DANDELION SPECIAL bc HJatlv IFtebraskan fx 5 - -. . i pl,x No. 131 UNIVERSITY' OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1911. Price 5 Cents. CRIPPLED TRACK TEAM ' V OFF FOHNIES TODAY NEBRA8KA CINDER PATH STOCK TAKE8 AWFUL SLUMP. MANY ARE LAME AND OUT Of FORM .Power, Munson, Reed, Gibson, Black and Lindstrum Are Expect , 1 ed to Do Little. The University of Nebraska track team will leave this afternoon for .Ames, la., where It will meet the Iowa agricultural college track team on Sat urday afternoon. As yet no arrange ments have been definitely made to give tho team one of the characteris tic Nebraska "send-offs," although there is some .probability that an ex temporaneous one will bo framed up. Chances Are Sllm.j Tho chances for Nebraska at Ames are. anything but "good. At no time of tho yeaMias tho Varsity team- been In such poor form to engage In a confer ence meet. Although tho try-outs . went off -as? a great demonstration of -4aeJLJUl track ability, the result of this meet has seriously handicapped" the team lor the Saturday meet Many of the men are almost unable to par ticipate. Power, for the hurdles, has been suf fering from a bad leg for some time, Munson Is complaining with tho same handicap, and Reed, Gibson and Black are crippled up worse than at any previous time of tho season. Lind strum, since the try-outs, seems to have lost his excellent form for the jolo vaults and undoubtedly will not make the showing which he has in previous Indoor and outdoor events. Ames Is Picked. Ames Is reported to havp one of the best track teams In tho conference. In addition to this, Nebraska has never defeated Ames in track mqots on the Ames grounds. Last year Ames indls putedly had one o tho best teams In the Missouri valley and one which made a correspondingly good record. Nebarska will meet Kansas next on tho Nebraska field. This is tho only conference meet on tho series that will bo held on the Cornhuskor grounds. Tho "dope" on the Kansas game Is, however, much more favor able. . Kansas, In track events, has onlv tasted Nhhrnnlrn. hnonn nncn In f th history of' the two institutions, and m an prouaoiuty, tno 'rival school In athletic activities will repeat a little history this year. DANDELION DAY BEGINS THIS AFTERNOON AT 1:30 SHARP A LAST WORD TO DIGGERS. Wear a dandelion today. Bring your own knives or "spuds." The program will begin at 1:30 sharp. Examine the map on the .bulletin board to find out where your class will work. Each class has been assigned a par ticular section of the campus. Before you begin your labors attend the band concert In front of Univer sity hall. Instructions will be given out there. Refreshments will be served to workers only. Faculty members are especially In vited to work. The Dandelion day program will be given In front of University hall as opn as tne cattle Is ended. Do not fall.to" be on hand at 1:30 o'clock shdrp to witness, the condemna tlbn proceedings, preparatory to the slaughter. Pay attention to the manager of your section. Pick out a. place where there are dandelions; select the area you will cover; then proceed to dig.- Don't try to cover too much ground. Three feet wide and twenty-five feet long Is all the area you can do well. Better hunt In couples. See who will do his stunt first. Criticise one another's work. Sit down, If you have a knife; stand up, If you have a dandelion "spud." THE COMMITTEE. DANDELION DAY PROGRAM. Band 'Concert 1:15 j. m. Condemnation Sentence Dean Bessey. Tho Dandelions' Will G. N. Foster. Slaughter of the Dandelions Stu dents. Refreshments. , Glee Club. Original 'Poem1 Dr: AvLvBlxby.-'--- University Quartet. Address Chancellor S. Avery. Band' Selections. A complete program has been ar ranged to 4egln this afternoon at 1:15 with tho band. At 1:30 tho sentence on tho dandelions will bo pronounced by Dr. Bessey, Immediately' after which the will of tho dandelions will bo read' by G N. Foster. The slaugh ter will then begin and the cadet band will keep up a continuous concert while tho work, is going on. All will then assemble in front of University hall and several selections will bo given by the Glee club. A dandelion poem written especially for the occa sion by A. L. Bixby will be read by Its author. Chancellor Avery will give an address of thanks to the students and, the band will finish tho program. Campus Divisions. The campus has been divided Into four parts, ono of which hns been as signed to each class. Tho freshmen have all west' of the -walk running from tho Library gate to University hall and thence west along tho walk to the observatory. The sophomores wli have all territory north of a line starting at tho observatory gate and running along tho walk to the gym nasium, thence northeast along tho walk to Nebraska hall gate. The juriiors have air "territory east of the walk starting at the southeast gate of tho campus, thence along the walk to tho.t gymnasium, andHhenco .northeast along tho .walk to Nebraska hall The seniors have all territory .bounded by tho walk starting at library gato, thence norlh to University Wall, thence east to the gymnasium, Jhenco south east along tho walk to tho southeast