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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1911)
THE DAILY NEBRASKA! K CAMPUS GLEANINGS C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 0 street. The Cosmopolitan club held n meet ing last night In the science hnll of the Temple. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Arthur Helmar of Beatrice and Carl Stall of Omaha were guests at the Delta Tau houBe Sunday. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. Dr. S. Mills Hayes will resume his study of the prophets Wednesday at il o'clock in the Y. W. C. A. rooms. R. O. Wardo, barber, Woods, 1206 O. The Forestry club will meet tonight at 7:30. Dr. Bessoy will speak on the revision of a certain species or liaw thorne. Have your clotheB pressed at Web er'B Suitorium, Eleventh and 0. tf Walter Sadilek, a former student at Nebraska, now teaching at Earlham, Iowa, was in the city Saturday meet ing old friends. Have your Angers manicured after dandelion day. 'Lincoln Barber Shop. The Komonsky club enjoyed a pleas ant impromptu program at its Satur day mooting. The next session of tho club will be hold at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brt. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Lylo Mllliken and Bon Johnson of Fremont, James Lomax of Broken Bow and Leonard Hoggel of Omaha were in Lincoln Saturday to attend the Delta Gamma formal. v . Hlltner Bros.. Florists, 118 So. 12th St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. l'aims and choice flowers of all kinds. Tho class in physics 8 at tho Uni versity of- Michigan ho'ds recitations at tho homo of tho professor, K. E. Guthe, whore tho latter 1b confined to his bed with a broken ankle. Wallace McLean, formerly of the medical Bcbool, has purchased tho former Krug cafo and has now opened tho Cafe Jacot, 1215 O street, where he will be at the serviro of his univer sity frlendB. 125-3t Ted Marrlner cleaner, dyer, and hatter, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 487C, Bell 1609. Tho regular meeting of the House hold ArtB club will be held TuoBday evening at the home of Louise Guth rie, 260 South Twenty-seventh street. The subject under discussion will bo "The HouBe.'' Students who nro taking courses in "soctology- should not mlBs the address which will be dellvored tonight at 5 o'clock In the Y. V. C. A. rooms of tho Temple by .Miss Fanny Drake on tho subject of "Women in Industry." The fifth annual report of tho Botanical society, which has just been issued, shows that the University of Nebraska claims nineteen out of ono hundred nnd sixty life, regular and associate members. Learn toucn typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university students with a com plete course in touch typewriting and rent you any make of typewriter, three months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf Tickets for tho joint Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. bnnquot may be had at the office or from the cabinet glrlH. Tho banquet will bo hold at St Pnul's church, Saturday evening, April 29. Prof. Sarka Hrbkova gave an ad dress before the Lincoln Women's Medical association at the Llndoll on Thursday evening. On Friday evening Professor Hrbkova gave an illustrat ed lecture in tho Bohemian language before a large audlenco at Table Rock. Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and B p. m. ' Want ads will positively not be In 'sorted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents. FOR 8ALE. aV. uV&rl '& V rjji AT A SZt-iT'Va U.JT3I "WT AM!1JH iw yZ)tZYl lSJS:?kX Uss?Z -. 1 S aKKM9K. . AT For Sale -A good kitchen rango; nearly new; cheap. Seo Nebraskan manager. tf For Sale Due bill on loading pho tographer in Lincoln. Seo NebrnBkan manager. tf WANTED. Wanted to Buy 'Old gold and Bilver jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. tf Wanted Ten men for South Da kota; $4 por day guaranteed. Ad drosB Box 1075, Station A. ' 128-5t FOUND. Found A gold oyo-glass chain. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this ad. 128-31 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW-SCHOOL Tln'-V(ar courH". IcadiliK to ilt-Krcc iff Doctor of Law (J. D.), which by tho QtiitrtiT syatom may hi completed In two .Hid one-fourth calendar yearn. Cnlhw education rocmired for reKiilar iuIiiiIhsIoii. one year of law being counted inwiiul coHcro degree. I,nw library of .1.1.000 volumcH. The Summer Quarter offers special op portunities to students, teachers, and practitioners. First term begins June 19 Second term begins July 27 Courses open In all Departments of tho University during tho Summer Quarter. For Announcement nddrcss DEAN OF LAW SCHOOL, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Full Dress Accessories FULK HATS OF FURNISHER AND 1 32S O STREET ha quality Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. W. B. Becker, '12, has been appoint ed store keeper In tho department of zoology, taking the place made vacant by the departure to tho Philippines of V. T. Wolvington. George Bros., 218 South' Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. ' Charles E. Downton, assistant super intendent of tho Westinghouso Elec tric & Manuftcauring company, Pitts burg, Pa., will bo at the university April 26, to cIobq apprenticeship con tracts with electrical engineering seniors. The landscape gardeners have been busy the past several weeks sotting out plants and trees. Near tho green house is a magnolia that is already In bloom, being covered with delicate pinkish-white buds. The blossoms aro of an Immense size, and In tho ab- t seuce of any leaves, give tho tree a peculiar, though beautiful, uppear ance. Tho tree, which is about threq foot high, Is a hybrid, being a cross between a Japanese magnolia and a Chinese magnolia. This fact accounts for its hardihood in our northern climate. Two Strap Pumps In All Leathers 3.00 - Ihey DoJFit Yates-French Co. 1220 O Street . Most young men want to wear clothes which will win the approval of oth ers as well as themselves. The matter of clothes iR a mighty important factor in the success or failure of every man too important to pass by without careful thought. Be critical in your decision don't buy a suit because its a necessity get clothes which show you up which make your personality stand out like a sore thumb wear Scotch Tailored Clothes. The price is the one cheap feature about them never more nor less we would like to help you to choose your pattern. Tailored to Your Measure $15 Imitators Flatter Us Auto 2872 , Bell 2522 133 South. 13th 0fc. - Sir Launfal shunned the leper and we carefully shun misrepresenta tion. It is our principle to carry only trustworthy merchandise and to sell it at actual value. In both clothes and furnish ings our prices range from low to high. But whatever you pay you get tho highest possible vuluo obtainable at that price. MAQEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre TOMORROW MAT. AND NIGHT Return Engagement of The Musical Sensation MADAME SHERRY With Its Wonderful Cast. Special Chorus and Augmented Orchestra. Mat, $1.50 to 50c Night $2.00 to 50c I INP'nl II MATINEES (ExceptMoRtfay) a:a LWUULn BVONINOS AT S13O ORPHEUM UHFJB ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Miss Sydney 8cheilds & Co. Redford & Winchester Beldon, Chappie & Co. Lotta Gladstone Three Misses Weston Vlttorio & Qeorgetto Davis & Walker Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c L Y R I Beginning Mon. Evening, April 24, LULU'S HUSBANDS Every Eve at 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Mats., Wed. and 8at. 15c and 25c imPRlNTING?0" WNT See Us Before Ordering Elsewhere Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. . 12fi-U0 No 14th at. . " Herpolshtimer's Gafa Supper 5i30 Io7i30 CQG ILf 0 MFETEIIM STYL1 1 t ' 1 .-