The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1911, Image 4
,?,m71 ?;tOTCTUjmiuWiftly JWJffSfJWB m.. ';m n mam ili hi iri"i ii THE PAJh? NJ3p,RAtSKAN t i . . ! Directory of Advertisers . Tha following merchant and bust nets men of Lincoln are anxious to aervo the University students. By olaclna their advertiiemente ,ln the columne of the pally Nebraakan they howxthat tney want your iraup. miu you- rny. b- ur -" themf rohant who la willino e mane a puna anorc to gejt your patronage la l one who la going to treatyou hpneetly and considerately in attempting to keep It. 80 you aa well aasthe Nebraa kan will profit by tradlngwUh theae people: BANKS i First Trust & Savinca Central National pank ,p,AKEtfUEE Folsora BARBER SHOPS Groon'B Capital Hotel BQQK STORES " Co-op University Tod Marrlnor, cloanor and dyer. Weber's Sultorlum Woods Lincoln Cleaning nqd Dye Works CLOTHING Farquahar Magoo & Dootnor Mayor Bros. ., Palaco Clothing Co. Speler & 8,10100 Armstrong Clothing Co. Dundee Woolen JMUHj "Tmx i Whltobreast .CONFCTIONERX Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS MJllor , Paine DRUGGJST Riggs FLQJUOTS 'cH9'' Hiltner Bros. FURNISHINGS Budd Fylk Mogoo & Dcemqr Mayer Bros. Pplaco Clothing Cp. Spelor & Slrapn. Armstrong Qlothlng Co. HATTERS Budd Pulk 1 Armstrong Clothing Co. Magoo & Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler & Simon JEWELERS Hallett Tucker OPTICIANS . Shean ' PRINTERS ' George Bros. " ' Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS Y. M. C. A. Spa Herpolshelmer'p SHOES Budd Men's Bootory Mayer Bros. Miller & Paine Yates French TAILORS Dundee Woolen Mills .. .Scotch Woolen Mollis THEATERS Lyric rOllver Orpheum TYPEWRITERS . r'SLlncoln Typewriter Ercuange xh . .' Swanson Co. ' -' ., n Ol I M-4E4 Is something you Heed not worry about when you come here for your clothes.-' We figy re that most men, have not the time to study styles, so We Do That for You Wp are in a much better position to know what is correct than you are' and we can truthfully say that this season we are showing more new styles than ever before styles that other stores will show you next season. It Costs Us No More To have up-to-date ideas and they cost you no mora here than lasts season's style cpsts elsewhere. All wool garments tailored to your liking. Come in and see them. Suits $1Q.00 to $45.00. Seven of the very best makes to pick from MAYER BROS. Stetson-Dunlap Hats X Manhattan Shirts X. X SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE GRADUATES EIGHTY-FIVE Continued .from Pago 1 Glee Club Commencement Address "The Adap- tatiqirof-EdupatJon-to- Life- President Robert L. Slagle Presentation of ClaBS presentation of Certificates presentation of Military Commlsslqns Bepedlctlon. Those receiving certlflctes were: Alter, Lyman Louis; AmoB, Mary Lpp ,nora; Anderson, John; Applegato, Op :ar Ezra; Backlund, Theodore YV" lam; Becker, William Frederlqk; 3orn, Amy Christy; Berry, Charles; 31golow, Del Jay; Bigelow, Leo Franjt In; Bigelow, Nettle Theo; Bralnarp. Willis Nathaniel; Brown, Benjamin Prank; Busch, Henry Christian; Car jiontor, Ray Wllford; Clzek, Mary Proebe; Clark, Flo; Colo, Frank How ard; Comstock, Edgar Dewltt; Coupe, Jienry Ala; Davis, Joseph Raymond; pavls, Melvln Dwlght; Delano, Harry Calvin; Domaray, Warren Gray; Dpb son, John D.; Domingo, George M.; .Downing, WUlard Ross; Duff, Daniel Jiobert; Ellison, Arthur Maxwell; Erlckson, John