gato of tho campus. A map with tho subdivisions noted has been posted on tho bulletin board in front of tho Ad ministration building. C6mmlttees Meet. Both of tho Dandelion day commit tees had meetings yestorday ana" ap pointed sub-committees to attond to all special features. These commit tees were busy all afternoon laying plans to make today ono of tho big gest and most worthy holidays ever at Nebraska. Tho men's commltteo mot at 11:30 In room 106 of University hall. Doan Bessey was present to commend tho project. Every committeeman wns en thusiastic. G. C. Kiddoo. V. C. Hnn. call, Owen Frank and It. D. Hawloy" were appointed to servo on- tho labor committee. TIiIb commltteo will di vide the workers Into squads and su perintend tho labor in genoral. A re freshment committee composed of C. A. Bennett. R. G. Guthrie, E. T. Rob inson and W. C. Weiss woro selected. Owen Frank and Harry Huso compose tho time and announcement committee. -A. HDlnsmoro. W. R. fihnnllnn W T. .McNabb amrw. R. PowoFwero chosen- to have charge of tho stunts and the program. Tho women's commltteo met at 5 o'clock and decided to got busy with tho knives and "spuds." A sub-committee was selected to co-operate with tho labor commltteo from tho mon'B organization. On tho women's labor commltteo were placed Julia Nagl, Celia Davis, Lorena Bixby and Evan geline Long. A women's refreshment SENIOR GLASS PLAY TO SEE FORMAL AFFAIR T THE M08T ELABORATE COLLEGE EVENT OF THE YEAR. I'll .(ORfUIUSKER GIVEN OUT t Fourth Year Classmen to Be Given Another Chance to Make 8eat - ' Reservations. With the collego boy and his host collego'glrf filling ovory box and every seat on tho lower floors of tho theater, and with tho rah-rah chaps in full at tendance up in tho ''university box," and no chocolnto colored cop hammer ing tho backs of tho seats with his war stick in a vain endeavor to stop their collego songs and yellB, and with tho entire thoatoi decorated 1a truo collego faBhlon from pit to dome, euro ly tho Ideal ntmosphoro will bo creat ed to greet tho production of tho col lege play, on Saturday, May 27, by tho senior class. Tho play, "Heartsease," waB particu larly chosen for Its suitability to tho occasion and rendition by a university cast. It was In "Heartseaso" that. Henry Miller, acknowledged to bo ono of America's loading actor-producers, mado his reputation and all critics rank- lUaaumastorpieco of stagecraft. rue caBt, consisting or tho best talent in tho university, has been eolocted and is holding daily rehoarsalB. Tho loading parts will bo handled by Byrno Marcellus and Julia Nagl, who, have both mndo enviable reputations In Dramatic club productions. New Features. ABldo from .putting on a play which will reflect credit upon tho entire senior class, tho play committee qro Continuod on Page 4 Continbpd on Pago 0 THIRTEEN BANDITS ROB NEBRASKAN OFFICE With a wild hurrah and a blood curdling yell tho Dally Nobraskan staff was scared out of its only evon senses and veritably bolloved that its doom had come. Whether robbery or murder, the scared reporters know not what was going to happen. Thoro was no Joko about It it was a hold-up and tno Nebraskan office proved a victim. Thoro were thirteen and they repre sented tho Black Masque pledges who had escaped initiation. They hold a picnic at tho asylunj and enjoyed a Beven-courso dinner. But Just as tho big feed was over the Black Masque automobile rolled Into sight. Tho, In tended victims secreted themselves In tho womon!s ward of tho state Institu tion'. After a vain search tho owners of tho automobile returned to find it loaded with pickle bottles and tho rom nnnts df tho picnic lunch. But tho bjrds had flown. The trip to tho city which was not by foot was nn eventful one and drug stores were lavish In tnelr gifts of per fume and mewing gum. At tho post ofllco they were entertained by- a "Dutch band," which tried in vain to drown tho laughter of tho girls. Tho next place was tho Nebraskan office, In which three humble reporters and tho business manager wero at their nightly grind. Tho business manager was alive to tho situation and averted what might have proved a catastrophe. He seized tho remaining two dollars in tho till aqd dived undor his desk, where ho was found this morning at 6:01 o'clock by the Janitor. It 1b right to say the office was robbed, for whothor through fright or kidnaping tho three reporters have not been seen since, although diligent search has been made. Tho library was not exempt and ono might think that o,n earthquake had struck It by tho way some craned and rubbered while others hid under tho tables ns tho mighty Black Masque yoll shattered tho air. In 'tho meantime a delicious bIx-' course dinner was spoiling at tho res idence of Miss Ensign. All efforts on tho part of tho Black Masque to locate the thirteen other junior girls proved unavailing. Tho dinner was not a good enough bait. Tho sovon-courso dinner at tho asylum had been suf ficient, combined with tho chewing gum and perfume, to allay their hun ger. However, at a late hour tho thir teen bandits gavo themselves up for punishment. o M I 6ET01JB rf WHH&Bm TO DAY i - t -, ' LA ,. 'J&'j tin jCv. .H