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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1911)
lUt ,J i Vol. X. No. 128 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1911. Price 5 Cents. K GREAT STRENGTH REVEALED BY JiGRJEMITRY:0UT3 REMARKABLE ABILITY OF NEW MEN THE FEATURE. ELECTRICAL A880CIATION MEET8 BECKER WINS THE HALf MILE Lindstrum, Russell, Black, Christmas, May, Ross and Rice Get ' Place on Squad. Students of University Invited to At- tend Sessions This Week. j, Tho Nebraska Electrical ubbocIu tion 1b holding Its annual meeting in Lincoln this weok. Tomorrow after noon Professor Morse rends a paper on "Electric Lluhtlnc By-Products.1' . . ... . . ... . . i Tne sossions win conciuno witn a trip to the Huvelock shops Wednesday af ternoon. Students Interested ' are In vited to attond. material in tho university, which promiBev a close and exciting moot. The beautiful cup now on exhibition at Armstrong's is to be presented to the winning class. Individual medals of silver ;uul bronze will bo Riven tho individual winners. The university band will give a con cert in the afternoon at the farm, be BldeB playing for tho morning exer cises. Tho lunch to be served will surpass any that has been provided on any past Ivy day. C. .T. Lord is chairman of the committee. NEBRASKA WRESTLERS ARE THE CHAMPIONS Y. M. AND Y. W. C. A. UNITED. Although no records were broken in the try-outs for tho university track team, the results were such that oven the most skeptical should be salislied. The showing in the dashes wub not bo good ns in tho long runs. This was largely duo to the condition of the track, which is far from in good shape. This defect will be remedied, however, by next Saturday, when tho dual meet with Ames comes. In general tho competition was strong and few events woro won with ease. Kecu capturcu tno nu-yuru. dash with a good lead, but had not so easy a time in tho 22( and was only third In the 100. Tho feature of the moot was the showing made by new mon. A real surprise came when Decker finished the half mile ahead -nf-And;rHnnr.Qne at , flic ftest renuted long distance runners I In tho valley. Becker Is a Junior and will bo eligible for the team. The pole vault wub not held owing to tho fact that the men hud been ' tired out In other events and their standing hnd nlready been learned from the practice. In tho two mile Molik mndo a good nice and led for most of tho way, but Bates seemed tho stronger and sprinted nhead at the finish. Tho liammer throw ha been bnrred from intercollegiate events. Tho final results of tho try-outs wore as follows: 100-yard dash First, May; second, Rncely; third. Hoed. Time, 10 2-5 sec onds. Tenm, .May and Rood. 220-yard dash First, Heed; second, Christmas; third, "May. Time, 23 sec onds. Team, Reed and Chrlstmns. 440-yard run First, Heed; Ankony, second. Time 52 3-5 seconds. Tenm, Reed and Ankeny. Half miler un Becker, first; Ander son, second; Amborson, third. Time, two mInuteB and three seconds. Mile run Anderson, first; Kenned, second; Rice, third. Time 4 minutes and 57 seconds. Team, Anderson nnd Rice. ' Two-mile run Butes, first; Melik, second. Time, 10 mliluteB 45 seconds. Team, Bates and Molik. High hurdles RusboII, first; Lind strum, second; Black third. Time, 10 2-5 seconds. Team, Russell and Black. Low hurdles LfmUtrnm, first; Rus- spll, second. Time, 28 seconds. Team, . Russell and l,indstrum. Discus throw Collins, first; Har mon, second; Gibson, third. Distance, 10G feet G inches. Te'rim, Collins nnd Harmon. Shot put Ross, first; Stryker, sec ond. Dlstunce, 33 feet 2 inches. Team, Collins and Ross, Broad jump First, Grahnm; sec ond, Black; third, Nofslger. Distance, 20 feet VA inches. Team, Black and Nefslgor. ' ' High, jump Graham and Hastings tied for first: Russell, second. Height, b fe6p(P,inchcB: Tenmr-Grahum- and