T,HE. IXA'IliY' NEBRA'SKAN 1 V i n.. . mmmmm IS NOTVERY SERIOUS DR. MAXEY DECLARES REPORTS ARE EXAGGERATED. HIT OYER 10,000 INSURECTOS United 8tates Government It Justified In Keeping TKoopa on the' Border Line out n8 an' organized body. Neither la thero any wrong-In' Belllng"elther side ammunition as long ns they are not allowed store houses on our Bide of tho line. .As proof that tho Insurrection -was not tnkon very seriously, Dr. Maxey said railway and other stocks havownot slumped and capital does not appear worried In tho least. Tho rovolt is merely interesting as'a little scaroj al though it may brngabout a Tow good results. BRADFORD CLOTHES GRAND-MILITARY BALL. Professor Edwin Maxey of tho law school delivered an interesting addresB at yesterday '8 convocation on "The (Mexican Situation:" Professor Maxey said tho reports of the revolution in Mexico had been greatly exaggerated by. the American, newspapers, which at times exhibit great imaginations. The insurrection In- reality is confined to thfeo of the mpat thinly settled' of tho i Mexican provinces . TReso provinces ate well adapted -for tho purposes' of the- insurrectos. They are rough and mountainous and arc close to the1 American border, whichmakes escape convenient. One of the provinces, Cower California, is said to bo trying to-gain admission to the United States. Not Over 10,000. The revolutionary armies would not tbtaHlOjOOOjisald'JDr. Maxey; so-thelr. fbrces'aro small' compared wltti those' which. the-government could put-In- the field- It Beoms that tho Mexican gov ernment, therefore; is not seriouBly threatened. The men who compose tho revolters are a great many who have no property and some- who really believe in democratic principles and think they could be used In Mexico " "successfully". " ATnrTulo-tho- property in Mexico is owned by a few people. Tho others have nothing at all. They also have some real grievances. The taxes are very high. As the officers .are .very poorly paldj graft is abundant and but a small portion of the taxes reach.thettreasury. Suffrage Isnbt al lowed ln Mexico, although thorconsti . tutlon provides for it. However, four fifths of. the population can neither read nor write and for that reason it is best that they should not vote. , Americanr-ClttaenB So far about all the insurrection has accomplished is to secure a now min- Istry. It is thought that tho revolu tionists can dictate other terms to tho government, but just how far they can go remains to bo seen. Professor Maxey thought there was legitimate uao for tho troops- along the border. President Taft has "declared thero would be no intorovntlon unless citi zens of the United States are in dan ger. ThiB does not mean our citizens In Mexico, They take thesamo'chances as the Moxlcam citizonB as long; as they have their rights in tho courts. The troops aro needed, to enforce our own neutrality, a,t the border. Wo also owe it to ourselves and Mexico to al low no foreign forco to land in Mex ico, although tho speaker thought that there was nothlngto the Japanese-station story. Then the United StateB could not allow armed bands to ctobb the border for cover and then go back again as soon as tho danger was passed. Thero is no legal, wrong- in an American citizen enlisting with any foreign army; but they must not- go Decided to Make- the Dance an" In formal-'Affair. Announcement has been mado that the'inllitaryi ball is'to- be lnformal..ox cept that all commissioned and non commlsBionedr-ofricers will be request ed to appear in uniform with slde arms. Tickets will be on salo Tues day morning and can be had from any members, of tho committee, of which fcfarry Hathaway is chairman. Every indication at the present time is that a large crowd will bo present. Waifs full orchestra and the cadet band 'will furnish music, the- band being used only for tho grand march and seceral two-steps. Tho ball will bo hold May 13 at tho Auditorium. i Classified1 GToiumtr AUvertlsementtt for' this, 'column should be. left at the' bulne-offl6e basement Administration bulldlhgr be tween 1 1a m. and 12 mr, or between 2 pi m. anjd-5 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance, at the ratal xt 10. cents, pec. Jnierttoo .for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. FOR 8ALEc For Sale A good kitchen range; pearly new; cheap. See Nebraskan manager. tf For Salo Duei bill otu leading? pho tographer in Lincoln. 8ee"Nebraskan manager. . tf FOREWENT. For Rent Fifteen-room modern' house. One block from campus. Soror ity or fraternity preferred. Auto phone 2453. 129-St wanted: Wantedito BuyOld gold and silver 'jewelry. CT F. Spain? & Co., upBtalrs; 138 No. 12th SL tf Wanted Ten men for South Da kota; $4 per day guaranteed. Ad dress Box 1075, Station A. 128-5t LOST. Lost Gold watch with "M. G." on face and Illinois fob. Return to Ne braskan office for reward. 130-3t Lost Conklln non-leakablo self filler fountain. peri. Return to Librari an's desk. , 129-3t FOUND. Found a black fountain pen on campus. Owner may have same by paying for this ad, 129-3t MILITARY BALL Auditorium, May, 13th. .-. - , RetiiniiriafBfemF Walt's ry, iy' Are so good from every standpoint of the goodMtesser that ordinary words fail to give an adequate, idea of how i unusuaflyr good! they, are. They com- i bine. the. best quality with trie, ve f i ... i 'i i . I latest styles, and are pncea att onl 520.00, $22.50, $25,00 We hayeotherr makes that, sell from i I $10.00 to $18.00 j Bradford1 Clothes are soldnn Lincoln exclusively r By us- Let us sHowyouJ t a perfect spring' suift atf & ofr a r mm & simoh 1 Ml KEiC.r.lOiliMiO Ariose: Special' Sermon, to Students at M Soufe Church; Unitarian H'and12tK Street ARTHUR I;.- WE ATHERLY, Minister t Sunday. Morning, ,AprlL 30, 10:45r-SubJctrr-" Education for Life" This isthrnnual'sermen which" thesmlnlster ad dresses .especially to students.. Social Ethics Class, 12:15 Subject "The Relation of the Public to the'Pu bile Schools" by V. Li. Stephens, City Super intendent'of Schools; AH Young, People are Cordially Invited, The Spots Won't Come Back If Clianed at till c full Dress o FINK HS Bkt' tUkH xm or AC CCS 8 ftriCS FURNISHER AND HAnERr U U A L I T 1325 O STREET - -. v (