Pngo 1 commlttco was aIbo choson this morn ing to co-oporato wltU tho mon. , Kinds of DandolioriB." Dandelions aro of two bpocIob on tho 'campus. Thoro la tho blghoadod kind that haB groonlsh "BcedB" and coarBor loavcB. It haB been, horo many years. Tho other Is Bmall headed, and its ''BCddB" aro Ted, while Its loavcB aro 'lnoro flnoly cut and slashed. It Is a' rdcont Immigrant. Both aro" for olgn tyyndorg that camo from Europo toAmorlba In tho'eaTlydays and havo spread iwostwnrdv , Originally they camo frpm Adla, DrlVo outttho yel low ABlatlcs. Committee Meets Again Today, A ton mlnuto mooting of thb ontlro Dandollon day committee wl.U bo hold today at 11: GO o'clock in." room 102" Unlvorslty hall. Every man and wo man whoso namo appeared In tho list published yesterday should T)o"prosont.' ( It will only tako ton minutes, but ov ' ory momber should bo on hand. By order of C. E. BESSEY, Genoral Chairman. . E. H. HAHNE, Chairman Men's Committee MARY GRAHAM, pbalrman. Women's Commlttoo, ORAHD REYIEW AND PARADE M08T ELABORATE MILITARY EX ERCISE ever. Held ' " AT tiEBRA8KA. Ono of tho most olaborato military exercises over hold at Nebraska oc curred yeBtorday when the Spanish American war veterans reviewed tho regiment. Thoro woro about 250 vet erans present and all loudly applauded tho skill of tho cadotB. Tho regular regimental parade and review took ftlaco on Nebraska field, and groat Im provement was manifest throughout tho exorcise. Aftor tho rovlow tho seven, com panies, rango detachment and band In full parade order escorted tho veter ans to their headquarters at tho Lin doll hotel. Tho companies lined up In rogimental formation in front of the hotel and gave tho military salute. Thoy then marched back to tho armory. Men's Clothes There isn't a clothing stoie in Ne braska that will "COME NEARER" pleasing you in a 'Spring Suit than right here in this "HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES." LET US PROVE IT. FARQUHAR Suits $15.00 to $40.00 VE8PER8 FOR TODAY. Tired Laborers May Attend Restful Meeting at 5 O'clock. Tho last vesper service of tho season will bo hold at 5 o'clock today. ' Tho dandelion program will bo ovor by that tlmo and tho Borvlco will provo restful to tho tired workers. Tho chorus and string quartet will furnish, tho music. if its PRINTING Y0U WAHT Soo Us Before Ordering Elsowhere Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St. Herpolsheimer's Gaft Dinner 11)30 to 1:30 ORa Supper 5:30 to 7:30 fiuC ALSO CAFETERIAS STYLE Hot Waflts with Haplt Syrup lOt KMa vSl NEBRASKA IS OUT OF IT in tfollego base ball this year without a 'Varsity team. Consequently added impor tance attaches to Intor-Frat and Inter-Class games. Wo are tho local representatives of A. G. Splilding Bros, and carry a complete line of ' their base ball paraphernalia. We have equipped the Lincoln Western League team, tho Wesloyan 'Varsity, and many smaller teams uniforms and all. Wo are thereby prepared to equip you. Catchers and fielders' mitts, 50c to $8.00. Balls and bats. Also a complete line of Tennis goods, including Wright & Ditson balls. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest. 1822 N St. Auto 1202 Boll UT GLEANERS and DYERS c v9Hr'.GBV LOST SOPHOMORE HOP April 28 , Hag'ensicK's Orchestra If you have lost or found articles, rooms for rent or something to 'sell, advertise in the NEBRASKAN'S WANT AD column. Our rates . are low and we get results. A Read Our Classified Column . i-U Tickets $1.25 'Lincoln, Hotel I