The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1911, Image 3

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C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 0 street.
. Tom Closely went to Raymond yes
teuday to spend several days testing
cattle. ,
Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th.
MIbb Alice Mowell will Boon appear
at convocation In a reading from
Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P.
Mr. Sheldon gave tho llrnl examina
tion last night for hiB class In practi
cal legislation.
R. O. Warde, barber, Voods, 120G O.
Lynn Lloyd has returned from a
short trip to the University of Mis
souri, where he went- on business.
Green's Sanitary Barber .Shop, 120
No. 11th.
Professors Davis niul Bronke will at
tend the meeting of tho American
Mathematical society at the Univer
sity or Chicago, April 28 and 2!).
Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A, Spa,
13th and P streets.
W. A. Robertson, editoV of the 190!)
Qoruhusker, who is now practicing
law at Plattsmouth, was visiting
friends In tho university yesterday.
Have your clothes pressed at Web
er's Sultorjum, Eleventh and 0. tl
The drinking fountain on the cam
pus has been allowed to rest for tho
last day or two in order to permit
repairs to bo made on the service
Havo your fingers manicured after
dandelion day. Lincoln Barber Shop.
A meeting of the interfratornlty
council was held last evening for the
urnose of. transacting Important busi
ness in connection with the Pan-IIel-
lenic banquet.
Wallace McLean, formerly of the
medical school, has purchased the
former Krug cafe and has now opened
the Cafo Jacot, 1215 O street, where
ho will be at the service of his univer
sity friends. 125-3t
LoBt Gold watch with "M. G." on
face and Illinois fob. Return to Ne
braskan oflico for reward. 130-3t
George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth
atreet, Printers. Calling Cards, In
viteB and Programs.
Tho Blblo study and membership
committees of the Y. M. C. A. will hold
a feed in the banquet room at tho
Temple tonight. A large attendance is
expected. Ernest Hahne is chairman
of the Biblo study committee and E.
V. Nelson of the membership.
Loarn toucn typewriting without
going to commercial school. Wo fur
nish university students with a com
plete courso In touch typewriting and
rent you any make of typowrltor, three
months for $G.OO. Lincoln Typewriter
Exchange, 140G O street. tf
At a meeting of the membors elect
of Phi Beta Kappa, held yesterday
noon In room 20G, Mechanics Arts
building, A. R. Raymond wbb unani
mously chosen by those prcsont to
represent them as speaker at the Initi
ation which will take place Friday,
May 5.
Saturday, April 2!), at 8 p. m Drs.
Jonas and Bridge of the Omaha
branch of the medical college will ad
dress members of the University Med
ical society in the music hall of the
Temple. Faculty members will be
present and a good program-has been
prepared. After tho speaking refresh
ments will be served and tho membors
will Indulge in various sorts of
Classified Column
Advertisements for this column
should be left at the business office,
basoment Administration building, be
tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between
2 p. m. and 5 p. m.
Want ads will positively not be in
serted unless paid In advance, at tho
rate of 10 cents pe insertion for
every fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first Insertion; three Inser
tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 conts.
Lost Conklin non-leakablo self
filler fountain peril Iteturn to Librari
an's desk. 129-3t
Found a black fountain pen on
campus. Owner may havo same by
paying for this ad. 129-3t
For Rent Fifteen-room modern
house. One block from campus. Soror
ity or fraternity .preferred. Auto
phone 2453. 129-3t
Tho. students of Columbia university
are preparing a petition to tho trus
tees asking that a ten dollar athletic
assessment bo added to the tuition fee.
The University of Illinois has a po
liceman to keep students from walk
ing on tho campus grass.
Full Dress f 1 1 I V HATS Of
ACCeSSOrieS furnisher and hatter QUALITY
Hiltnor Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12th
St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Palms
and choice flowers of all kinds.
Senior class pinB can bo obtained at
tho university booft store. There are
a few left yet and tho comlmttee is
anxious to havo these off hands so re
ports can be made. 130-8t
Ted Marriner-i cleaner, dyer, and
hatter, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 487G,
Boll 1609.
It has just come to light that James
Victor Morrison, of more than local
fame, made his debut in comic opera
Monday evening, playing a prominent
rolo in tho hotel scene In "The Mid
night Sons."
Tho Wabash Dramatic club will pre
sepf'Three Hats" this term.
The Harvard track team trained at
Indianapolis during tho spring recess,
A course in embalming has been es
tablished at the University of Michi
gan. This Is tho first university to
start such a course.
Two eminent German sicentists,
Drs. Loouvy, havo 'successfully applied
wireless telegraphy to underground
ubo. Messages have been sent at a
distance of 1,600 feet in tho earth In
tho North Hartz mountains through
the potush mines.
Some are good and spme are bad but
are in a class by themselves
$3.00 AND $4.00
For Sale A good kitchen rango;
noarly new; cheap. See NebraBkan
manager. tf
For Sale Due bill on leading pho
tographer in Lincoln. See Nebraskan
manager. tf
Wanted to Buy Old gold and silver
Jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs,
138 No. 12th St. tf
Wanted Ton men for South Da
kota; $4 per day guaranteed. Ad
dress Box 1075, Station A. ' 128-5t
Found A gold oye-glass chain.
Owner may havo same by calling at
this ofTlco and paying for this ad.
Most young men want to
wear clothes which will
win the, approval of oth
ers as well as themselves.
The matter of clothes is a
mighty important factor in
the success or failure of
every man too important
to pass by without careful
Be critical in your decision
don't buy a suit because
its a necessity get clothes
which show you up which
make your personality stand
out like a sore thumb wear
Scotch Tailored Clothes.
The price is the one cheap
feature about them never
more nor less we would
like to help you to choose
your pattern.
Tailored to Your Measure
Imitators Flatter Us
When the Wind Blows '
your hat off, your feelings ard
an index to tho hat's value,
You like to keep a goou
hat which is why you hate
to lose one of ours.
Our Stetsons and Hawos
hats are the essence of quality
and smartness.
Wo can show you all tho
late style ideas tho English
derby the young men's
broad brimmed telescope $3.09
to $5.00. ' :"
II09 O Street
Quyer Iheatbie
IN "H A V A N A"
In "Tho Paradlso of Mahomet"
LINCOLN MAnFNx5n3'i,r,-a,3
' Miss Sydney Schellds & Co.
Redford & Winchester
Beldon, Chappie &. Co.
Lotta Gladstone
Three Misses Weston
Vlttorlo & Georgetto
Davis & Walker
Mats. 15c and 25c
Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c
L, Y R I
Beginning Mon. Evening, April 24
Every Eve at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c
Mats., Wed. and 8at- 15c and 25c
See Us Before Ordering Elsowber
Programs, Menus, Announce
ments, Stationery, Booklets
12S-1J10 "No 14th St.
Herpolsheimer's Gaft
- Dinner JJ:30 to J:30 OC
.Sippet 5t30 to 7:30
Auto 2872 Boll 2522
133 South. 13th St, -
Nit Wif lis with Mipli Syrup Mi
1:2:20 O Street