"J-1.- ill i m.j. ' ii uu M .i HHHKMi6Ktf m WMflBi i i Ml ipwuwrn i i ii i mm TEbe 2alv IFtebtrashan ,,, 4, Vol. X. No. 120 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911. 5 Cwtf. TE Z STRENQUS CAMPAIGN CLOSES THIS MORNING SOPHOMORE CLASS WILLELECT C0RNHU8KER.MEN. winnTrs arjKstill IN DOlM BitteivRght Belna Waned for-Manan- ing Editor and Grave Seniors Lend a Hand. chief of the Chndron high school pa per, a member of clasB basketball iejun ami president of theclasB of 1913 second semester of freshman year. ieaui Jrfsc ENDEAVORS TO INSPIRE PUPIL8. Professor Mays Tells of Plan by Which Much Is Accomplished. Some of IiIb experiences as a tench- At 11:30 this morning jn Memorial, hall the class of 1913 will settle Its last political struggle of the year. The Cornhusker candidates and their friends have been busy canvassing votes during the week and the out come Is doubtful. In some cases the activity has been so strong that even upper classmen have been lending their support to some of the candi dates, and It was no uncommon thing yesterday to see a grave -senior en gaged In Intense argument with a sophomore voter. Mucti! Electlon6er'ing The campaign for business manager has been less strenuous than for the managing editor. Nevertheless both men have been far from Inactive nnd -last-night- neither. was-.willing-to.-glv. outf any statement as to what the re sult would be, except to assert that It would be no walk-away for anybody. Campaigning has nover been of such a strenuous 'nature as that of the pnet few days. The politicians seemed' to pair off and go by twos to catch the sophomore who did not care to be bothered with questions regarding his vote. Because of this formidable or ganization the doors and halls of the buildings were frequently blocked by. thoBp who found a slight opportunity to eSctol the virtues' of their favorite men. Ralph C. Sweeley and Dean D. Mc Brlen are candidates for the position of managing editor. R. C. Sweeley. Ralph C Sweeley, Alpha Theta Chi, Omaha high school, '07, Is an academic. Athletic editor of the Ne- braskun one semester, member of the students publication board und of the Cornhusker and Nebrnskan auditing committees of the same organization, chairman of class Corrihuslter commit tee appointed by the class president. In high schol he was class editor of "The Register." D. D. McBrlen. Dean II. McBrien, Kappa Tau Epsl lon, Platform club, Lincoln high school '09, is an academic. In Lincoln high, school he was assistant editor of the "Advocate." Freshman year in the universltj member of lnterclass de bating board, class secretary, class historian for 1910 Cornhusker Sopho more year member of class Cornbus kor committee, class historian for 1911 Cornhusker and sophomore class rep resentative onthe Cornhusker staff, by appointment of the editor-in-chief. The candidates for business man ager are Joe M. Fitzgerald and Harry Coffee. J. M. Ftzgerald. Joe M. Fitzgerald, Phi Delta Theta, Kearney high Bchool, '10, is .a first vear law.c Inhls3uriior year at KeaP noy-' high school he was business man ager of the Kearney lilgirsT5tf50l-aTin nual book and m bis Senior year wos editor of the same book". . H. B. Coffee. ' a Harry B. Coffee, Alpha Tau Omega, Platform club, Chadron high, school, is er and how ho endeavored to InBplro his pupils was the subBtnnce of a large part of Prof. V. G. Mays' talk at the mid-week meeting at the Y. M. C. A. last evening. Professor Mays told how he always tried to get hiB pupils to realize that their efforts wore for their own good, and by following this plan, he found that they could ac complish mitoh more. His address was interesting and heard by a largo au dience. .Many who