ii iiiiyin.nHlMW.JUlm.4JJ.. "L. ,J' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . i : : , r M.i !! iS i ... Si .. , c. ' 1 - 41 ' n tay C nt THE PA1LY JvEBR4M THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Llncol.n, Npfiraaka. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor.. .' J..S. O, COTNER Managing Editor A. th plNSMOtUS Associate Editor T. M. EDGECOMBE AlflOdate Editor RICHARD MEYER ; - "' BU8INE88 8TAPF1 Manager ....V. O. HASOALLi Assistant Manager.... C. C. BUCHANAN Circulation Manager.... J. V. MORRISON REPORTORIAL Athlotlca and Military. .T. J.'haRORAVB Socloty and Personal.. F. C. McCONNELLi Nebraska Hall...;; H. C. HOUGH Sclondca'and Gorman.. E. J. HUBERMAN Engineering R. A. HUNTINGTON Agricultural E. II. GRAVES LAW A. C. SCHMIDT Library and University HalL.H. S. HU8E Assistant Reporter's.1..... V.. V. A. STURM K. S. WHERRY Editorial and Business Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. Postofftcc, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. j. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone! Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888s Auto 3145; Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conts tho Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postodlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. APRIL 8, 1911. 99 ' 1 f 1- w f V- iM thlgg every oijo f hould ha,yo found jput icing ago. upncontrntioA is tno oasis of his unusual success. When this man works at ono thing ho works at it and nothing olso. His wholo force is concentrated on tho, single task bo fojru hinj. Ali other matter's aro for that timo put out of tho ran go of his thought. When tho task is finished he is ready for another. It is theso men who aro leaders in our school, and they aro tho ones who try to put as bnuch into- tho university- as th,ey tako away. There aro many who try to ontor tain a thousand ideas in their heads at ono timo. Consequently thoro is a jumbled conglomeration that is al most equivalent to nothing. Theso pooplo jump from ono thing to another and it is ho uncommon thing to see them flustratod and worriod. Every littlo thing bothers them and they spend moro timo fidgeting about than it would requiro tho other typo of men to overcomp tho obstacle COLD. FEET? (By roquoBt.) Tho students say before tho dance, 'Away, yo cabmen never moro." But when tho fatal night arrives, Tho cabs aro called as days of yoro. "MR. BOB" A 8UCCE88. Now for tho bulldogs and other enhino variqties which froquont tho campus! Thursday a university man had his hand lacerated In attempting -to. part two of thoanimnls which had ongag'ed,1 in a fight, "jjno of Iheso bulldogs 'has becomo so numerous that hq Is a nulBanco. Not a football gamo or any other event can tako placo witho.ut somoono must bring his mas cot or guardian, whlchoyor it happens to bo. Tboap animals havo their placo, And thoy dp not belong at tho univer sity. If thoy can not bp kept at homo thoy should bo turned over to tho dog Unions Stage a Good Performance at Temple Theater Last Night. Tho Union Literary socloty last night successfully -stnged tho comody "Mr. Bob" before a full house in tho Templo theater. Tho parts woro vory well taken and tho audience onjoyed tho production immejnBoly. The caBt was.aB folIoWsT Marlon Bryant "Mr. Bob" Graco Richards Katherlno Luke Lois Smith Phillip Luke Kathorlno's cousin.. Otto Walters Aunt Becky Luko Novo Thomas Jonklns, a butler Wado Goblo Patty, a maid Ina Richards Brown'. Harry Hough t s My $3.50 Oxfords for men this spring have more snap than some of the other stores show at $4.00 and $5.00. I