The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1911, Image 4
ITifarefSCTEIWHUHWI THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Freshman Hop Committee. Thorn will bo a mooting todny at 1 1 a. m: in lliio: Important bualnoflB. D. -P. MR13KEU, Chairman. ATMMtW(MM3lT i' Friday night Mr. nnd .Mrs. A. L. dooden ontortalned tho Pallndlnn Lit erary Boclqty at their homo, 402 South Twenty-ninth Btroet. Tlio occaBlon was a birthday surprlBO ih honor of their daughter, Alta Goorion. Tho annual competitive drill of tho Nobrarika Military Acadomy will bo held at tho acadomy thlB afternoon at 2 o'clock. It will bo followed In tho ovoning by a danco, at which a largo number of unlvorulty Btudonta will bo the gueslB of Colonel and ,MrB. Hay ward. MIbb Minnie Drako, IndUBtrlal secre tary of tho city Y. W. C. A., will talk from 5 to 5:45 p. in. TueBday, April 25, in tho Y. M. C. A. roomB, on "Wo men in Industry." , MIbb Drako has mnde a caroful study of this subject and her talk will be of real interest and value. Tho Friday night meeting of the Union Literary society wub in tho na ture or a farewell party for W. T, Wolvlngton, tho president of tho bo cloty, who left Sunday for tho Philip pines, to take up a position as teacher with tho govornmont. At the biiBl nosa meeting, the vico-prosidont, Miss BobbIc UoliortH, was made president. Tho program constated of extempo raneous speeches by tho new Phi Beta Kappas In the society and two vocal solos by Osa Hanoi. ik URING the remodeling of our front we are LX 1 offering special inducements in the way JJ of some special bargains for each day, aii nouncement of which will be made in the daily papers and it will pay you to watch for them. We are also showing some very 'special values in young men's suits this week. Come in and see what we have for you. MAYER BROS. Cornell, Pennsylvania, Columbia, Yalo and Princeton have effected a reorganization of their intercolleglato basketball league. CAFE JACOT New and Up-to-Date Our Specialty Dinner 35 Cents Open After Theatres 1215 O JUST RECEIVED A fresh shipment of Huyler's & Whittman's fino candies Drug Co. l.'tth ami O StrootH. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS Gcihijh czT?ary VDU'RE going to see this spring . and wear we hope, some -of the smartest clothes ever offered to the well dressed men of this town. You'll see them in our store now ; and a little later you'll see them on the men who know what good clothes are. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes we're talking about them are made for men of the most critical taste and discrimination. Everything about these goods is exactly what you would have it, if you were to specify all the details of your own garments. They're clothes made for the wearer, and in his interests;-not simply made good enough to sell. Suits, Top Coats, Raincoats $10 to $40 Clot hi no; Co. " " i ' ' - Good Clothes Merchants AonstrQiigL '! M W J