Intend to take up teaching found his remarks decidedly "helpful. Professor Mays Is principal of the Lincoln high school. The sub-, ject of his talk was "Advantages of the Teachers' Profession." MRS. HELMS AT CONVOCATION. Song Recital in Memorial Hall at 11 O'clock This Morning. Mrs. Lillian Helms will give u re cital at convocation In .Memorial hall this morning. Shu Iuih n rich soprano voice nnd has appeared before tmlvt slty audiences on numerous occasions. MIbb Ivoulsc Zumwlnkel Ih the ' Tompanistr-ou the piano. J'8ongs nf Spring" is the title of the program. which follows: The World Is Full of April Colough-l.elKhter A Little Maiden IjOVoh a Hoy.... Colough-l.elghtcr Twos April. Novln When I Awoke Wright Swestcrleln ((Ionium Folk Song) Hrahms The Nightingale (Russian Folk Song) Alnhlcff A Countryman's Love Song...... ThomiiK A Song of Sunshine Thomas bflMlitt n TmCfWr Bj f AeSf SENATE AGAINST EXTENSION BY VOTE OF 18 TO 14 GOES ON RECORD FOR ABOLISHING DEPARTMENT. Tlie sojrffle"y(SBtGrday-nfrernoon-nB- discussing appropriations, but did not get so fnr as to put In an item for university maintenance. This can be done when the bill Is further consid ered. The house by a clogo vote yesterday killed a motion to reconsider their ac tion on the Carnegie teachers' , fund. A spirited contest was engaged in,. but the motion lost by a majority of live or six. ' Senator Tibbets' resolution against the university extension department passed the scuato yesterday afternoon by a vote of 18 to 14. Senator Tib bets has long had a grudge ugainst this department, and his resolution demanded that no funds be spent for its support. Tibbets said the department was not producing results, and it only afford ed an opportunity for political speak ers to spread political doctrines. Other senators argued differently, but the resolution prevailed. As the date for Introducing bills had passed, Tibbets Introduced his mo tion as a joint resolution, and it will have no final effect, only In so far as It records the sentiment of tho legislators. MISS WARTON COACHES UNIONS. "Mr. Bob" Is Full of Fun and Should Appeal to Lovers of Cats. MIbb Alpha Warton, who Is coaching the Temple high school senior class play, is also coaching the Unions, who will put on "Mr. Bob" nt the Temple tomorrow nigh tr- HBBWarton-4-a--tTr-thIr uhUuihIij IJiumiiiaiu iueuiuer ui mc unmimir club, and has a part In the play that will be presented Saturday night. Dally rehearsals have been held for some time. "Mr. Bob" Is full of fun, und will appeal especially to old ninldB who arc fond of catB. ADMISSION WILL CHAACC TO AFTCftfOtW EVENTS. fm nt kst lust mm Mernlng Entertainment at the City Campus Will Be Free Glee Chid May ting. Several new features IM he tnfcot cd into the Ivy day jrogr.M Ibis yrr Wednesday. .May X baa Item M-t aid for the relehratkiu and -no elan wHi he held during lli? entire day T committee has Iwen tnakinx MFutixe merits for the detail of lb prugraai and has Ii work 4lHSHlrf-iy- Thc morning Hotbrain wilt ft IwjW on the rlty campus and wH4 be ?! I to everyone without Tb- ftm iiuiiiber will le the titular 4 ih elass song, which will prutatl tmr formed by the lee i-lak 'fben tfee Ivy duy oration will be dltrwfed ajr J. T Vutava, and the elaaa m HI hen-cad by tho author who tut eK y been nppolnted by the rwMtit f sb seHlor I'laaa. Tliia HI hr MkWfd by the prerentaiioti of ibe rku& $4H ttLUI)-C8 iMU.a w he snmethlnR worth while and Mfrli HARMON'S TALK INTERESTING. Will Lecture on Passion Play Itself Next Tuesday. Rev. II. H. Harmon's talk on tho Passion Play, which he gave Tuesdny evening In the Y. W. C. A. rooms, at the Temple, was oxtremely Interest ing as well as Instructive. Ilov. IlHr