raraiMawwMfctw THE DAILY NEBEA.SKAN ftrfMI " -M '.,i m i Directory of Advertisers the following merchants and bust net men of Lincoln jire anxious to serve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan they show that they want yoUr trade. And you may be sure that the merchant who Is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who Is going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with these people: BANKS FlrBt Trust & Savings Central National Dank BAKERIES FolBom BAHBER SHOPS Green's Capital Ilotol BOOK STORES Coop University CLEANERS Tod Mnrrlner, cleaner and dyer. Weber's Sultorlura Woods ' Lincoln Cleaning and Dye Works CLOTHING Farquahar Magee & Doemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spcler & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. -Dundeo-Vx)QlenMlllx COAL Whltebreast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS Miller & Palno DRUGGISTS RlggB FLORISTS Cliapln BroB. ,- C. H. Frey Hlltncr Bros. FURNISHINGS .Budd Fulk Magee & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spoler & Simon. Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co. Mageo & Deemer Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler & Simon JEWELERS Hallett . Tucker - - OPTICIANS Shoon PRINTERS ' H George Bros. j Simmons Van Tlno RESTAURANTS Y. M. C A. Spa; HerpolBhelmerV 8HOES Budd Men's- Bootory Mayer Bros. -Miller & Paine Yates French TAILORS Dundee Woolen Mills Scotch Woolen Mills- THEATERS Lyrlo- Oliver ' Orpheum TYPEWRITERS Lincoln' Typewriter Exchange" B.'F. Swanson Co, vURING the remodeling of our front we are Lti j offering special inducements in the way of some special bargains for each day, an-; nouncement of which will be made in the daily papers and it will pay you to watch for them. We are also showing some very special values in young men's suits this week. Come in and see what we have for you. MAYER BROS SOON TO PLAY TENNIS. T, A Number of University People Inter ested In New Association. A number of university people are Interested In the new Lincoln Tennis association which has recently been -formcdrrrTA-vcry . aUrjlctive tract of land has bepn secured for the courts. Of the available sites, one located south of Randolph and west of the Rock Island tracks has been selected. It would lie at about the Intersection of (J and Twenty-fdurth streets, if G street were continued through. The tract has room for eight courts and while it lies high enough to bo well drained, It is not so high as to catch much wind. Besides being quiet and well protected, the spot is an especial ly pretty one, lying along the Ante lope, bordered by treeB. It Ib expect ed that work on the courts will begin very soon, The ofTtcers are: Presi dent, W. L. Stephens; vice-president, C. F. Schwarz; secretary, Miss Louise Pound; treasurer, G. W. Woods. On the executive commltteo nre G. A. Loveland, A. L. Wentherly and Miss Jessie Bcghtol. Among the university persons con nected are Prof. Clarence Skinner and M. Talt of the department of -physics, Prof. W.- A. Wlllard of the zoology de partment, G. A. Loveland of the weather bureau, Prof. P. M. Buck of the department of rhetoric, MIbb Lou iEo Pound of the department of Eng lish lltoraturo, Miss Ina Gittings arid Miss Jessie Boghtol of the depart ment of physical training, Prof. II. R. Smith and Myron Schwonk of the uni versity farm, and others. greatly to solve the question of profit able crop production in western Ne braska. In order to collect the re sults of their experience und give these results to all who are summer tilling or may summer till this season, it Is desired to secure the names of all the farmers in central and western .Nebraska who have summer tilled for winter wheat 6T7dYonfer"crops7 Let ters from men who have summer tilled, giving their method, crops raised, yield, etc., and also the names of men who have Bummer tilled or contemplate summer tilling will be very much appreciated. Those inter ested write to W. P. Snyder, Superin tendent, Experimental Substation, North Platte, Nebraska. TRIP TO GERMANY. SEEK DATA ON SUMMER TILLING. NeW Method Believed to Have Solved Question of Crop Production. The experiments conducted on the experimental subBtatlon at North Platto during the last seven years, and reported In Bulletin 118, Indicate that the growing of winter wheat on sum mer tilled land is profitable. This method promises, so much that the superintendent believes it will help WA4T Stands for the Latest and best in Music, . 1215 O St, Miss Heppner Will Conduct Party for Which Credit Is Given. Professor Amanda Heppner of the Gorman department, will conduct a small party of university girls to Eu rope this summer at the request of the department. The trip will extend only through the German speaking countries Germany, the Tyrol. Switz erland, and Holland, und German will bo spoken on the entlro trip. The tour Ib to Include fifteen weeks of traveling and all will have an oppor tunity to visit Paris. Undergraduate students who are members of the party aro allowed credits In tho university. The present plan Is to spend two .weeks in Berlin, taking in the city and attending the opera and drama performances. The principal cities of Germany will be visited in turn, and the trip down the beautiful Rhino will be accomplished by boat. The party will walk through the Harz mountains, ,tho Spreewald, tho Black forest, and the William Tell country in Switzer land. Tho Bavarian lakeB and Ober anlmorgau are Included in the Itiner ary, In -Munich tho great Wngnor fes tival, and in Weimar the Imposing na tlonalfpstsplele will be attended. On Juno 8 tho party plans to sail' from New York over the Hamburg American line, returning August 29, The party Is limited tp women only, and will bo very small. Four have signified their intentions of going nnd any studonts interested may apply to Miss Heppner for Information. JUST RECEIVED A fresh shipmont of Huyler's & Whitman's fine candies Meier Drug Co. 13th nutl O St root. CAFE JACOT New and Up-to-Date Our Specialty Dinner 355 Cents Open After Theatres 1215 O - WARTHON'S- Original Electric Shie Repairing Factory and $2.50 Shoe Men's Store Pomin's We Save You $1.00 142 North 12th Street Try Our Maraschino Cherry Chocolates Also All Kinds of Dainty Sandwiches Best of Service LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN I4lh and 0 S. W. Corner Iowa won the championship of the .Intercollegiate Rifle League by defeat Ing Massachusetts agricultural col lego 1,890 to 1,89,1, The First Trust and Savings Bank T-pER-CENT-INTEREST-f- SI opens an account 188 South 11th Street. l,J-.-JbbiS