THE DAILY KEBEASKAN u BfQ PPEANUT SALE NOW ON. I. Y. W. C. A. Girls Raiting Money for Cascade Conference Fund. Today, as announced sorao time ago, is tho timo to buy salted poanuts. Thoy re on salo noar tho library building by mombors of tho Y. W. C. A. Each year tho Y.. W. C. A. holds a conforonco at Cascndo, Colo., and it Is to help ralso monoy for this fund that tho senior girls of tho cabinet have de cldod Jo Uoop shop for n day. The peanuts aro frcsTi ffhcT TfioBcTwIio buy wjll Certainly got their money's worth, as It is Btatcd by tho commltteo that nover boforo havo such luscious poa nuts boon offered to tho university public. BcBldos being for salo on tho campuB thoy may bo procured at the association roqms In tho Tomplo. TO INVESTIGATE FINANCES. Freshman Class to Probe Mysteries of Hop Proceeds. An investigation of tho financial standing and solvency of tho freshman hop commltteo is desired and will bo attempted by members of tho fresh man clns8. At a meeting hold yester day in tho Temple It was decided that a report ' from this commltteo would bo In order, as it Is unddorstood that a cash balanco remains-on hand from tho proceeds of tho hop, and what has becomo of tho money is a iny.Btory to tho class. President Brannon appoint ed a commltteo with Fremont Mitchlo ns chairman to look Into tho matter. Ho alBo appointed a committee to look after the preparation of a "Bklt" for Ivy day. Carl Nagl Is chairman of this committee. $15 to $25 At these prices you will find here a great range of smart styles in Men's and Young Men's Clothes. , Neat pat sterns, rich all wool fabrics ;' garments that are $ocare fully tailored that they will fit you perfectly. These are our most popular prices, and we have obtained clothes this season with more real quality, style and wear in tham than were ever sold before at these prices. ? BETTER SEE THEM ' ''Hi - Other Suits from $10 up to $45 MAYER BROS. ln ordor,vto havo a sufllclontly largo unmoor T6f mon Tntho mob sceno In a play, entitled "Tho County Chairman," 200 studonts at Purduo havo stopped Bhavlng so as to bo fitting participants In tho "scrap." TYPPWRITPDS ALL MAKES Rent applied on purchase x am. ti'Mu -c j S0U) or RENTED price Two year written guarantee with every ma chine sold. Distributors New Model, L. C. Smith & Iros. visible. Call or write for catalogue and n c. TAMCAM nn, special price list. B- F- SW ANSON CO., Inc. Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. 43 So. 13th.St Xincoln, Ncbr. JUST RECEIVED A-frosh shipment of HuyleVs & Whittman'i fino candies Meier Drug Co 1 3 th nqlQ.Btrcet Wisconsin prides herself on taking as much Interest In tho conservation of tho health of tho student body as of the national resources. Tho students of Wisconsin aro try ing to obtain Colonol Roosevelt to speak at tho convocation exorcises thlB spring. 1 . the f ock Bottom reason for this state's success lies in giving the buying, public the Best dollar's worth in cMhes service. You want our service in the matter of clothes buying we want you to have it. Now, suppose you drop in today, tomorrow or next week, and let us demonstrate how we can serve you by providing for you the' best possible clothes at the least possible price. You'll like the New Suit Models, the new weaves and patterns; you'll find just what you want, provided, of course, you want something good The' prices of Spring Suits, Top Coats and Rain Coats ire $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50, $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50, $30, $35 and $40 Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx All Wool, Clothes Hospital Day, Saturday, April 8th fc.' ;J a A "a w . -& i 11 . 1 f ' u. ." r-i - -n I - -i-' & m - : i i m,x .