i M(l'lw, THE DAILY NEBRASK'AN ifciMfc !, F l THE DAILY NEBRA&KAN THH3 PItOPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobrouka. " Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAfF. Editor ;...... ...... .8. O. COTNBR Managing Editor A. II. DINSMORE Associate Editor.. ,..T. M. EDGECOMBE ABBodato Editor...... RICHARD MEYER BUSINESS STAFF. Manager V. C. 1TASCALL ABBlBtant Managor....C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL. Athlotlcs and Military. .T. J. IIARaRAyE Socloty and Porflonal..P. C. McCONNELL Nobrttflltu Hall '1 ? "K9Ji Scloncofl and aorman..E. J. IIUBERMAN Engncorlng K. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural .B. II. GRAVES Law A. C. SCHMIDT Library and Unlvoralty Hall.. II. S. HUSE AsslBtnnt Reporters V. A. STURM K. B. WHERRY Editorial and Buslneu Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Nlnht Phones Auto 1888; Auto Auto 2998. 3145; tures. Tho Btudonta arc to be con gratualted on their efforts. It sure is a good idea to have such band concorts as- the one planned, for a week from Thursday. There are too few buoIi gatherings at which tho stu dents nmy be present. This Is some thing which can bo enjoyed by all. It 1b things like these which bring about tho growth of a wholesome college spirit. It Is tho great Nebraska spirit that we aro striving to promote. The students should show their apprecia tion of tho band by turning out in full force. Last month a concert was given la tho Oliver theater and all present woro unanimous In the declaratlpn that the university had one of the best bands In tho state. Thoro has beon Improvement over since then. The concert next week will be n good one. Come .out. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged lor at tho rato of 10 cents tho InBortlon for ovcry fifteen words or fraction there of. Faculty notices and Unlvoralty bul letins will gladly bo published freo. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, aB socond-class mail matter, under tht Act of Congroas of March 8, 1870. vAiPHIL 2G, 1911. A JOYFUL DEMISE. Silently and unnoticed thoy havo slipped away and no one seems to know whither thoy have departed. But it wnn nnt of tholr own accord; A ter rible force has driven tlrent from our midst. Tho campus ornament came down in all hor gay plumage with de IubIvo dreams that her fame would spread far and wide and would vie with that of Cleopatra. Sho might bo a second Helen, bo coveted . she would be. From the same realms camo tho fusser. And likewise this same crea- OUTLAW8 TAKE ANOTHER. State Farm Lads Overcome In Five Inning Contest 8 to 5. Tho baseball team at the farm wont down to defeat yesterday afternoon at the hands of the Outlaws by tho score of 8 to fi. Stub's boys proved too much for their opponents at every stage of the game and found little dif ficulty In keeping tho lead. A home run by Hascall was tho feature. Scoro by Innings: It. II. E. Outlaws 2 2 3 1.0 8 G 3 Farm 0203 05 4 6 Bnttries: Proudy, Potter and Rat cliff; Lnthrop and Lewis. Notice. ' There will be a meeting of all fresh-menIiftereBted-invtrnclc-at-thegyin-naslum, 11 a. m. Thursday. COMMITTEE. Notice. Y. W. C. A. and other girls meet at tho Temple at 4 o'clock Thursday to go In a crowd to the state farm grove for vlolots. 129-2t The perfect hat th& styles- by which the hist hats in the country are sold. Always 2.50 n ! . . i l . DUUU 1413 O St. turo beheld many air castles filled with beautiful women and simultane ously all fell In love with him. Guided by theBo fantoms they descended upon' us last fall and were overly conspicu ous. They began operations and wero successful In. their own Imaginations. But alas! Just as tholr ambitions wore about to be realized the delin quent committee swept them away. Now thoy are gone. As tho old saying goes, "It was good riddance of bad rubblBh." Whore they now aro Is iiiuiit.V"al. Thoy are gono from tho university and we should all bo thankful. The hand of tho delinquent committeo has been mighty, but tho fruits of its labors aro In proportionate abundance. Thjo un desirables should bo weeded, out. Tho university Is no place for those who havo no aim In life except to be orna ments or fussers. Worso than a null lty thoy aro a detriment. Like tho dandelion, thoy1 come out In full bloom but the horrible seed and tho terrible , reBiilts! President Vincent of Minnesota will deliver tho regular commencement ad dress at that institution. At Minnesota candidates for posi tions on tho academic council nor tholr friends are allowed to resort to politics and aro prohibited from so liciting votes. A NICE PAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire. Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cream for banquets, Hot Drinks, Whipped Cream. THE F0LS0M 307 o street Tho co-edB of Oregon university will edit tho Oregon Herald In a fow weeks. Tho girls' number will con tain feature stories, society notes, cartoons and cuts of prominent peo ple of the university. THE BULLETIN Do not forget dandelion day. Every loyal student. of tho University of Ne Tiraflka should help dig dandelions. A unique map of Nebraska Is being constructed by tho Temple high school. It Is In the nature of a gar den and has many commendable fea- April. 27 Cosmopolitan club, banquet hall, Temple, 7:30 p. m. 28 Dandelion day, 2 p. m., no after noon ClaBSCB. " 29 Y. M. and Y. W, C. A. banquet, St. Paul's, 6 p. m. May. 3 Tvyjlpy. 6 Tegner, science hall of Temple, 8 p. m. 10 law .barbecue. "2C Senior class play, Oliver thoalei The Spots Won't Gome Back If Cleaned at ! be - May 3, 1911 Full Holiday IVY DAY University Farm Admittance to Stunts and Lunch, 25c MILITARY BALL Auditorium, May, 13th. Regimental Band Waifs Orchestra EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS Gehtir M. . - e&rj4y4y J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best is Always the Cheapest. "' 1823 N St. Auto 1202 Boll 147 CLEANERS and DYERS c ftpfFffff"3ff Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge The Oreat Sail Water Swimming Pool i npR8rX&atesr-Moratngr1CxeeptStrodaTBr-1 Gentlemen. Afternoons ana KrenlnRs. L&dlai unu uunnemon, wonaajr ana Fnaajr Urenlngt. 141b and H Streili. Special Partial Arno.td Far -!