mon talked about the general sur roundings and sotting of the piny, nnd having been a spectator nt tho pro duction lately In Oberammcrgau, he was able to give a vivid description of the country. He will lecture again Tuesday, April 11, on tho play Itself. FOREST CLUB CONVENES. EXPERT GIVES LECTURE. W. H.Mast of the Government Service Teaches Forestry Students. ' .;VVT, tl, ;Iast,of the. government for estry service Is In Lincoln giving a qourse of lectures for the forestry stu- xlents. It has been a yearly practice of the forestry. department to secure experts from the government, service to como here, fresh from the field, and give lectures to the department; This plan is said t6 have been, productive of satisfactory results. Mr.- Mast has been working most recently in the government preserve near Gunnison, Golo. He wb edUbr-ln -NOTICEr: Addresses by Richard Phillips and W. F. Mast Interesting. The regular meetjng of tho Forest club was held last evening, lllchard Phillips, one, of the" party of students who regently spent a month investi gating lumber conditions in the lake states, gqve an address on "lagging In Wisconsin." W. P. Mast, who Is connected with, the United States for est service, also spoke on "Red Cedar for Pencil Wood in Florida," will remain long to u-mlad- rMtaK generations of the xrallttide of I4it for her alma mater In Farmer. Yrs. List year the lights wfehrk wtm It luinlne the entrance to ll llSrarjj were donated. In 1909 lb rH & stated of the fountain bHwrrn kf Administration building and t library; In 1MK, the statue of I-bv theiiea In the Teiujde; i 1H7. & sun dial; nnd In l!rtrfi, a tn M-al, The gift will probably be firriwtitejfcjr the chairman of 'the: sift rwmailtte and accepted tm Iiehalf of tb ttalrer slty by Chanrellor Avery, Plantlnf the Ivy. The planting of the Ivy betide ,ne of tho new- buIMInga by i'rtti&tnt Ambcrson and the sevtor vIasa will thep follow- The last eieat of tie morning will Ite the Maypole danre by the Henlor girls, whirh is mf of" tho most impressive happrnlngs of fb day. The daisy ehaln which was in troduced last year will be ued again this sprlHg. At 2 o'clock In the afterooo the students will again asaewMe -at tk stale farm. Ah athietie meet betweM the four classes wlH be beW fkt imi the winners H"eented kM the brg trophy CHp which wm wmi by tb freshmeR last year. TM hM b fid lowed by the aanl baseWM mjm botween the Iron flpbtn ad tie Spikes. ATTRACTS FAMED 8CIENTIST. An Important meeting of the mem ber of the senior and junior lyy day committees will be held Thursday morning at 1t o'clock. C. J. LORb, --" '"" " Chairman. Research Work by Prof. F. O. Barker Is Highly Complimented. In a recent number of tho "Archives de Parlsitologle," published in Paris and the leading periodical of the world In'the field of parasitology, Professor Blanchard, a helmlntohologlst of In- tne absence el CheneeHer Avery. ternationaleputaMQncjUiflnjieriLlojL.Watjna1volilab! Promptly at 5 eVIeck the new leeo. cents will be annewnecd frees n dn form which will be erected beefcte of the bHlldingi. Ne ee fcnewe wtbe Is to be seleeted, awlthe neHve cents, garbed In thetr red newM large hoods, meve abewt thpangh 4e throng and take ene by e teen chosen Jnnlers ad tend the platform. An adroes win be made by an Innsaant Professor Keeeier seehe leet year m In a highly complimentary way to a recent piece, of research from the zoological laboratory of the University of Nebraska, done by .Dr. FD, Barker and soon to be published In the Archives. ' ' Ing tho engagement. At alWHt 8 e'eleek ktneh m be served to .all these prsssnt a4 a cert by the bend W be Hive sTlAniLsmsBBBdl Ml VbnaUI 4 V 31 . 1 t a first year law.