Russell, ELLIOTT AND RUBY VICTORS IN INTERCOLLEGIATE EVENT8. WEAYER IS THE THIRD GYMNAST FINANCE CAMPAIGN ON. Two Associations to Hold Joint Ban quet Next Saturday. Saturday evening ut G o'clock tho Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. will hold a joint banquet ut the St. Paul's Meth odist church. There will bo u general Jollification and tho work of the past yeur will be reviewed. With this end In View u good toaBt list, is being propured nnd somo prominent Y. Mi C. A. nmn who has gone out from this institution will' bo the touBtmastor. The cuisine will be well worth the time of those who aro not particularly attracted by programs. It Is expected that botween two and three hundred will be present. Tickets are now be ing sdld by the members of the asso ciations for 25 cents. Barred from Contesting for Team Honors Cornhuskers Surprise Many at Chicago Meet. Y. W. C. A. Girls Want to Raise $500 by Memberships and Contributions. The nnnuul finance campaign of the Y. W. C. A. Is on this wook. Owing to various delays and outside Inter ruptions It wub not possible to ar range for Uie campaign earlier in the year as originally planned. But this is going to be the big week and tho girls want to raise from now member ships and contributions of old mom hers; fnculty and friends, $500, which will complete tho budget for the yonr. -'O AM CE-X1CKEXSGNSALE TEMPTATIONS OF A PHYSICIAN. Dr. Poynter to Speak on Subject at MlcLweckJM.eeJlng. Sophomore Hop Saturday Next Will Surely Be a Success. Tho sophomore hop committee will meet today at llVclock in U112 to complete plans for tho big dunce next Saturday night. Louie Ilagenslck's full orchestra bus been secured for the occasion, which is an assuranco for good music. Loulo and his boys Jmvo given perfect satisfaction at many dances this winter and tho committee is being congratulated on Its choice. No tickets will bo Bold at the door, in accordance with the custom which has been enforced by tho class of 1913. Tickets were put on sale a few days ugo nnd aro to bo hud from any mom ber of the committee, of which Bur ton Hill Is tho chairman. If Hill can not supply them from his allotment, ho will refer Inquirers to Borne commit teeman so long as tho tickets last. This will be the last class Informal of the season. At the mid-week meeting to bo held Wednesday evening at G: 15 In tho Temple, Dr. Charles W. M. Poynter of the medical college will give an ad dress on "The Temptutlons of tho Modern Physician." This promises to be one of tho best talks of the yonr and Btudents in the medical school are invited to attend, as well as all other men Interested. This Is tho second of tho life work series to bo given this year. They aro short talks by mon who have mndo good In their chosen lino of work, and 'iroof great help and value to studonts especially. Tho first talk1 was given some time ago by, Prof. Vi G. Mays of tho Lin coln"hlgh school. NEBRASKA MAN REFUSES HONOR IVY DAY TICKETS ON SALE ELABORATE PROGRAM BEING AR RANGED FOR THE BIG HOLIDAY. .. Tickets for Iy.y day will go on sale today and can bo bought from any member of the committee. The tick ets are twenty-five cents and nd,mlt to tho bnl game, tho track meet, tho sup per pud the entertainment In tho evening. , Ab usual all classes will bo dismissed for tho day, which is May 3, and oyeryono will bo out to enjoy tho holiday. Tho morning exorcises, Including the May pole dance and tho Ivy day oration, will bo held oii tho campus in the morning. Th details of tho program will bo' announced later. ' The, tW.enty-fivo cen,ts h charged merely to cover the expense Involved, and-ever-y-student-lnscliQol in expect-, ed to purchase a ticket It Is u small' charge considering the entertainment provided. The mcett tho, state farm i It ... 