Eric; Erlcson, Reuben; Ford, Richard Judson; Gago, Vernon LaBch; Goehner, William Oscar; Grle pel, Chnrles Adam; Hanger, William Lunsford; Hanna, Joy; Hanson, Linn Ford; Heldorst&dt, Stewart H.; Ire land, Fred Marshall; Isham, Edward Booth; JunklnH Gall Marie; Kelsey, Charles Leo; Kent, Percy Rolland; ,Kjar, Albert August; Knapple, George jPleasant; Jurjdeen, Helgp; Law rence, Charles Gladus; Ilndstodt, qarl ;Marcus; McCarthy, Leo James; M,c ,Geo, Roy; Magljl, Alice; Malsh, Hpr- bert William; Marsh, Lola; Mecham, Ina Rosalia; Melton, Dpn S(gal; Nel son, Carl Herbert; Nixon, John; Ohl sen, Wlrtnlo AtuniafOjlis, Ethel Mary; Osborne, Dean Horace; Papoz, Emma; Parks, Harrell Leonard; Pascoe, Mary; Petrlng, George Kimntel; Pos Bon, Rutherford Jay; Rlchey, Harry IW-yatt; -RobortsArthur Xyster; Rob- Inson, Jay; Rogge, WWI9; Rolofson, Lawrence Owen; Slndt, Henry; Slndt, Karl; Stpddart, Paxton Calladay; Strpltfi, WUHam Michael; Stropo, Mer win Garvin; Stropo, William Wallace: Swanson, Archibald Carl; Taylor, Leonard Burke; Tupper, Oscar Wint ers; Tyson, Edwin; Wontz, Harry Maurice; Whjsenand", Wllmor James; Wilcox, Frank Luthor; Wittman, Rob ert Joseph. Herpolsheimer's Gafs Dinner H:30 to 1:30 OK Supper 5i30 to 7:30 fUC ALSO CAFETERIAN STYE Htt Waflts with Jlaple, Syrup 0 PEACEFUL ARBOR DAY. Is of Little Moment at the University of Nebraska. This Is Arbor day, set aside as a loal holiday in this and many othpr .states ns a time to plant irees. The Idea of observing a certain day each year for this purpose was conceived by the late J. Sterling Morton and has brought about the planting of many flno shade trees to grace the prairies of Nebraska. Since the adoption of Arbor day in this state as a holiday many commonwealths have come to recognize it as a stimulus to tree rJanting. Although a holiday, Arbor day has never been recognized as such at the university, and classes go on as per schedule. Sometimes an enter prlslpg groupd keeper sets put a tree or two just to keep up appparancos, but the tendency of late years has been to tear up the treps to make roop; for now hulldjngs. FINANCE CAMPAIGN. - , "i WALT Stands for the Latest and best in fester . - - 121? jQ M Y. W. C. A. to Undertake Next Week to Raise $500. ! Owing to other business affairs and interruptions from, the qutsldp, ,tho. Y. W. C. A. has been unable ipreylpus to this time to plan for th(j annual finance campaign. Next Monday, however, the campaign will begin and during tho week the girls are expecting to raise from new nfemborsb.lp and .con tribution ,0 old merabpjs, faculty and friends, $5u"0, wnicirwiircunipletcrtho-; budget for this year.. jEverjrpne please remember this and have your purses in your pockets. , -. c -.-., CAF JACOT Naw p4 ,Up-.t9-PM Our Spjpjlty Dinner 355 Centsi Open After Thetrs 121S O JUSrRECEiyjgfT Afresh shipment pf HuyUrr & Whlttmn' fino candios Meier Drug Co. IUU and O Btrfits. The First Trust And A PER CENT INTEREST A $1 opens aa account lj) Sputh lJLtlTptrqet. . t..' i'i ,'i'v '--urn CENTRAL NATIONAL MM 12th and Q $tretta P. L. HALL, Prealdont P. B. JOHNSON. VIce-prealdont BBMAN C. FOX. Ca,filor W. W. HACKNEY, JR., Aaat Cosh. Try Our Maraschino Cherry Chocolates Also All Kinds of Dainty Sandwiches Be t of Seryice MNCPLN CANDY KITCHEN 14th and 0 S. W. Corner. mmW JEWELER &.OPJIJJIXN Q. A- Twcker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN IpfOlTftKTTYECUOrFROHTl Your Patronage Solicited