buy my shoes made to order on $4.00 and $5.00 lasts. my shoes might bring $5.00 down JF Cstf town better you see em. JLHrJLst w dip BUDD catcher or shot. Tho ownors of dogs would do well tor tako caro of thorn and do tho university public a favor by kooping them away from tho grounds and buljdinga. FRIDAY EXERCI8E8 ENDED. Ono day this wook tho freshman law class took up a collection and sent a member of their body who is Bick in a hospital a beautiful bunch of flowers. This Is tho proper consideration to snow for othors and tho Bplrit of the laws is to bo commended. TCHE. POWER OF CONCENTRATION. Did you ovor'notico that tho men who aro tho busiest have tho most timo? Havo you not wondered many t'imGB as you saw them seldom in a hurry .and never oxolted, but still ac complishing an amazing lot" of" work? They seem to havo timo to attend uni versity functions of all sorts and aro .alwayB hi tho forofront of every col lpgo, movo. Perhaps you aro trying , tp'pnd timo to got your own lessons ajuthjin, enn not rest for a slnglo hour jjtlfojugottlng b'ohlnd; You havo Lofton thought tiiat this was all because t the opor fellow waa naturally orignt-i 'ori aHtnoVo'"quick-to-learn-t'han your- Vesper Service Yesterday the LaBt of Series A Good Attendance. Tho last YOBper service of this year Was bold at Memorial hall last even ing. Thp attendanco was largo and Will no doubt lnsuro a continuance of tho sorylcqa in tho fall. Professor Molzer played a beautiful violin. poo. H& alsp took Mr. Walt's placo in the string quartet, Mr. Walt being ill. Tho quartqt and organ gave a number frqm the Peer Gynt suite. THE BULLETIN self. r But this is not tho reason. He has discovered ono littlo secret that you have been unablo to stumble upon. It la really no secret at all, hut some April. 8 Dramatic club play, "Christopher, , Junior," Templo theater, 8:30 p. m. 8 Tegner society, banquet hall, Tem plo, 8 p. m. 8 Catholic Students' club, science hall, Temple, 8 p. m. 10 Recital- lecture, Mrs. Edw. Mac Dowolli Temple, 8 j.,m. f 12Spring-vacation-beglnBH-pm, lj Spring jytjeaon ends, "8 a, m. 19 Baron d'Estournellos do Constant, Temple, 8 p. m.' 22 Dramatic" cluif try-outs. ft f ,v ft i fl ( i - A NICE DAINTY LUNCH FOR MINE A nice hot snappy drink on a cold day, and then there are. other soda drinks, too. Egg Drinks, Lemonades, Crushed Fruits, in fact anything in the drinkable line you might desire.- Dainty Punches for parties, Delicious Brick Ice Cteam for banquets, Hot Drinks, -"Vyhipped Cream. THE FOLSOM 1307 Q STREET The Spots Won't Gome Back If Cleaned at ilill ' iM.t) rf-i-u A -a u-o ju. . Ai.A 1 r '-rw EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS (iJhit' ctfll&a k i'at - Temple ScKool Play "THE SOPHMO?I;,, Temple Theatre WEPNESQAY, Apr. 12 25c and 35c Grand Military Ball AUDITORIUM Saturday Evening, May 13tji -- llVvJvlJ4t -.t 1 lA J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheanest. If St. - ' " ' utbl203 u-'",,r,,,',rtr relll47 m a i kmtfiiiak j ' Jl ,"t " ir GLEANERS and DYERS CW jw rrTDT' .i' tri'w -o.ff)7 r5, m" rs TVDP3l70ITPnC ALL MAKES TLtmt:A m! " SOLD i9r gHtffep' grfqfi.' Qyfer.yrftfth t. ,, . L guarantee with every -xna- chineod. Distributors NewjModel, L. C:' Smith "6s: visible. Call or write' for catalogue and. c, -lit '- '' . special price list. 1 B. E. A0lf jC97 Inc. , AutQ phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. 143 So. 13th St., Llnolq, Heir. r fi -r 1 1 V ' n r TNFr T- .ihwwi in !! d 7 v77a77T ATOon Samjtarfam Plangm wfff aw w'jr,wifHifH , HOURS 1" iShtf MoralagVixoV BdVi. till a u ,,"'T " ' v. "lT r5 J4lfcttll,,,rH,, " sarin, T