1n amsvm rkw? Louis, Haller Declines Phi Beta Kappa at Michigan. Out of Bixteen students who wore elected to Phi Beta Kappa from p largo class In the college of literature at tho University of Michigan this spring two men, Louis Hnller and John Gutnecht, sent In resignations soon after tho announcement. Mr. Haller is a son of Regent Haller of tho University or Nebraska. "While both of tho mon avoided publicity in tho matter, tho Michigan Daily says that tho probable reason for their no tion is their 'disbelief in the princi ples of the organization. VISITS UNIVERSITY. fTho' PnamnnnlUnn club Will meet' Thuraday evening, April 27, at science will bo between ,the four classes and hall in the Temple at 7:30 o'clock. Is expected to bring out-all the best E. Benjamin Andrews Is Somewhat Improved In Health. Ex-Chancellor Androws'Vfsited tho university Friday. Ho wub looking much better than ho .was on his last visit. Doctor' Andrew's is now taking treatment at Green Gables sanitari um and his many friends In the uni versity hope for his continued Im provement. The .students and fnculty aliko are always glad to see him on Nebraska won first in the wrest ling championship and third In tho Individual gymnustlc championship of the ninth annual woBtorn lntorcollegl ato gymnastic championship, held at Chicago univorsity Saturday night, April 22. Thoso, in a nut-Bholl, aro tho Nebraska results In intercollegiate wrestling and gymnastics. Six universities competed In this moot, nnmoly: Chicago, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Jndlunu and Ne braska. Three championships woro to bo awurded fencing, wrestling, nnd henv.y gymnustlcB although Nobraska sent no representatives to tho fencing evonts and only two pnrtlclpantu to each of tho othor events. Sluco six mon aro allowed for tho team events of each championship, and Bchools having less than throe delegates aro barred ub team aBplrantfl, Nebraska did not enter with tho expectation of winning tenm laurels. -In tho individ ual ovonts, however, Nebraska was easily recognized us u first runner, ospeciully so In the wrestling cham pionship. Wrestling Easy. Four cIubbcb of wrestling were hold, including tho regular light, heavy and middle-weight events, with tho addi tional feuthor-wolght cluss, less than 125 pounds. Nobraska did not enter ln'tho feathor-wolght or middle-weight, Miller being ineligible to tho lattor ovont, but still the Cornhuskers suc ceeded in getting Jiigh place by win ning first in tho light and' 'heavy weights. Ruby nnd Elliott, respec tively In the two classes, won easily In tho afternoon preliminaries and with no apparent difficulty In the oven- lng champlonshjp encounters. The results of tho wrestling cham pionship aro us follows: Light-wqight First, Ruby, Nobraska; second, Bar rond, Wisconsin; third, Broslus, Min nesota. Middle-weight First, Pen nington, Indiana; seconu", Mathers, Illinois; third, Akor, Minnesota. Heavy-weight First, Elliott, Nebras ka; second, "Whiteside, Chicago; third, Mead, Minnesota. Nobraska won first with 10 points. Minnesota and Indi ana tied for second, 8 points, whllo 'Chicago won fourth, 7 points. , Weaver Gets Third. "Weaver of NobraBka won third In the Individual gymnastic champion ship. In Individual events, he won second In the parallel bars nnd sec- kond in tho Hying rings. Stylo of In diana and Davis of Chicago won first and second respectively. SENIOR, CONVOCATION. ;r the campuB. jThomps' A. James, whostiW a posi tion1 lit Polk, wub 'the guesObf i'riendB Saturday. ,-t l. i i ,. .... - a i- I- iM'i Program to Be Glen hi Memorial Hall This Morning.1 X J At convocation today the seniors will give their annual program. Tho exercises 111 tbphdld in .Memorial hall at' 11 a. m Tho" following 'will i , i bo the program: Planq Solo- MIbs Agnes "Wlckstrurot School t)fM?iic 3 USyAfS 1 ' Readings-Mini Julia fNagli " TI I Class History A. M Haw," L