The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1911, Image 3
THJ5 D.ATLY-.NifBEXSKAN A CAMPUS GLEANINGS C. H. Frey, florlBt, 1133 0 street. James Whitney, ex-'ll, Phi Gamma Delta, of Norway, Kan., visited In Lin coln recently. Cbapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Arno Bald, '11, of Omaha Is Bpend lnd, tho week end at the Delta Tau Delta house. Capital Hotel Barber Shop 11 & P. Dean S. Woodward, ex-ll,'ho-Is attending tho St. Louis medical col lege, spent hlB Easter vacation with friends In Lincoln. ft R. O. Warde, barber, Woods, 1206 O. . The officers of tho quartermaster's department were Informally enter tained last evening at the homo of Miss Bertha Roach. An. even "half dozen couples we're present. ' Have your clotheB pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, Eleventh and O. tl - George T. Guernsey of Indepen dence, Kan., one of the national of ficers of Phi Gamma Delta, visited the local chapter of that fraternity Thurs fday and Friday. K Havo your fingers manicured after dandelion day. Lincoln Barber Shop. J. R. Broff, a junior In the college of agriculture, has been notified by the forestry service that lits applica tion for a position, has been accepted Mr. Bruft has been asked to report the first of July at Weavercllle, Cal., to take up reconnaissance work In the Trinity national reserve. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Wallace McLean, formerly of tho medical school, has purchased the -locmcc Krug cafe and has now opened the Cafe Jacot, lSHTTTStreot, -where he will be at the service of his univer sity friends. 125-3t Hlltner Eros',, Florists, 118 So. 12th St Phone'B Auto 1894, Boll 330. Palms ' and choice flowers of all kinds. The Cosmopolitan Cfub. Will meet Monday, April 24, at 7:30 p. m. In tho science hall of the Temple. All members' are urged to bo present. t spend an additional year In tho study at tho university. This new honor will bo somewhat similar to tho Ph.D., and will be awnrded for work In cortaln broader studies in public law, lega history and jurisprudence. THE PAN-HELLENIC BANQUET GOVERNOR ALDRICH AND BILL EATON TO BE ON THE TOA8T LI8T. Nothing- Is being loft- undone to:. make the Pan-Hellenic banquet como ut) to tho Btandard of the past. A large orchestra has already been en gaged to furnish, music for the occa sion. Some of the best speakers in the state have been Becured and the toast list promises to bo ono of the best over got up for a university ban quet. Governor Aldrich will be among them and most likely Bill Eaton, the humorlBt, who make such a decided hit a year ago. The banquet will be hold at tho Lin coln hotel on the evening of May 2, the night before Ivy day. Uecuuse of tho success achieved last year near ly every man who Is eligible to at tend has signified hlB intention of be lng present. Most of tho fraterni ties will attend In a body and no din ners will be served at any of the chap ter houses that evening. - v - - Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads Will positively not be in serted unless paid In advance, at the rato of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen Words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. rOR 8ALE. For Sale A good kitchen range; nearly new; cheap. See Nebraskan manager. ' tf MILLER'S SOLO PLEA8ES. For Sale Due bill nn leading pho tographer in Lincoln. Bee Nebraskan, manager. tr WANTED. - in Wanted to Buy Old gold and silver jewelry. C. F. Spain & Co., upstairs, 138 No. 12th St. tf Learn toucn typewriting without going to commercial school. Wo fur nish university students with a com plete course in touch typewriting and rent you any mako of typewriter, three months for $6.00. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange, 1406 O street. tf '. i L08T. r University Chorus Shows Much Im provement. The vesper service yesterday after noon was fairly well attended. The vocal solos by Prof. Chnrles H. Miller, supervisor of muBlc In the Lincoln city schools, proved to bo the real feature of tho program. Tho string uartet and organ wore heard as usual anef'the cfiorus' sang ir,HflBaflna?r TTie chorus showed much s Improvement and is singing much better than at tho first of tho series. Mrs. Raymond is to be congratulated on tho harmony which has been developed in the cho rus work. There will bo only one moro vesper service this season. It will lio held next Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. LoBt Exchanged at Colonel C. J. Bills' a pair of long white gloves. Re turn to Nebraskan office for exchange. 125-2t New Cluett Shirts f l K to iars to Mditn FURNISHER AND HATTER 1 325 p STREET Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No.. 11th. George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. Senior pins at University Book Store. 115-10t Ted Marrlner cleaner, dyer, and hatter, 235 No. 11th St. Auto 4876, Bell 1609. .Tho trustees of Columbia unlvor- sity havo proposed to add a new do , groe to those already granted by tho university. This will bo the degree of ; LL.D., and will bo awarded to all law school men securing an LL.B., who Reports received indicate that about all bucket shops in tho state have closed. The Lincoln Commission company quit business as soonas tho new law was signed by tho governor and tho Omaha houses all closed. Representative Latta is In Nebraska suffering from an attack of la grippe and 1b not expected to return to Wash ington for several days. Senator Warren of Wyoming, chair man of tho committee on military af fairs has introduced and had passed a resolution appointing former Senator Nathan Bay Scott of West Virginia a member of the board of governors of tho national soldiers. INVESTIGATE OUR MEN'S $3.00 OXFORDS THEY ARE WINAERS GUN METAL, TAN AND PATENTS YATES-PRENCH GO. 12200 Street.. About Your Spring Duds j It's high time you fellows gave this clothes question a serious thought your old winter Bult 1b beginning to look mighty care worn. Will you have your suit handed uuwu iruiu u pnu oi a uuzuii juui f like It suits made up months n rvi .r. lnr n n.tlf UgU Wl Will JUU Uttin U OUib made to conform to your Indi vidual Ideas and tasteB made to fit you alone? Wo are actually making real tailored clothes for ton dollars less than the kind sold over tho counter called "Just aB good as a tallbr-made." Our shop Is filled with tho new est Ideas in woolens grays and browns predominate 15 min utes here will post you on tho new things and there Is but ono price Your Spring Suit Tailored AS You Order It Imitators Flatter Us UlllHa'J'IIBVdl -138-South-18th-Str You Can Carry It Off on your back if you'buy your spring suit horo. No time lost in waiting for a tailor to make up your suit, no time lost on account of try-ons or alterations. No speculations as to how it will look made up no vex atious delay. You get tho right suit right off. .'M" "Maximum value, minimum cost.. $15.00 to $4Q.OO MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre MI88 WAL8H 18 ILL. MUt Blanche Walsh Is III and will be unable to meet her engagements at the Oliver today and tonight. MONDAY NIGHTAPRIL 24 - THE MIDNIGHT SONS I IllOni II MATINEES Except Monday) a sj LinUULIl BVENINOS AT 8a0 ORPHEUM KM ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Porter J. White &, Co. Ben Welch Lawrence & Fitzgerald Augustln & Hartley Leon &. Adeline Walton & Brandt Black Brothers Mats. 15o and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c LYRIC Beginning Mon. Evening, April 17 A WOMAN'S WAY Every Eve, 8:30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Mats., Wed. and Sat. 16c and 25c IFlfS PBIMTIMRYOU WAN? See Us Before Ordering Elsewhere Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 12H-15W N'o 14th Qt Simmons the Printer PRINTING "" Engraving ' Embooing; Auto. 2319 317S.12tk